Hello all :3 >____> Im just gonna ignore that card.
Once there was this Bee in our classroom and I called it Steve! Epic, amirite? :3 -Pokes you again- >.> Why must every thread I go, there is an Evil DF card to hypnotise me? @_@ Why do I hate and like Evil DF at the same time? D: -Points at Sig- Didchu know that episode made meh cry cause it was REALLY sad ;~;
omnomnomnomnom? -Poke- Do you like to draw? :3
Nyehhha Dammit.. Insomnia SUCKS. Anywho~ Hello and Goodbye peoplez! Im gonna go and ATTEMPT to sleep ;~; See you all tomorrowz :3
-Eats the card- -Walks off-
Evil DF is awesome >w> No one heard that!! >__<!!! Whats your favourite Instrument? :3 what gaming consoles do you have? ...Evil DF just tickles me...B3 I've NO IDEA what made you think that Mr. Darkness (keybladeofdarkness4 x3) >w>
I have decided to make a thread about you B3
How many times have I been hypnotised by Evil DF in this thread..? My guess is about 3 times >w> Damn his eyes @_@ But in "Holding Evil at Bay" The good side is all like 8| -Innocence- ~ Then the evil side is like.. B| Go Away Good Side. ...xDD
Is this Sparta? B3
.........xDDDD I lol'd. :3
Omgawd o.O
Flour or Flower? :3 Why has Mega Man been Invading my dreams lately? ;~;
School time nao. ._. Bye :cryinganime: