Ooooh, I like the shading, and I just have to give you props for drawing a rose .___. Roses are my worst enemy, no offense Rosey.
I have to take Drivers Ed c: Yay... I see...Vocialoids. xD
WELL, lucky xD I have finals next week :/gasp: But you sound like your doing quite well c:
Did you know the extra cheese on your fingers from eating Cheetos is offiacly called Cheedle? Nothing c: How are youuu?
Not sure if for...Men of a certain age xD Like adults who are like 40 or something but I like it haha! IT HAS RAY ROMANO!!!
xD Well, a D is still passing xD
Aww haha D: I am not looking towards finals, I have them next week... Though I started my Chinese and got a C so dont feel bad c:
So dead x__x..... So I found out that Men of a Certain Age is a good show xD Is that weird o___o?
O.o Seriously??? xD Dont be hun, Im a good listener :3 Feel free to talk to me anytime<3 Ive been good, actually really good ^^ And my...
Aww that sounds horrible D: If you need to talk to anyone you can always talk to me xD!
God .____. Im a day late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY c:
xD Ive missed you too! How is everything c:?
^^ Oooh thats pretty good c: Lovee the shading and her eyes<333 o: When is this birthday....?
Hehehe, yes invisable! Actually Ill go out of it XD
O.o Thats really creepppyyyyy...I hate teachers sometimes .__. OMG, Thanksgiving break is almost here<3
Im sure your not lying .___. At practice the other day my teacher was out there and my friend watched him and said he watched our legs when we ran o.o Perrvvv.v...
Muhh, yeah yeah! Thumbs down on personal things. It really sucks when you dont like the teacher too .___. I have to mention: I think my Social science teacher is a pervert..
WELL. Someone loves Flapjack and Tee Hee Tummy Tums <: <333 Has anyone else been freaking busy from school? I havent been able to do anything because of homework and practice .____. Very annoying. AND I HATE writing crappy autobiographies for LA, isnt our life our buisness o___o Muh.
Bleepity bleep. My XCrountry team made it to state :x Yay~ I havent roleplayed in like forever and I just love my OC's, so I think I might close my semi-recent thread and make up something new if anyone wants to joinnn...
Omgosh. Smosh anyone 8D?