Maybe I missed you Evil DF ;-; And thankyou DF :3 That sounds strange :blink: Anywho.. Lol buh baiiezz :3 -Squggles-
NUUUUUUUZZZZZ I can do EVERYTHING but Move ;-; -Giggling uncontrolably- IM NOT TICKLISH D<
xDD No O_O Before you can hypnotise me to stay still and you tickle the crap outta me... -Jumps into hiding-
.....SHIIIITTTZZ T.T Me and my big mouth >w>
xDD I was referring too thiiss: -Is too lazy to get teh proper quote- :P Hmm.. >w> -Pokes DF- [Edit] My writing went grey >w> Lolz, I wasnt paying attention to colour XD
O____O Wait.. About the skirt going ka-poof or the Evil Hypnoses? -Is Scared-
Its kinda slack to do those things.... You simply use to to make the girls squirm less and stuff.. xD Though, if you were like Negi, I would be afraid :3
Like when they make then do insane things? :sideways:
>:3 -Squggles chu- @: H_V: O_________O
..Awwww........ I am slow T.T -Glomps DF- YOU SHALL NEVAR BE ALONEZ IF IM HERRREE 8DD
Maybeh <w> xDD
>w< We were talking about those Mr Men today and all out group liked Mr Tickles with his crazy ticklin arms. I instantly thought of DF xDD Oshi- MY SIDEZZZZ -Giggles uncontrably-
As have we <3 The castle felt empty without You T.T Lolz! Im not ticklish on my hips actually xD
Eek! (Well Aslong as its Not Evil DF.. >w>) NOEZZZZ Must ....RESTRAINZ LAUGHTERRRRRR ..-Starts Laughing-
Cant Breatthhhh... :dead:
xD Lolz :3 Wants a cookie? :3 @ Tikem: Lol kay.. @ Timeless: YOU STOP TIEM? 8D
Sima? o3o Masi? xD Does is have to be an Anagram? O_O
o3o I dont get it >w>
Hai People :3 ...o.O -Tackle Glomps DF- LOLHAI