Don't you hate it when you are trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone, but then that person decides to ignore your points to the argument, and/or shove their ideas down your throat? It ruins the point of having a conversation if the other person isn't going to listen. If you want to preach start a church. Also, don't you hate it when you are talking to someone online, and they decide to smash every rule of English to pieces? Now I make grammar mistakes every once in a while, but I am not so illiterate that I start typing like this: "how r u suggggar?" "i hate every1 i think i wil kil myshelf now b4 i vomut!" When illiterates like this type to me, I start to think that they have been raised in the hills with cows as a teacher. Now I don’t mind a few abbreviations here and there, but some people get way to lazy. Speaking of which, have you ever encountered a person with a signature in their text message!? I do not enjoy your weird military signature (with poor grammar) when I am texting you.
I fixed your post, for you.
I love you all too. Give me a hug!
If I say "Yes" will you take out the trash?
No, thank you for giving me your soul, so that you could view the video. =:} Ah, the logical representation of the Spam Zone/Playground.
The song " Batty Rap" has been in my head for the past week. Every day I go to the library to borrow some headphones that cover my ears, and I start listening to "Batty Rap". I listen to a lot of music like: Classical music, jazz, rap, pop, rock, metal, swing, scat, ect. Regardless, this has to be one of my personal favorites to listen to while I'm working. What makes this song one of my personal favorites is: It combines rap, jazz, rock, as well as other elements. It has a very clear, and worthwhile message that is presented in such an upbeat way. Robin Williams is singing it. Click the link below if you want to hear the song. :3 Batty Rap: FernGully Written by Thomas Dolby Additional lyrics by Stuart Young and Nik Young Performed by Robin Williams
Curse your logic!! Stop ruining the fun.
Watch him explode.
No it's not, but marriage is.
lol I love your nerdieness, Misty.
You can't. Once you make a line it disapears.
What did you do to your head?
Tetris God. Why have you forsaken us with this? If you can get one line made in the link then you are my hero. We're doomed!!
I just came back yesterday, so the only thing worth mentioning is this:
Consciousness in humans come from the brain. In our brain we have many memories. Some of them we may not even remember until we search for them. In other words you could think of memories being chained together. My memories make up me; wether the memories are of education, people, places, ect. Every person I have met has influenced me in some small way. Why would I want to destroy any memory that made me progress to today? I'll keep my brain the way it is.
I got it right here in my Pocket, Omnipresent Luna. *sits down and takes cards out*
Alright I gotta go. Talk to you later.
Sorry I gotta go. I might be on later tommorow. Seeya.
I have to disagree. He is just stating that he thinks that the idea that God had to kill his son in order to forgive us (instead of just forgiving...