...then you don't want to come to the UK.
guzuh? *confused* ...oh wait. was the entire post just about the picture of the spinning cat with toast on its back? because that would make a lot more sense, and...yeah..
paradox: there's no way the toast would be able to fall onto the cat in such a manner that it lands on the non-butter side. if it were to land on the cat butter side down, all you would achive is a buttery cat, and maybe some super-gravity.... ...unless the cat was already on its back, mid-air. in which case the antigravity effect would result. [/ruin point of thread] so yeah, go make some toast, just make sure there arent any cats in midair on their backs nearby.
:( ....and i was just about to post one last picture, too. ...now it's doomed to rot in my hard drive for the rest of eternity. NOW what am i gonna do with a picture of a threesome containing a half naked kairi, a mostly nude cloud and a clothed sephiroth? (apart from CtR's suggestion)... ...any ideas? also, sorry CtR :p
maybe yes
indeed. also: COMMENCE INSERTION: Spoiler not here there isn't >:C ~CtR
no, that would look like this:
yes, because exchanging blows to the crotch is extremely arousing. because he's a paedophile.
O.o you guys are right, i just noticed :O also, WHO DE-REPPED ME FOR THE OTHER PICTURE!?!?!?!?
that can be arranged.
First of all, i doubt that beast code worked in the first place, but it may have been based one the actual beast model, so it might have worked. you see, every model has a different set of bones, and any slight difference completely screws up the model. So, no, it's not possible to give them those clothes.
L01 |\|() J0o I'z c0d3r. 3nD 0f S70Ry.
Bu7 1 h4z m04r?
lol new one!: ...i can keep these coming all day :P
woahwoahwoah hey hey hey where's this thread goin'!? NOWHERE before i post my semi-erotic mildly sadistic 3D cloud and kairi picture. i've waited all day to post this. anyway, @ first post, this is what i would have done:
XENDRAN... efwefuhewfiuwehf