Aria turned out super cute! <3 And you already showed me the teacup one before you colored it, but it looks even cuter now with color! So fun and adorable, Maka, thank you for sharing! <3
Naw man you're super adorable I can't even sometimes XD
lol don't sell yourself short, Maka, anyone who's seen your with your PET BUNNY knows how adorable you are. XD
looks like two Goombas stacked on top of each other like in Super Mario Odyssey View attachment 49458
I just gotta say this username is A+ lol xD Welcome to KHV!
4 please! ^.^
@Arch @Yozora Since someone else didn't do this. XD Happy birthday you guys, ily both! ^.^
Bahaha that's AMAZING. XD I love it!
lol idk I said I drew it in my comment later. XD Plus I posted it in the art section on Discord and I posted it on Twitter, said I drew it there. XD Also you're right I probably should have added the fairy godmother like Jiminy except for I forgot about him until you just reminded me he exists XD
Okay so now I'm super excited about this new original world and last battle. XD Some of the best worlds have been original ones, I can't wait to see a new one! Also that keyblade design process actually is really cool and makes a lot of sense. Next time I need to design a keyblade I'll totally do that, not that I find much need for keyblade design these days lol xD
lol I thought I was gonna get a hot dog with BBQ and onion rings on it. XD And then I thought I was gonna get chicken and mashed potatoes. XD Both those options were fine! XD
So I'm getting kinda hungry, right? And I realize I haven't eaten in twelve hours, so I figure I should probably find something to eat. Well all I have in my fridge are condiments and tortillas, and money is tight so I can't swing a $14 pizza delivery. I decided to order some PIta Pit 'cause that's at least $10, but I guess the store here in town stopped delivering recently, so that was out of the question. Since delivery was off the table, I decided to brave the outside world. There's a pretty good place about a ten minute walk from here, cheap too, so I grabbed my stuff and left. Now, it's been a good year since I last rode my bike (I don't like busy traffic yet but it wasn't a problem for my destination this time) but the tires were dead flat and the whole thing was covered in rust, so I set off on foot. Reach the restaurant, and they're inexplicably closed for the day. At this point, I'm not about to turn back empty handed, and I'm like "whatever KFC is only ten more minutes away, I can get a full dinner for six bucks" so on I went. And there's a nice breeze, so it's not TOO hot, but it's still a good 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so I'm getting all sweaty and irritable. Finally get to KFC - just to find out they locked their doors forty minutes early and only drive through is open. I am not driving. So screw it, I duck across the street and settle for Subway. I get outside and start walking home - which is when the lightning started up in the distance, looming towards town, racing me to my house. I almost beat it home, but still got a solid two minutes of heavy rain before I made it inside. All in all I'd rate the Outside World about a 2 out of 10. Would not recommend.
(I know it's not explainable in canon lol but sorry) What's your Hogwarts House? What do you value most in life? What would you say is your biggest flaw? Describe yourself in three words (Funny story about that last question XD Someone asked that in my own "Ask about OC" thread, and so it was fresh in my mind when, at a job interview, the manager said she "liked to throw in an unexpected question to catch people off guard" and asked me to describe myself in three words. I so impressed her with my ready answer, she was like "Woah everyone's usually really flustered with that one!") XD
View attachment 49413 The nominations for the 2018 KH-Vids User Awards are now open! Hey guys! For those who have never participated in the User Awards, or need a bit of a reminder, there are two phases: nominations and polls. A user will not appear in the final polls without first being nominated by their peers, so if you want to see someone in the poll, make sure you nominate them! Before we begin, make sure you’ve read the general info on the User Awards. If it has left your questions answered, shoot me a message or post in this thread before nominating! In addition, we're doing something special with the Awards this year, celebrating our tenth year of the Awards by opening up Decades Categories! These are going to be special categories in addition to the normal ones, and nominations can be made for anything within the past ten years! The Decades Categories are going to be separated from their normal counterparts, but will be filled out in the same setting as if they were just more nominations. And finally, I have one more announcement before we get down to nominating: This year, we're going to be giving out Munny for participating in the Awards! ~Users will get 5 Munny for every group of categories they submit nominations for, capping at 30 Munny if they send nominations for all six groups! ~Users will get 2 Munny for every category they're nominated for, whether they'll win or not! ~Runners Up will get 15 Munny for every second place win! ~Award Winners will get 30 Munny for every first place win! 2018 User Awards Categories Spoiler * New categories indicated by this pink color! Revised categories are indicated by this green color! And Decades categories are indicated by this blue color! General Nominations (24+2+9) Best Bromance Best Section Best Forum Game Best Username Biggest Fan Biggest Flirt Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan Biggest Otaku Biggest Post Whore Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Favorite Banned Member Favorite Event Favorite Pin Friendliest Member Funniest Member Goofiest Member Hammiest Member Hottest Members Manliest Man Master Debater Member You’d Like to Know More Nicest Member Snarkiest Member Strangest Member Whimsical Woman ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Bromance Best Username Best Year Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Friendliest Member Funniest Member Nicest Member Worst Year Artistic Nominations (15+8) Best AMV Best Fanfiction Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Original Story Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poem Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artist Best Video Editor Most Improved Artist Most Improved Video Editor Most Improved Writer ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artist Best Video Editor Thread/Group Nominations (3+3) Best Thread Weirdest Thread Worst Thread ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Thread Weirdest Thread Worst Thread Best/Worst Member Nominations (11+10) Best Administrator Best Members Best Newbie Best Contributor Member Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Retired Staff Member Best Returning Member Worst Members ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Administrator Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Reporter Best Returning Member Best Sectional Moderator Best Super Moderator Worst Members “Most” Nominations (36+9) Most Adorable Most Ambitious Most Changed Most Committed Most Creative Most Down to Earth Most Egotistical Most Helpful Most Heroic Most Hypocritical Most Insane Most Intelligent Most Interesting Most Intimidating Most Inspiring Member Most Knowledgeable about Kingdom Hearts Most Knowledgeable about Video Games Most likely to be a Bot Most likely to be Banned Most likely to be Famous Most likely to be on KH-Vids Forever Most likely to be on Staff Most likely to be President Most likely to End up in Prison Most likely to Never Hit Premium Most Missed Most Nostalgic Most Obscure Tastes Most Overrated Most Passionate Most Proactive Most Serious Most shocking Moment Most Underrated Most Verbose Most Villianous ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Most Changed Member Most Committed Member Most Creative Member Most Helpful Member Most Intelligent Member Most Intimidating Member Most Inspiring Member Most Passionate Member Most Shocking Moment Roleplaying Nominations (17+19) Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplay Concept/Story Best Roleplay Graphics Best Roleplayer Best New Roleplayer Best Use of Music in an RP Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Improved Roleplayer Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Likely to Join Every Roleplay Most Missed Roleplay Most Shocking Roleplay Moment ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplayer Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Shocking Roleplay Moment Best Unfinished Roleplay ~Bonus Decades Category~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Alias in Mafia Royale Best Role in Mafia Royale Biggest Liar in Mafia Favorite Overall Moment in Mafia Favorite Version of Mafia (Royale, Lovers, Vanilla, etc.) Most Likely to stab you in the back in Mafia Royale Most Likely to be Lynched in Every Game Most Shocking Moment in Mafia How do I nominate users? Nominations will be sent to a number of different staff members, who will then tally the results and deliver them to the admins. Categories, as you can see above, are organized into major groups; each staff member is given a group to handle. You will start a personal conversation with the applicable staff member, listing your nominations. Please take time in considering your nominations, because once they’re in, there’s no going back! Please try to utilize only the user’s current username. We will not hunt someone down if you put their past username or a nickname, and we reserve the right to ignore the nomination altogether if you neglect to follow this rule. You are allowed to nominate two users per category. For group categories, such as Cutest Couple, you can nominate up to two couples. The same goes for threads. You may not nominate yourself for anything except the Cutest Couple categories. However, you may nominate a couple you are in for either Cutest Couple (or any similar category). "Worst" categories are open nomination. If you are uncomfortable with possibly being nominated and want to be preemptively removed from the final poll, please PM me and I will note it down. When nominating threads and material for the Artistic Awards, please include a link if they are contained in a thread posted on the site or elsewhere! This makes it much easier for preparing the poll. You will include the entire category list in your message, even the categories you are not nominating for. Please do not nominate members who do not belong in the category; I realize it’s hilarious to vote Kendall Kardashian, a Premium member, for Best Overall Staff Member, but it spoils the awards for those who do deserve them. There may be exceptions. These nominations cover the time period from the previous User Awards (summer of 2017) to this year’s (summer of 2018). If a member held a position during that time period, they are allowed to be nominated for it. For example, if Hugh Jackman was a Sectional Moderator until February of 2017 but is now a Super Moderator, he is allowed to be nominated for both Best Sectional Moderator and Best Super Moderator. Only the categories specially marked as Decades Categories can have nominations outside the allotted time period. Who do I send my nominations to? General Nominations: @tamale Artistic Nominations: @Marushi Best/Worst Member Nominations: @Heart ❤ Thread/Group Nominations: @Heart ❤ “Most” Nominations: @tamale Roleplaying Nominations: @Aelin Formatted Lists General Nominations being sent to tamale Code: [b][size=5]General Nominations[/size] Best Bromance Best Section Best Forum Game Best Username Biggest Fan Biggest Flirt Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan Biggest Otaku Biggest Post Whore Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Favorite Banned Member Favorite Event Favorite Pin Friendliest Member Funniest Member Goofiest Member Hammiest Member Hottest Members Manliest Man Master Debater Member You’d Like to Know More Nicest Member Snarkiest Member Strangest Member Whimsical Woman ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Bromance Best Username Best Year Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Friendliest Member Funniest Member Nicest Member Worst Year [/b] Artistic Nominations being sent to Marushi Code: [b][size=5]Writing, Video Editing, & Art Nominations[/size] Best AMV Best Fanfiction Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Original Story Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poem Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artist Best Video Editor Most Improved Artist Most Improved Video Editor Most Improved Writer ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artists Best Video Editor [/b] Thread/Group Nominations being sent to Heart Code: [b][size=5]Thread/Group Nominations[/size] Best Thread: Weirdest Thread: Worst Thread: ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Thread: Weirdest Thread: Worst Thread: [/b] Best/Worst Member Nominations being sent to Heart Code: [b][size=5]Best/Worst Member Nominations[/size] Best Administrator Best Members Best Newbie Best Contributor Member Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Retired Staff Member Best Returning Member Worst Members ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Administrator Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Reporter Best Returning Member Best Sectional Moderator Best Super Moderator Worst Members [/b] "Most" Nominations being sent to tamale Code: [b][size=5]"Most" Nominations[/size] Most Adorable Most Ambitious Most Changed Most Committed Most Creative Most Down to Earth Most Egotistical Most Helpful Most Heroic Most Hypocritical Most Insane Most Intelligent Most Interesting Most Intimidating Most Inspiring Member Most Knowledgeable about Kingdom Hearts Most Knowledgeable about Video Games Most likely to be a Bot Most likely to be Banned Most likely to be Famous Most likely to be on KH-Vids Forever Most likely to be on Staff Most likely to be President Most likely to End up in Prison Most likely to Never Hit Premium Most Missed Most Nostalgic Most Obscure Tastes Most Overrated Most Passionate Most Proactive Most Serious Most shocking Moment Most Underrated Most Verbose Most Villianous ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Most Changed Member Most Committed Member Most Creative Member Most Helpful Member Most Intelligent Member Most Intimidating Member Most Inspiring Member Most Passionate Member Most Shocking Moment [/b] Roleplaying Nominations being sent to Aelin. Code: [b][size=5]Roleplaying Nominations[/size] Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplay Concept/Story Best Roleplay Graphics Best Roleplayer Best New Roleplayer Best Use of Music in an RP Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Improved Roleplayer Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Likely to Join Every Roleplay Most Missed Roleplay Most Shocking Roleplay Moment ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplayer Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Shocking Roleplay Moment Best Unfinished Roleplay ~Bonus Decades Category~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Alias in Mafia Royale Best Role in Mafia Royale Biggest Liar in Mafia Favorite Overall Moment in Mafia Favorite Version of Mafia (Royale, Lovers, Vanilla, etc.) Most Likely to stab you in the back in Mafia Royale Most Likely to be Lynched in Every Game Most Shocking Moment in Mafia [/b] I still have questions! Feel free to contact me or post in this thread. Nominations will close Wednesday, July 11th. No nominations will be accepted after that date!
[b][size=5]General Nominations[/size] Best Bromance Best Section Best Forum Game Best Username Biggest Fan Biggest Flirt Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan Biggest Otaku Biggest Post Whore Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Favorite Banned Member Favorite Event Favorite Pin Friendliest Member Funniest Member Goofiest Member Hammiest Member Hottest Members Manliest Man Master Debater Member You’d Like to Know More Nicest Member Snarkiest Member Strangest Member Whimsical Woman ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Bromance Best Username Best Year Cutest (Fake) Couple Cutest (Real) Couple Friendliest Member Funniest Member Nicest Member Worst Year [/b]
[b][size=5]Writing, Video Editing, & Art Nominations[/size] Best AMV Best Fanfiction Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Original Story Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poem Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artist Best Video Editor Most Improved Artist Most Improved Video Editor Most Improved Writer ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Graphic Artist Best Musician Best Overall Writer Best Photographer Best Poet Best Singer Best Traditional Artists Best Video Editor [/b]
[b][size=5]Thread/Group Nominations[/size] Best Thread: Weirdest Thread: Worst Thread: ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Thread: Weirdest Thread: Worst Thread: [/b]
[b][size=5]Best/Worst Member Nominations[/size] Best Administrator Best Members Best Newbie Best Contributor Member Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Retired Staff Member Best Returning Member Worst Members ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Administrator Best Normal Member Best Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!) Best Overall Staff Member Best Premium Member Best Reporter Best Returning Member Best Sectional Moderator Best Super Moderator Worst Members [/b]
[b][size=5]"Most" Nominations[/size] Most Adorable Most Ambitious Most Changed Most Committed Most Creative Most Down to Earth Most Egotistical Most Helpful Most Heroic Most Hypocritical Most Insane Most Intelligent Most Interesting Most Intimidating Most Inspiring Member Most Knowledgeable about Kingdom Hearts Most Knowledgeable about Video Games Most likely to be a Bot Most likely to be Banned Most likely to be Famous Most likely to be on KH-Vids Forever Most likely to be on Staff Most likely to be President Most likely to End up in Prison Most likely to Never Hit Premium Most Missed Most Nostalgic Most Obscure Tastes Most Overrated Most Passionate Most Proactive Most Serious Most shocking Moment Most Underrated Most Verbose Most Villianous ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Most Changed Member Most Committed Member Most Creative Member Most Helpful Member Most Intelligent Member Most Intimidating Member Most Inspiring Member Most Passionate Member Most Shocking Moment [/b]
[b][size=5]Roleplaying Nominations[/size] Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplay Concept/Story Best Roleplay Graphics Best Roleplayer Best New Roleplayer Best Use of Music in an RP Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Improved Roleplayer Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Likely to Join Every Roleplay Most Missed Roleplay Most Shocking Roleplay Moment ~Decades~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Roleplay Antagonist Best Roleplay Protagonist Best Roleplay Best Roleplayer Biggest Godmodder Most Dramatic Roleplay Most Memorable Roleplay Moment Most Memorable Boss Battle Most Missed Roleplayer Most Shocking Roleplay Moment Best Unfinished Roleplay ~Bonus Decades Category~ Anything within the past ten years can be nominated! Best Alias in Mafia Royale Best Role in Mafia Royale Biggest Liar in Mafia Favorite Overall Moment in Mafia Favorite Version of Mafia (Royale, Lovers, Vanilla, etc.) Most Likely to stab you in the back in Mafia Royale Most Likely to be Lynched in Every Game Most Shocking Moment in Mafia [/b]
Hey everybody! The new Shop Pins are available for purchase, and I thought I'd just post a quick announcement about it, and advertise the new pins! As for the rotating pins, we've got some good ones in there this month! For Commons, we're introducing "Hard as Rock," a counterpart for last month's "Cold as Ice" pin. We also have "Shrooms," featuring arguably some of the series' cutest Heartless, and finally, rounding out the Commons, we have "Engineering Duo," showcasing our favorite behind-the-scenes Chipmunks, Chip and Dale! Our two Uncommons this month are "Techies," a counterpart to last month's "Tron" pin, and then "Timeless Connections," which actually has its own counterpart pin to be released later this year! And then rounding it all up is this month's Rare, a beautiful pin I just love, called "Dandelion Dreams." Snatch this one up if you can, I personally think it's gorgeous! <3 And then for our themes, well, let's just say the TWEWY fans are taking over for the month, lol. XD The World Ends With You celebrates its eleventh Anniversary this month, and what better way to show our appreciation than making it the theme for July? For Commons, we have Shockwave, Cure Drink, and Pyrokenisis, all of them pins from the game. For Uncommons and the Rare, we've brought Righty Cat, Lefty Cat, and Brainy Cat out of retirement to be sold in the Shop for one month only! Snag 'em while you can, folks, these pins are pretty sweet! Also, credit to Cat~ for creating these TWEWY pins, left over from the days of yore when this long-awaited Pin Shop was only a dream on the horizon. I mean, I guess, credit to CAT too, lol, since these are based on actual pins from the game. Either way, a Cat is responsible, so yeah. XD Spoiler: Sneak Peek! View attachment 49411 All these pins are now available in the Pin Shop!
My, ye be a bloodthirsty crew. XD Every time another thread is mentioned, someone is always suggesting attack! I suppose the bloodthirst be natural, though, seeing as we also boast the name 'Vampire' and it has to stand for something. XD
So apparently there's a Space Pirates themed RP in the Arena now XD I mean I don't have time to RP and haven't been able to get into it lately anyway, but I think it looks really cool and I'll probably be checking it every now and again (if I don't get too lost with what the heck is happening to make sense of it all lol) so yeah. Just felt like it warranted mentioning, since... Well we're Space Pirates. XD
Ohhhh you're probably using the Dark Version of one of the other skins. XD On April Fool's Day, we made a special DARKNESS skin and made it the default skin, and then it was so well loved that we kept it on as optional. I guess you musta missed that day, lol. But yeah it's a skin you can choose, and since it was an April Fool's Day skin, the Help link on the DARKNESS skin leads to an unexpected place XD
...What? I'm confused. XD I said if you are using DARKNESS, you should click the 'Help' link at the bottom of the page. I wasn't saying you shouldn't use DARKNESS, that's actually the skin I'm still using too lol XD