Whaaa? I just got home from school :3 -Completely Innocent-
Must..Not.. Look >__< -Hides behind Normal DF- Why muse he keep playing that card? D: Do I HAVE to go to school? ;~; Red, Hypnotising Eyes.. Gah..Kinda Pretty.. o.O .......@_________@ -Ish Hypnotised-
I SOO wanna burn you right now @____@ ....Why do you keep saying that Evil DF? D< ...O_O De Ja vu? (SP D: )
-Appears- -Throws apples everywhere- -Disappears-
Lolz. Shes Cosmo :3 Shes a plant girl who had to merge herself with a planet then Tails had to fire at and destroy the planet to SAVE TEH UNIVERSE and Tails didnt wanna cause Cosmo was his friend D: Then he did and cosmos uh. "Spirit" Came back and was all liek "My clans seeds had been spreaded~ I will nevarrr forget youu" And Tails was cryinnngg ;~; And dammit, I dont have a crush on Evil DF. Hes awesome. Yes. But he just be a friend. D< -Attempts to Burn Evil DF- ..-Stares at the Evil DF card, Hypnotised- @_@ Why is this thread gonna stop soon? D:
Dont insult Tails ;~; Ow... one handed ...anywai...night..
Go die D: Cosmo is awesome
Cause you ish aweshumz :3
Yes. Yes he is <33 He is Jesus In Yellow Shoez. <3333 Awww.. Dont Cosmo and Tails make such a cute couple? <33 Anywho~ I have to go fake sleeping nao. Buh Baiiees <3
InvadeInvadeInvadeInvade <3333
Hmph.....Sora is WAYY Better <33 Arghh.. I have such a GIANT head ache.. -Goes to corner-
Dammit, I invade whenever I Like <333
I..I thought that was only in the Bunny Castle.. ..I miss him ;~; By the way, I still havnt been sleeping, I havnt slept in about 5 days now <33
You deserve a thread :3
H..Hai there.. Im invadin your profile nao >w<
I..Is Sora here? -Yawns-
Hell yea, Those guys are AWESOME <33
-Points to Sig-......Didchu know that that episode made meh cry cause it was so damn sad? o:
Dude, stop posting those.. Yea, its covered, but I dont wanna come here to see those type of icky cards :huh: