Love Professor Lupin<3 *Runs*
Aww Coco D:...You do not fail XD!! *Revives* The family's been a bit dead....
The girls looked over, only one seeming interested. She stopped and bent down, "Hi, kitty!" Charcoal and Yi ran down the street and across not to be seen, they hopped up on the buildings and kept skipping the roof tops till they were over the girls The other girl sighed, "Come on!" The girl smiled, "No he looks lonely!" She protested and reached her hand toward him to pet Kokoa flashed his eyes at Yi and Charcoal. In a blink of an eye the girls hand flew on the ground, blood everywhere The girl screamed, along with the other girl Kokoa tackled the girl and started doing....Some very violent stuff... The other girl attempted to run but Charcoal landed on her head, Yi clawing her throat Lets just say in about 2 mintues both were very much dead. ---------- Yu yu snickered, "Lets play hide and seek."
Yi appeared by them but just saw them fly by, she pouted then threw off the dress *She has her clothes under* and morphed into a cat also Charcoal looked behind him, "Company." Kokoa looked over his shoulder then forward, stopping by a stack of boxes, seeing 2 girls walking together is their winter coats, both about 18 or 19 Charcoal stopped Yi skidded and bumped Charcoal into Kokoa, she sat down and licked her paw, "Cant we have boys for prey instead....?" Kokoa smashed into the box, "No." He said in a stern voice as he got back up and shaked. He walked out of the alley and towards the girls, meowing Charcoal gave Yi a death glare and followed Kokoa Yu yu shrugged and looked at Mitsru, throwing her aside, "I need a more entertaining game..."
Hmm...Well your on mine xD And it always says your offline ;~; Yeaahhh!
:D Tell her I said HI Your on mine...Thats weird D: PUNCH IT!
Kokoa swallowed the gun, somehow, and morphed into a cat Charcoal twitched then did so too, following Kokoa as the ran through the adandoned streets into town Yi looked off to the door, "I think Im going with them." She said and disapeared, her dress still on Yu yu looked down sadly
D: I cant get on tonight, my computer is being whack T^T But I already have you as a friend D: Thats bad
I CAN. Ive been waiting for you! DX YOU DEAD.
OOC: Well...Kind of, just a power up for the TL's.. Yi pretended to drink her tea then giggled Yu yu sipped her cup, "Its nice...." Kokoa came down the stairs, clicking a long gun in his hand, "Hungry." He stated blankly before going out the entrance Charcoal looked at him and followed, simply bored
Yi came back and tossed them both these beautiful white dresses, she was already wearing hers. She sat on her knee's on the ground and squeeled Charcoal faded away and reappeared in a corner, he sat criss-cross and huntched his back, either drawing on the wall with dust or just talking to himself Yu yu disapeared and appeared back, changed. She sat down and pour Yi and Mitsru some tea Kokoa rested his arms with a thump on the open arched space at the top of the clock tower *Located on the side*, he sighed and looked out at the disapearing sunset. As the day darkened a smirk slowly spread across his face, and his eyes slowly started to glow a bit OOC: Just thought of something new
Yu yu held Mitsru as if she was a teddy bear, staring down at her with hopeless misery, "Can we just play...." Yi nudged Nova then went to get the old dresses Yu yu got the old teapot, plates, and cups she also stole and set them on the ground
Aww Rosey D: Do you need to rant to anyone? If you do Im always here<3
Yu yu and Yi exchanged looks before Yi spoke up. She twiddled her fingers together, "Well...Kokoa was stealing a artifact he wanted to study and he woke us up so we came with him...."
Demi- Im adding ya<3 ブラックロックシューター- Whats your account? Cloud- What do you need help with?
Kissing You- So Nyeo Shi Dae
Yu yu giggled then her miserable appearance faded back, she looked at Charcoal who was laying on his side on the ground, "Do you want to play too......?" Charcoal opened his eyes slowly and looked over his shoulder at her then dropped his head back down and closed his eyes Yu yu looked at Yi who was sitting on the high steps, swinging her legs off Yi squeeled and jumped down like a flower petel, leaving no dent in the ground. "We can use those old fancy dresses we stole from the museum!"
I love both of them<3 They are equally good pets and are both equally adorable :3 Honestly though, I perfer dogs better. They make me feel more protected, I can rough house with them xD And they can also swim *Not all, and some cats do but you know* Im also high allergic to cats...>.>...
ARG! Whats a time when everyone is on? Forget it...Im going to make a chat. PLLEASEEE post all your usernames, and keep posting them in everypost! Im making a list on the first page and if yours isnt on there then PM me!
Kokoa smirked then sighed and started up the old long, spiral staircase up to the of the clocktower Yu yu grabbed Mitsru like a doll, "Lets go play tea party!" She squeeled then looked at Nova with sad puppy eyes, "Will you and the human play with me....?"