OOC: Shave XD Be right back Niw sighed and looked around, "Where is everyone?" He asked, rubbing some remaining wounds that were healing Kokoa smirked then snickered, "Thats between me and the human.." Yu yu fell miserable, "You let our toy go....." Charcoal looked at Yu yu then at Kokoa with a smirk in his eye Yi appeared and threw Mitsru on the ground, "I suspected you still want her?" Kokoa shrugged, "I guess, without her it makes it like...0.1 eaiser..? Or whatever half of 0.1 is, if there is a half.."
You scared me Dx I thought I spelled something wrong or didnt make sense! But yeah......Well, what if like....Pregnancy makes the girl all b*tchy o.o? On the other hand.... *Glomp* Hiiiii 8D
Both girls screamed and slapped each other constantly, now starting to just slap each other hands rapidly in a girly manner Yi screamed, "God just get off!!!" She squeaked and hit a pressure point, making her fall straight limp. She slung Mitsru over her shoulder then kissed Kii's cheek, "See you later cutie!" She said before disapearing Niw groaned and looked up at her, "Are we going home...?" Kokoa ran through the clock tower door and looked back briefly before laughing, starting from normal to maniacally Yu yu looked at him, "What'd you do....." Charcoal was sitting on the stairs, Kokoa getting his attention
OOC: Be right back, shower ;D Yi kicked rapidly, though not very hurtful Mitsru has her eyes shut, head looking the other way as she pulled and scratched at Yi Kokoa kicked him once to see if he was still alive, then after a groan from Niw he ran off Niw groaned and rubbed his side before falling over
Yu yu muttered a whine and climbed onto Charcoals back, "Take me home..." She asked, her face falling back to its normal misery Charcoal blinked and turned to walked back Yi turned into a cheetah and ran in front of Mitsru, stopping her Mitsru dropped Kii and growled, "I SOOOOO dont have time for this!!" She snarled with bit of an edge Yi turned back to normal, "Ooooooo..The less pretty girls mad." Mitsru froze then ran at her and grabbed her throat, shaking her, as if in a cat fight Kokoa yawned as he appeared out of the city, miles and miles away, "Now.." He said and swung/turned to Niw Niw was sitting in a slouch, legs out straight as his wounds bled little Kokoa tapped his temple then sighed, "Okay, Im just killing you..." He groaned and looked at him then stopped, "No....." He muttered then went to him, "You have to make a promise." He said and whispered to him Niw looked at him weakly then dropped his head
Mitsru swung her leg back and whamed Yu yu in the stomach with her foot before doing a little 'flip and kick' on Nova, hitting her face and knocking her down. She grabbed Kii and ran as fast as she could, "God your heavy!" Yu yu got the wind knocked out of her, she coughed Kokoa shrugged with a bliss smile, "Thats my name!" He snickered grabbed the scythe swinging it along with her and throwing her into a tree. He grabbed Niw and smirked, "Since you've....Barely fixed the damage I think I have a better fate for our buddy." He said and did a salute before disapearing Charcoal blinked and watched Mitsru run, "Should we get her..." He asked bitterly, not really catching up with what was happening Yi ran off in a 'sportsy' mode, "Probably!"
I really wanna' see it ^^ It doesnt quite catch my attention as much as some of Miyazaki's movies but Ponyo seriously looks so adorable c: Not very fond of some of the voice actors though /: Guess Ill see how it is when I see it<3
Yu yu grabbed Mitsru and ran to Nova, her eyes sparkling, "Another toy!!!!" Mitsru gasped when she saw Kii, "Y-You!!" She said and pointed at him Niw struggled and then breathed in, "Get out of here!" He yelled, Kokoa pulling him back Kokoa grabbed Niw's chin firmly and made him look at him, "Trying to save your friend? Im afraid thats too late..." He laughed, getting louder and louder. His eyes darkered a bit as they grew wider Niw's eyes got bigger as he stared at Kokoa Kokoa looked at Amayo, "I think it might be interesting if I just...." His nails popped out in a 'shrink' sound and stabbed straight through Niw's stomach, "Killed him right here..." He added and dropped the screaming Niw to the ground Niw hit the ground silent, blood rushed out Charcoal appeared by Yu yu, "Whats going on...?" He asked a bit confused, Yi appearing next to him
Kokoa appeared behind Niw, "Well, I was hoping I'd find you." He said and winked to Amayo, putting a arm around Niw as he talked to her Niw was a little bloody from the trips, and leechs. He froze in his place and looked at Amayo Mitsru started to breath hard with fear, her stress made her turn back into human form. She ran as fast as she could, hearing Yu yu coming a couple miles behind Yu yu sniffed and started to laugh, "Im gonna' get you!!" Charcoal and Yi blinked at each other and disapeared to go help somehow
Ooooh, hate when that happens /: Im guessing you have no feelings for him? Hmm..The only time Ive been in cheerleading was when I was little but I can imagine ;~; How olds your captain, getting pregnant seems like one of the worst things you can do .__.
