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  1. Advent
    Close, it was actually Andrew Jackson right after he slapped every Supreme Court justice in their bank-loving faces.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Advent
    “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than creating the dankest memes and shitposting on the internet from your mother's basement?”
    ― George Washington
    Post by: Advent, Nov 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Advent
    Grilled chicken breast is a solid place to start. Really versatile in that you can season it a ton of different ways, and it's a good base for a lot of different dishes. A personal favorite of mine is chicken breast seasoned with parsley, garlic, and a little black pepper, served over pasta with some steamed veggies (broccoli and cauliflower are both p great). Sauce optional; I usually go with just a little bit of alfredo. All-in-all the ingredients are pretty cheap, and it's a solidly healthy meal (especially if you opt for low-fat alfredo and/or whole-wheat pasta).
    Post by: Advent, Nov 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Advent
    I'm very much a casual player as well, no worries. I'm confident you'll put something nifty together; I'm really excited to hear what you've got in mind.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 6, 2016 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Advent
    Yeah man, no doubt.
    So the sample goes: First bit - Second bit - First bit - Second bit (slightly modified)
    First bit: C#M, C#M 7th, A# Suspended 4th Sharp 5th, A# Augmented, F Suspended 4th Sharp 5th, C Suspended 4th Sharp 5th
    Second bit: C#M, C#M 7th, G# Major, F# barre, A# Suspended 4th Sharp 5th, A# Augmented, F Suspended 4th Sharp 5th, C Suspended 4th Sharp 5th, C#M

    Sorry that so many of them are mad weird. I kinda just put a capo on the first fret and put some chords together that sounded nice. Didn't realize they'd be such weirdos when I put them into chord-naming software.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016 in forum: Production Studio
  6. Advent
  7. Advent
    Collab I (if anyone has some clever name ideas, go ahead and post 'em)
    Key: A# minor
    Time signature: 4/4
    Tempo: 120 BPM

    I'm contributing rhythm guitar played on an acoustic. My recording setup is kinda lackluster. Really it's just my laptop's microphone. So if you guys think that this recording is too low-quality or for whatever other reason you think I should rerecord it, just let me know.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Advent
    The idea of this thread is to bring the musicians of the site together to collaborate casually (or hardcore, whatever you wanna do) on a song. It'll work like the graphics worm: someone will start by posting an audio sample of something they wrote (ideally 30 seconds or longer so that there's something substantial to work with), then the next person will download the sample and lay down another layer of sound over it. Then that person uploads that new audio, and the cycle continues with people adding layers and layers onto the audio until it sounds complete.

    General Guidelines
    • The easiest way to get a full-fledged song going would probably be to start with a short clip, get a few people contributing to it, then expand on it if you think that the initial short collab sounds good. But that's just one man's opinion.
    • If you're uploading the first audio sample of a collab, post the key, time signature, and tempo along with a link to the sample ( is pretty solid for this). You should also give it a unique name in order to distinguish it from any other collabs in the thread.
    • I'd highly recommend putting in headphones and listening to a metronome at the appropriate BPM while recording; even if your rhyhm and timing are naturally great, it couldn't hurt. Search "metronome" on Google to use one right in your browser.
    • As long as the recording isn't full of static, it should be fine; that being said, please try to make your recordings as high-quality as possible.
    • Save the individual tracks you record for the collab; if adjustments need to be made to your track of the collab (volume, timing, etc.) they can be made easily without necessarily having to rerecord.
    • Constructive critique is encouraged, just don't be a butthole about it.
    • If you wanna be super helpful, include in your first post a list of the instruments (including vocals, obvi) and audio software you're proficient with and capable of recording. I'll keep a master list of this going in the OP.
    • If there's a collab actively being worked on that you're not interested in participating in, you can go ahead and start your own.
    Recording Your Samples/Adding Onto Collabs
    • There are a number of ways to record and add onto audio tracks, but the best free option (in my opinion) is Audacity. You can download this software (again, for free) here.
    • In order to export recorded tracks as MP3s, you need to download the file lame_enc.dll. You can download it here. Put it in a location where you'll remember it, because Audacity will ask you to locate it the first time you try to export an MP3.
    • If you aren't familiar with Audacity, here's a pretty solid beginner tutorial.
    • If you don't feel like watching all of that, here are the basic steps to contributing to collabs:
      (Skip to step 2 if you're starting a new collab.)
      1. Open the latest iteration of the collab you're working on in Audacity and mute the track.
      2. Find the picture of a microphone underneath the play/pause/stop/record buttons. Click on the dropdown menu to the right of it and make sure that the recording device is set to whatever microphone you're trying to use.
      3. Hit the record button and start jamming.
      (Skip to step 7 if you're starting a new collab.)
      4. With the in-progress collab track still muted, export the MP3 of your recorded track (File -> Export Audio...).
      5. Unmute the in-progress collab track so that you can hear it along with your newly recorded audio. Allign your track with the in-progress collab track so that the measures line up properly. You can do this by selecting and deleting silence from the beginnings of the tracks, or by adding silence to the beginnings of the tracks (Generate -> Silence).
      6. Adjust the volume of your track so that it's appropriately loud relative to the rest of the collab (Effect -> Amplify). After this step, your new track should sound blended in with the rest of the collab.
      7. Export the audio as an MP3 (File -> Export Audio... -- make sure all tracks are unmuted).
      8. Upload the MP3 to a file-sharing website (like I said earlier, I'm fond of and post it in this thread as a response to the last person who contributed to the collab.

