Yay!!! What shall we do now? Maybe eat some cake?
I haven't went into a girls bathroom to see the chamber of secrets, but I have seen it in my bedroom. ;--}
Sorry, I guess some people don't like slugs. Poor slugs. You like hugs though right?
You expected us to stay on topic? Screw that.
:--D You can be a giant slug.
Pics, or it didn't happen.
Who the f*** is Skippy!?! Is he a penguin?
*slurp* Like you're perfect.
I'm a Gamma Ray burst that came out from another galaxy a few Billion years ago, and now I am about to colide into the Earth after I drink this soda.
Is it Yaoi time?! *licks lips*
*sniff, sniff* I smell business! If they are going to do any spin off of KH, then it better not f****** be in lame computer animation that you see these days, nor should it be those cheap computer drawn animations. Give me either hand drawn animation (japanese or american), or some kick ass computer 2d animation that does not suck balls. Maybe if it was drawn in the style of "Samuri Jack" cartoons it might be decent for a few seasons; if 4kids don't touch it that is.
This sounds like a summary of a bad movie made in the summer.
Hmmm killing the guy might be tricky. Since you have a Voodo doll of her you can make her kill him for you. Then cast a memory charm on her, so that she will forget that she murdered him. All you need to do now is cast a love charm, if you want. E}:-)
I know! Just look at those gourgous eyes, black feathers, and those sexy legs! You are very lucky to have a man like that.
First, let's not do anything drastic. Suicide is not a good option, for you lose your one chance at life. If your moms dad harased you just call the australion cops on him. I'm not sure who you should go with. I wish I could help more.
Gay zombies!!!
I think that Misty has just stolen my heart.