it's a romhack, not a code. it wont work with codes.
just because it wasn't gonna work like we thought.
No, sorry. we cancelled it.
i would....but after a while of not paying attention, i've forgotten how those work, sorry. i even made the top one, as i recall. all i remember is that the riku one has the normal riku code on the top, and on the next section, there's a weapon moveset mod, i think a sub-status mod, attatchment joint mods and maybe a weapon model mod, i'm not sure. i could only guess at which are which though. actually, the top line on teh second section is probably the attatchment joints. must have misunderstood me. i did state that only three show up on the map at any one time. sorry, i have a habit of getting a bit technical. ...I know why :lolface: ...well kinda, anyway. basically in the final battle there are 2 Models for final xemnas. it gets a little bit complicated, but basically because his battle is so heavily scripted, something to do with his AI, and this other model just make him dissapear. i've made final xemnas work before, but you need to give him the other xemnas' model, and this completely screws up his AI. i dont know too much more about it though.
it's not like ven anyway. and yes, there is a code to fix the backwards weilding. check the threads.
You notice how he's flying in traverse town? ...yeah... :D back when we first started hacking kh1, this was like the only code we all wanted, a fly everywhere code. :D
officially, there are about 10 slots for regular KHII. but only three show up on the map at any one time. Sora, donald, goofy, guest, drive forms, king mickey when he rescues you....and umm...i cant think of any more. but im sure there are.
well as you may or may not know i've recently been looking very closely at model formats and such. in the future, when i learn some C++ or something (which could take me forever) and decipher the model formats (also could take forever) i'd like to make a viewer program or something, then i'll experiment. who know's, maybe the models are segment-ified like in KHII, so it wont take much to do what you want. but the only problem i can see is that models which arent loaded into the game are just a complete mess. well they look like it, anyway. once they're back in the game they're fine again. perhaps the DS bios re-orders them or something.
Hate to say it, but this video doesn't use any advanced codes at all, really. Axel Does that automatically, straight from using him via UCM. And it looks like roxas isn't doing anything special either. in fact the only codes i can tell are being used are UCM, some sort of camera mod and the invisible sora code. oh, and no HUD. but that's a given. ...unless You just changed sora into 0000 or something. which i THINK makes the camera like that anyway. Also, there really was no need for the "?"s. I'm sorry we failed to finish the tournament up, but at least everyone knows what we did now. :lolface: video looked pretty cool anyway :D
oh, really? trust me, as soon as i can mess with these models, ven is mine :D it's just the models are different in and out of game, so it's hard to do anything to anything. if its the last thing i do, i'm going to make ven at least partially playable via codes alone.
uhm, you mean that social group i made a while back? i can't give you an orange name.
agree'd loiedfjef
...i doubt that you've actually gotten sora to use roxas' mset. so like, it wont be exactly the same.
Aww, C'mon, you're ASKING for it -.- its IDENTICAL to that other burger.
forgot to mention, although its fairly obvious if you look at the links, pics not made by me, made by intenseobservation. he taught me how to do model stuff, like in the other thread.
a dissidia battleground.
not anymore
oh, the ones i deleted? ah. that might be a problem.
HOW F*CKING CUTE IS THIS Spoiler AND THIS Spoiler pics not mine - made by intenseobservation.