    On that note (hah, I'm goddamn hilarious), let's jam.

    Participant Master List
    • Advent - Acoustic guitar, electric guitar
    • jafar - Acoustic guitar
    • Laplace - Electric guitar, bass, vocals
    • . : tale : . - Vocals, viola
    • Marushi - Vocals
    Thread by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Advent
    Ayy ben bb <3

    My "recording setup" is really just me playing my instrument in the direction of my computer's microphone. The quality isn't terrible, but it's far from professional. (I wish I could afford actual acoustic/electric guitar recording gear.) So yeah, if you wanna try recording that way then go for it, it's what I'll be doing. I'm more expecting this to be a fun way to see what we can make collaboratively as opposed to production of a quality recording.

    I'll hit you up though! Right now I'm technically procrastinating studying, but once I have some free time we'll make some beautiful music together. Then we'll break out our instruments.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Advent
    Yo kids, do any of you play any instruments? Are any of you at least decent with music-making software (e.g. Frooty Loops)? Is there even a single person out there who can sing?

    If you answered yes to any of those, keep reading. I've been wanting to try something out on here for a while. Stop me if this is already being done. My idea is to do something like the graphics worm but with music. For example, I'd record and upload a bass line, then someone would take it and lay down a guitar solo or a drumbeat or some vocals or whatever over it. Then they'd upload a recording of that and someone would add onto it, and it would develop into something pretty nice sounding (or a complete mess).

    Would anyone have any interest in this kinda thing?
    Thread by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Advent
    I don't care what the current conversation itt is, but if you can get a fatass PS3 that plays PS2 games, go for it. My fat PS3 is my baby. <3
    Post by: Advent, Nov 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Advent
    No one cares about Halloween costumes anymore? No one? Welp I don't care, this board is dead af anyway.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Advent
    I still miss the teal.
    Post by: Advent, Nov 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Advent
    *gets on the floor*
    *everybody walks the dinosaur*
    Post by: Advent, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Advent


    Are flies called flies because they fly, or is flying called flying because flies fly?
    Thread by: Advent, Sep 1, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Advent

    In all seriousness though, here's my first track demo. I recorded this with my laptop's microphone and edited it with the basic tools in Audacity, so this is obviously more than a little rough around the edges. I also live in a dorm with incredibly thin walls, so the vocal track is kinda low at points because I didn't want to disturb my roommates with my sick flow. I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts on the content itself. The track is noticeably more clear if you listen to it with headphones.

    The song isn't serious or deep at all; my buddy told me I should write a song about the Food Network yesterday, so I went along with it. I'm also gonna slip this in here for no particular reason.

    Rock and roll?
    Thread by: Advent, Aug 29, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  17. Advent
    These guys are a prog rock band from New Jersey. They're very, very talented and have great stage presence. Plus the vocalist has some real slick dance moves. If you're at all into progressive rock and haven't checked these guys out, you're missing out. These songs are a good place to start:

    Thread by: Advent, Jul 24, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  18. Advent
    Yeah, I messed up with the links the first time, pretty sure it's fixed up now.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 19, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Advent
    CnC plz
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 19, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Advent
    Really awesome to see something like this catching on around here. I have a couple of suggestions for anyone trying to get fit:

    1. Diet is paramount. You'll at best just be spinning your wheels if you exercise and don't diet strictly to complement it. I recommend using Scooby's Custom Fitness Meal Planner to at least give you an idea of how you should be eating to meet your particular goals.
    2. Regular cardio is very important for overall health as well as dat aesthetic. Contrary to popular belief, it does not kill muscle gains as long as you make sure you're eating enough calories. Cardio is something you should be doing whether you're trying to lose fat or build muscle mass. Shoot for at least half an hour of activity when doing cardio, aiming to reach to and maintain a target heart rate appropriate for your age.
    3. Allow yourself one controlled cheat meal every week. (i.e. Have a slice, not half the cake.) This will help you to fight off temptations for the rest of the week. Make sure this meal is planned ahead of time instead of just impulsively decided on.

    (I learned basically everything I know about fitness from scooby1961; you should definitely check out his videos if you're trying to get into fitness.)
    Post by: Advent, Jun 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone