-Invades for No Reason at All- Lolhai :3
...........You have a Twin RS? O_O
I just came back from a sleepover. Twas EPIX. It included Too Mush Singstar, Jumping on a wet trampoline, Having a water fight in our pyjamas in the morning, Sleeptalking, Roxas Plushie and Steve the Bee. Epic amirite? and my Pyjama Dress was too short so I was holding it down whenever I walking around xDD
-Gives out Chocolate- I know you love Flowaz Roxeh. <3 Well, Im off, Gonna go TRY and sleep <3
Who wants Chocolate? @______@
-Drinks Rum- Mah Rum. D<
I was warning peoplez. And I didnt add that tag, although I know roxy does love flowaz. :3
Marluxia is awesome. Dont Dis teh Flowerz. .___.
Damn, 5 days without sleep REALLY makes you tired I fell alseep in class and I feel like Im Gonna pass out XwX So.. How are you guys? :dead:
Nyahh... Herro Peoplez <3
-Steals your Rum-
...Thats one of the parts.. Twas.. Creepy..
<.< >.> O.O We had to sing that in school. 8D Twas Fun :3
x33 -Giggles- >.> Whats teh best way to become teh Premz?
<.> -Pokes Evil DF and runs off- Lolz, If you got a second chance at this, Would you wanna have another QT thread? :3
I like your name! Keep it as it is, its creative, Half the people I knew were all like: OMG, Why the hell did you get your name changeddddd I like my name >w> Its YOUR name, people cant MAKE you change it :3
Exactly. I'd never die. Well eventually I would >w> If I dont wirte down names in my note, and get extra life, I fade into dust. It all works out 8D Whats your favourite sport!? Can you play Piano? CARAMELLDANSEN? (Lolz, I can imagine Evil DF and DF caramelldansin B3)
The last dream I had was Mega Man trying to Tickle Torture me to Death. But me being a Shinigami, I couldnt die. I think that, and an overload of sugar is whats putting me off sleep @_@ And she has her own Axel Plushie Dx ......Do you think my hair would be a good tickling device? Cause it was brushin against this boy today and he said it was ticklin him O_O (He had to sit down in a stuffy library for a mini assembly for year 5 and 6 and it was freaking hot @_@)
...That episode made meh cry. When tails had to fire at teh planet and Kill Cosmo >w> AND TAILS IS LIEK.. UBER AWESOME, MY AGE, AND UBER SMART B3 Whats isnt there to like about a cute little two -tailed fox? 8D
I fell asleep in class today. I havnt slept in 5 days. I could barly concentrate.. and now Im goin to a sleep over tomorrow so I hopefull will be so tired Ill sleep ;~; Have you ever fallen alseep in class? xDD Whats your facourite Smily? (Like B3 or something xDD) Why does my sister keep Kidnapping my toys? O_O (She kidnapped Willian my uber cute teddy and Roxas Plushie xDD)