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  1. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  2. Lauriam
    Officially qualify for Green Skull as of today, if I could snag that one. Thanks!
    Post by: Lauriam, Sep 1, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 29, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  4. Lauriam
    Someone else can run it, thanks though!
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 26, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  5. Lauriam
    Make sure you have like a box fan or some other kind of noise-maker, because you can't control neighbors. It won't drown out the loudest of stuff, but it at least masks it if the downstairs dog starts barking or if the upstairs neighbor starts singing opera at two in the morning - AGAIN.

    Also if there's a window in your bedroom, you might want to just put some thick curtains up over it. If you spend a lot of time there, you might like the option of natural light, but when you're trying to sleep, blinds don't make it dark enough. If you don't have thick curtains or a curtain rod, you can just hang a relatively thick bedsheet up with thumb tacks. That's what we have hanging in our bedroom, lol. There was like, a porchlight right outside the window, and cars kept shining their headlights through it all night long, so we had to block it to make it dark enough to sleep. XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 16, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Lauriam
    Welp. XD I guess people are done with this game...

    RIP Mafia Royale. I'm gonna miss ya...
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 16, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Lauriam
    "Now I know we all wish that Sabby/Stardust was a thing but they are not, and no Patrick Aelin/cstar and Arch/Boy Wonder aren't together either."

    ^ Liked for this XD

    Also I think it's funny that Maple Bacon won both best AND worst threads. XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 12, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  8. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 8, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Lauriam
    It's been too long since we had one of these, lol.

    KHVR 6:
    Rules and junk basically copy/pasted from Makaze's stuff


    1. Aelin
    2. LadyAzura
    3. Mish
    4. Chris

    KHV Royale Mafia is not your typical Mafia. It is a free-for-all Battle Royale where the object is to be one of the last three players alive. It is fast paced, requires less effort, and allows every person a choice in how they play.

    KHV Royale Mafia uses several new game types.

    Check out the first game, second game, third game, fourth game, and fifth game to talk to the people who played it for more info.

    Everyone Is Mafia

    Everyone Is Mafia means Everyone Is Mafia. There is no Day phase in this game mode. Every night is immediately followed by another Night.

    Each player gets a factional kill each Night and two Bulletproof Vests (BPVs) at the start of the game. You can shoot anyone or be shot by anyone. You win if you are one of the last three players alive.

    Because there is no Day phase and no lynch vote, there is no need for tedious case building and convincing arguments. Do as much or as little as you fancy, so long as you don't die.

    Outside Contact

    Users may talk to each other outside of the game thread. You can use PMs, Skype, or any medium you like. Outside Contact is encouraged in Everyone Is Mafia due to the free-for-all nature of the game.

    Players are anonymous at the start of the game via Aliases.

    All players send in an Alias when they sign up. Your Alias is your name in the game. All actions targeted at a player must target an Alias.

    The list of Aliases is posted below the Playerlist at the start of the game with no indicator of who is who. You may tell others your Alias. Aliases are revealed upon death.

    Choose Your Own Role

    You must send in a character of your choice when signing up to the game. The mod will give you a role that corresponds to the character in your role PM. Characters are not the same as Aliases.

    An Alias is a an in-game name that takes the place of your Username when people target you. Your Role is your set of abilities. They may be completely unrelated. Your full player info might look something like this:

    Username: Marushi
    Alias: Rachel
    Character: Ghost of Christmas Past
    ↳ Role: Sees all actions taken by targeted alias the previous night

    It is possible for multiple people to have the same Role &/ Character, but Aliases must be unique to the player.

    Important Terms

    BPV = Bulletproof Vest

    Factional Kill = A Shot That You Submit in PM Every Night

    Who wants to play?

    If you want to play, post here saying you are /in, and send me a PM with your Alias and Character (with the series name so that I can do research if necessary).

    Alias: (The name people will shoot/protect/etc)
    Character: (An existing fictional character (i.e. from a series) or idea (i.e. mythical figure) that will influence your abilities)

    I would like to start probably on August 20th, to get as much of the game underway as possible before anyone starts school stuff. Let me know if this is too soon or not convenient. Changing the date is no problem.

    Thread by: Lauriam, Aug 8, 2018, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Lauriam
    For context, "Let's think about DARKNESS" was posted on April Fool's Day when the censors were jacked to change certain words to more Darkness-Appropriate topics, such as the following:
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  11. Lauriam
    I'm in
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  12. Lauriam
    lol iirc there was one game where I was convinced you were going to screw me over so I was just lying and lying and lying to you and then you turned out to be telling the truth the whole time and I was like "Welp... That's an allegiance I could have had." XD

    iirc I was intentionally feeding you false information that I wanted someone else to know, that I thought you were in cahoots with XD AND THEN YOU NEVER TOLD THEM XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  13. Lauriam
    I just wanted to testify to the truth of Lux's statements here. He's completely right, about everything.

    The sheer level of character slander I've seen against Lux for the past year and longer is downright reprehensible and I've found myself disgusted and horrified to the point of being physically ill at times. I got to know him pretty well over my short time as staff and I want to say right now that he's one of the strongest persons I've ever met, and I'm proud to have worked with him even if things didn't turn out the way we'd at first planned.

    I'd also like to confess at this time that some of "my" ideas I've had over the past year were actually Lux's. Due to his portrayal as a "problem admin," he was often shot down before he even had the chance to speak, while if I said the exact same thing and phrased it differently I was given a green-light. So sometimes if we were discussing some problem and Lux had a solution, he would tell me, and I would relay it to everyone else as if it were my idea, and then it would get done.

    He's also right about the member divide, something I found to be equally reprehensible, and tried my hardest to abolish, heaven knows if I ever made any difference. Sometimes it felt like I had, but other days, the divide felt heavier than ever. Lux worked harder than anyone I've met to bridge the gap, he always listened to the members and tried to mediate fairly no matter who was on each side. He was always there for me when I had a problem, before and after I was on staff, and he always found a good solution for us. The narrative that has been so carefully and pervasively crafted against him has been nothing but false and I stake my character on that statement. I was not at liberty to speak openly about it before but it's true.

    Losing Lux is a bigger blow than anyone could ever realize. He cared about this site as much if not more than I do, and after everything he's been through, I'm shocked he put up with it this long.

    Lux, I'm sorry for my own silence these past few months. I mistakenly thought I was helping you, I thought you needed distance, so I was trying to shoulder as much of the burden as I could and not bother you with things I felt you didn't need dragging you down. Perhaps if I'd looked at things differently, things might have ended differently for both of us. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother and your friends. If you want someone to just listen, you can DM me. If you still have my number, you can text me too.

    I don't blame you for your absence. I never have. After everything I even knew about that you went through, I considered it inevitable and not your fault at all, and I should have realized there was even more going on than that. I'm sorry.

    Please take care of yourself. I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me and everything you've taught me, and I hope we can continue being friends after everything settles. You're more important to me than I can say, and I hope things can start to get better for you from here on out.
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Departure Hall
  14. Lauriam
    Guys... I'm so sorry...

    But I have to cancel this event. I tried as hard as I could to make it happen, but at the end of the day it was just too big, I underestimated it by a LONG shot and It's killing me physically and mentally trying to put it together. I hope you can forgive me. Here's a link to the wallpapers I'd made, that I intended to include as "Entry Fee" prizes, so you can at least have that. I just can't keep going, I'm sorry. More info can be found in this post...
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Lauriam

    I love you

    It hasn’t even been a full year…

    I know this must come as a shock to you guys. Only yesterday I was still acting like everything was fine. But I’m sorry to say, it’s not. It hasn’t been for awhile now, and I was trying to keep going, trying to stick it out, for my fellow staff members and for all of you guys. But I honestly can’t do this anymore.

    I have no “medium” switch. Everything I do, I give it my all, 100% of the time. Since I joined the staff, 100% of me has belonged to this site. And I don’t regret a day of it. But I’ve been running on empty for a long time, and this particular TWEWY event has been killing me. Since I have no “medium” setting, I dove into this project headfirst. I was trying to do too much, I made it too big. By the time I realized just how much work it needed, by the time I realized I’d made a terrible mistake, it was too late to turn back. I tried to just muscle through it, I convinced myself I could get it done if I just worked hard enough and had enough Red Bull.

    But I’m sorry. It just can’t happen. It’s too big, and I should never have undertaken such a huge project in the first place.

    I’m devastated that all the work I and others have done for it was for nothing… But I’ve barely slept or eaten in the past two weeks trying to make it happen, and even then I’m not able to do nearly as much for the event as I wanted to. I’ve been killing myself trying to make it happen, and Heart’s been killing herself trying to help me.

    In addition to Heart, I want to specifically thank Explode, Arch, Aelin, and Libre. They tried to help us wherever they could, they tried to take on other work so we could focus on this, they helped with graphics and pins and technical work on the event, but with so much work to be done and so little time in which to do it, the project simply fell through and there’s nothing I can do to save it at this point.

    I feel horrible to have got your hopes up for nothing, so I’m gonna leave links at the end of this post and in the initial announcement thread, containing all the Wallpapers I’d made that I intended to give away as “Entry Fee” prizes. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more…

    But you might be wondering why this event is accompanied by my early retirement. Well… Remember that “All-in, 100%” stuff? I’ve been giving my everything to this site since I joined, doing every little thing that was asked of me in an attempt to bring life back to this site. I love this site, I truly do, it’s been a home for me since I joined in 2009, and I’ve made many friends here who I love dearly. When I joined staff last September, it was right around the same time as the, uh, we’ll say “Discord fights,” and also the same time Cat and Plums retired. I joined in an attempt to help the site and do my part to give it the love and attention I felt it deserved. Many of the members, both on and off the staff, were greatly affected by the fights, and I wanted to help them, protect them, and serve them. And I believed that if I worked hard enough, if I believed enough, I could do it. But some things never change, and no matter what I did or what I tried to do, it was never good enough to bring about the good I was trying so hard to create. And only about half of the current staff team was willing to try with me. And I don’t blame any of them - I truly don’t. After everything that happened last year, after everything that’s been going on since even before it all went down, I don’t blame anyone for giving up. I really don’t.

    But since so many have given up, it left the rest of us trying to pick up the pieces. And again, I thought if I worked hard enough, it would inspire others to rise up with me and help. But it’s been ten months now since I became staff, and the harder I try, the more work I try to do for this site… The harder it is on the half of us who are already working. It’s got to the point where whenever I try to do something new for the site, it drives us all into a deeper chasm, and it’s killing us little by little. In other words, the more I do, the worse it gets, and I simply can’t take it anymore.

    Like I said, I truly don’t blame anyone on the staff for this. It’s the situation that’s the enemy, not them. Due to horrible circumstances and a series of terrible events, the staff team has been suffering, and I tried to help them. I really did. But I’m not cut out for this, and the TWEWY event made that all too clear.

    Again, I just want to say I’m sorry. I tried so hard, I wanted to bring about the “Golden Age” of KHV, I wanted us to be big. But I’m just not good enough to make that happen, and I’m sorry.

    I’ll probably be back to hang around after awhile, but I need some time to recuperate from all this. If anyone wants to stay in touch, you can DM me on Discord. I love all of you, I love you all so much and I’m so sorry I couldn’t do more.

    TWEWY Wallpapers
    Thread by: Lauriam, Jul 27, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  16. Lauriam
    EYYYYYY you match us lol XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Lauriam
    So, uh, I have some bad news. Due to an onslaught of technical difficulties and things coming up in my personal life, I have to push this event off by a week. :(

    I know, it's supposed to be a celebration of TWEWY's Anniversary, which is today, but I simply ran out of time. Especially considering the sheer amount of work that goes into an event of this magnitude, it's just not possible to launch it today if we want to be able to release the missions on a daily basis.

    So, the NEW Launch date is going to be next week on the 2nd, and in order to apologize for the late launch, I've whipped up a little something extra just for you guys to tide you over.

    View attachment 49693

    I'm really sorry the event is late, but I'm working as hard as I can to make sure that when it's released, it's going to be the best it can possibly be!

    Thanks for your patience. :(
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Lauriam
    Maybe I never paid attention to the few videos I watched that even had the new intro until I started making projects myself and having to actually watch it lol

    Maybe the fact that the old intro didn't make the sound clips match the letters lulled me into a sense of complacency

    idk maybe I'm just blonde XD

    Either way, when I did actually realize it, my mind was blown - mainly at the fact that it had taken me so long XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 25, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Lauriam
    Aw man that really sucks!
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 23, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Lauriam
    That one isn't a suggested song lol. If you wanna do that one, you should suggest it XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Jul 23, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus