Happy Birthday! 8D
LOL! Death Note Jokez! :D I gotz you a Lie Proof cake. IT BE JAMMM FILLED Happy [Beyond] Birthday!
Omfg. I remember that.. O___O
Im playing Mario Kart on mah Gameboy and you can play as Princess Peach. Simplez. But in other Games Shes Princess Toadstool. Does she have a twin or something? ;-; I never got this. One game shes Peach. the next Toadstoll. Remmis be teh confuzzled. I have questioned this ever since I was 5. I NEED ANSWERZZ ;~;
Srsly, Is she Princess Peach, Or Princess Toadstool? B|
MASCARAAA!!!!!!!! :yelling: Roxas plushie had fun at the sleepover may I add :3 So did mah Teddy, William. We ere squishy hugging them. x33
-Sits in corner and Plays Mario Kart on Gameboy-
No matter what you say, DF's Evil Side is cooler. >w> And Sora is awesome. Stop saying he isnt ;-;
Ka Boom. I dont even know this.. Roxas 95. I know RS better. o3o
Awww, Your so cute when you giggle like that Roxas >w< Dont worry, TDI will never overtake my love of KH. KH ish aweshumz
....;-; -Goes to corner- Sora was more fun ;-;
Lolz. I was watching TDI... OMFG I SLEPT LAST NIGHT WEWTZ.
Nahh..Hes just busy most probably.. Cause he has classes and the Negima Project and stuff. He has to do stuff :3 -Throws Mascara and a Time bomb and DxM-
DF posted ONCE here ;-; I actually MISS him tickling me xD (Lol, I ish Watching TDI)
Why Hullo Thar! 8D
Im still here~ Just jumped away from that spot~ But not srsly. The castle feels empty for some reason.. Who are we missing? ....
-Appears- The castle somehow feels empty.... Hmm.. -Jumpz away-
-Appears- -Disappears- -Appears- -Disappears- -Appears- -Disappears- -Appears- -Disappears- -Appears- -Disappears- -Appears-