OOC: Oh rarly? Thats good :3 Did you start school yet....? Kokoa twitched then sniffed, "I smell....Annoying..." He grumbled at the end and rolled his shoulders Charcoal pushed Yi away again and looked at him with a 'what?' face Kokoa coughed and looked at Mako, "Go search the area..." Charcoal pushed Yi off again and finally snaped at her Yi squeeled back then crossed her arms with a huff, "Im going to the clock." She whined and ran up the stairs Yu yu looked at Kokoa, then lit up and ran off, tracking Mitsru and Niw ------------------ Mitsru sniffed around before her ear twisted back to hear something getter a bit closer, but still far away Niw ran through a swamp and had a leech problem ------------------ Kokoa twitched again, "Nova go get the human and the fox..." He said and ran off in a blur
D: Aww..Im sorry :/ *Growl* Tamaki's just better...Near is cute but Tamaki is hott. :/ Mmmm...Thats some rotten luck....So people are giving ya' trouble? O.o Thats my next year xD Yay.....
OOC: Dx Then Ill save it! So how ya been :3? Yu yu grabbed a random piece and nawed on it impatiently Yi blinked and looked at her weirdly then looked at Nova, "Whats up with her?" Kokoa appeared and yawned Yi dropped the subject and tackled Charcoal as he appeared, "I missed you..." Charcoal, pushing her slowly away, simply huffed. Not interested --------- Mitsru moved swiftly through the rather open right-side forest, sniffing the wind for scents of people so she could find her way back home Niw fell into a swamp...Two, and also fell into bushes and got many cuts
D: My dad pays for my tickets XD Im very lucky c: ...It did? Whats different..? Tamaki's better.....*RUNS*
OOC: This thread is soo dying .____. Yu yu brightned up for a second, "Yeah you hunt too," She sunk back down "I forgot to add that....." She stated then pushed Niw and Mitsru to signal them to run, then closed her eyes and started counting, "1 daisy, 2 daisy....." Niw and Mitsru stared at each other with panic Niw grabbed Mitsru's hand and ran off, "Come on!" Mitsru sniffed, "Im scared! What if they do kill us!?" Niw looked around then stopped and slapped her, "Thats for slapping me...But you need to get ahold of yourself...Woman! Turn into your foxform and get the h*ll out of here!" Mitsru rubbed her face then looked at him, "B-But your my responsibility! I got you into this whole mess...." She said and burst into tears and hugged him Niw blinked then pulled her away and put his hands on her shoulders, "You gotta' go. They said they couldnt kill us so Ill be fine...You run and go back home." Mitsru just started to cry again, after a quick shake from Niw she changed and ran off, going in water to wash off her scent Niw immediatly ran off the other direction into thick forest -------------------- Yi ran into the clock tower wall and dropped the ribs and the arm, "Dinner!" She announced and looked at Mako Kokoa and Charcoal had placed some roughed-looking man who was passed out from a gash they had put, and a butcher knife and gun were in his hands Charcoal yawned, "Kind of silly..." Kokoa shrugged, "Its better to not let the humans know we are here..." He said then elbowed him, "Lets go back, somethings up." Charcoal nodded and the two disapeared OOC: Long post .___.
I have 6 green squares c: Yay<33 Like all of my rep comes from the family XD *Ish loser* I saw Inglorious B*stards and it was rarrlly good 8D But violent >.< Im not good with violence... OMG ANYONE SEE PONYO YET??? I want to see it soooo bad :3
Oooh thats fantastic ;D!! Your so good at shading! And realism, I cant draw a single real thing :/ +Rep
School started ;~;....Anyone else start school?
Wait, what o.O? Why did ya' need to copy names down :/?
^^^ I found out that noodles origanlly came from China o: I thought they were from Italy.... I AM SO MAD. My dad/sister wont let me get my precious circle lenses ;~;, they dont understand the finer products in life..