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  1. myoblivion
    Niw sighed and looked around his house, "My parents are probably going to come home soon..." He stated, doing a memory walk through the front room

    Mitsru rested her head and side agasint the dusty wall but then looked at Nova, "Are you sure he has a heart." She said sounding like rocks were in her throat, not really making a question
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. myoblivion
    Mitsru sat back and swung her fist in a 'Dang' gesture, "Sh*t." She mummbled and made her claws appear, starting the claw at the floor

    Niw nodded, "Sounds good...."
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. myoblivion
    Niw blushed and hugged her back, he squeezed her tight then let go and sighed, "Its starting to snow...Any chance you know where we are? I can barely remember anything..."

    Mitsru thought for a second then made the cutest, most helpless face she could make. She puffed out her lip cutely and made sad eyes, reaching to Mako, not strainfully but more relaxed like she actually wanted to touch him

    Yi shook her head slowly at Kokoa before flumping back down in the blankets
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. myoblivion
    Niw blinked again, more surprised, he panicked. "U-Umm...So...Mitsru couldnt either..." He said and scratched the back of his head, "Its not your fault, really!"

    Kokoa looked at Mitsru and Mako for a brief second then clicked his tounge

    Charcoal looked at him annoyed

    Kokoa walked out the doors

    Yi rubbed her eyes as she woke up, "Kokoa, its likes 5 in the morning, and its starting to snow...What are you doing?"

    Kokoa chuckled in the small distance as Charcoal lazily loped up and dragged himself after him

    Mitsru got distracted from him coming down then reached for Mako again, "When I get out of here your the first Im getting rid off!!!"
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. myoblivion
    I dont know....Im really picky...I guess I dont like the spices
    I dont really like Itailian either because of all the cheese and butter
    *Really hope Im not being a sterotypist*
    But yah xD I dont really like American either...I only go out to dinner at Asian restraunts .___. Maybe because its my race but I just like Ill the flavors and spices<333

    Ooooh, I love your shading 8D I think the head is a little to forward for her neck :/ Other than that its really pretty, I like the colors ^^
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  6. myoblivion
    Niw blinked, a little surprised, "Its not your fault, they're....They're...Monsters. I dont even think anything can scratch them.."

    Kokoa chuckled with a edge before throwing the dead cigarette, "Its nothing." He said and pulled up his legs, going downstairs

    Mitsru held her breath and reached, streched, as far as she could but still couldnt reach Mako
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. myoblivion
    Kokoa smirked, "If we were man-made then why dont we make more of us.." He said, obviously cooking up something

    Niw looked at her, a little confused, "Really?"

    Mitsru frowned and tugged, "WILL YOU GET AWAY!" She screamed and rattled her chains, making a failing threat
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. myoblivion
    Kokoa chuckled dryly before having a very serious face, "Ive been thinking...."

    Niw smiled and nodded, "Yeah, you?"

    Mitsru tugged tiredly at the chain, "CAN YOU STOP STARING!?" She yelled and tugged again, "Your making this 'prisoner' thing a LOT more nerve wrecking!"
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. myoblivion
    Niw sat up and looked at Amayo over his shoulder, "Morning..."

    Mitsru huffed and rubbed some dirt off her face before tugging at the chains

    Kokoa blew out more smoke before smiling charmily, "Sure"
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. myoblivion
    Random change in subject:

    I dont like Mexican food very much .____.
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  11. myoblivion
    Niw groaned sleepily and lazily pushed her hand away
    Mitsru grabbed the collar and pulled, she barried her face in her hands for a couple mintues then looked at Mako looking at her, "What."

    Kokoa blew out smoke and looked down at her, "Hey." He answered before breathing in more cigarette
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. myoblivion
    Niw was asleep across from her, back facing her
    Mitsru woke up slowly, letting out a quiet scream when she just saw Charcoal's face blocking everything else in view

    Charcoal's eyes almost glowed in the dim light, he was leaning over her, just checking

    Yu yu was curled up still asleep in blankets, Yi being the one who had lost her blankets

    Kokoa was up already, plessurely smoking up in the clock room. Sitting legs hanging out of a high side-wall window

    Mitsru gave Charcoal one of those b*tchy looks, "What."

    Charcoal blinked then stood up straight, giving her a b*tchy look back before leaving

    Mitsru crossed her arms and huffed before realizing she was chained to the wall by a steel chain and collar
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. myoblivion
    Kokoa shooshed Yu yu's hair, "Its better if he stays with them...Trust me.." He said with an odd egde, a sly light appearing on his face. He chuckled briefly then sighed, "We better get some rest."

    OOC: >.< MMMK!
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. myoblivion
    OOC: .........

    Niw sighed, Great...., he groaned and looked around where they were

    Yu yu looked away with her eyes, "Its not as fun as the boy through...."

    Kokoa patted Yu yu's head, though she flinched, "Cant spoil ourselves."
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. myoblivion
    Mmmm hmmmm

    Thats painful, and tragic...Kickers always end up hurting someone in the end, raise her well or she will kill you o:
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  16. myoblivion
    Too late :lolface:

    Ohh bahahaha! Thats a knee slapper xD
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  17. myoblivion
    Oh my, my....Im getting old...D:<
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  18. myoblivion
    God, it was right under my nose!
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. myoblivion
    Cloud...Did you have a child without telling us 8D D8?
    Sorry >.< I had to giggle
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. myoblivion
    Niw looked at her worried, "Are you okay?" He asked, trying to dust some dirt off himself but failing

    Yi crossed her arms and huffed

    OOC: Want to make it morning soon?
    Post by: myoblivion, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home