oh hay yeah the neo room mod - i totally forgot. hmmm, it doesnt work too well though. you have to do things entirely via theater mode to even get any results, but its fun to play arond with, i'll get it. make sure you guys tell me if it works and what you can do with it and stuff. and yeah, i gotta rehack the weapon moveset mods, most of you guys have probably never used em! [/exciting-ness]
Not a clue, really. just something to make this place a little less dull. it's got repetitious and i daresay a little boring of late... ...*thinks*
...ideas, then? i got nuthin', lol.
Not yet, however, i was thinking, do you guys want anything specific up on the front page? it seems like a waste of time when everyone just asks for codes anyway, so i need an idea to jazz up the KHII hacking scene in general a little bit. what do you guys think?
iwantedtoexplode: This thread has been closed because it exceeds 5,000 posts. You can continue to discuss and request codes here: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?117695-Kingdom-Hearts-II-Final-Mix-Codes
Closing because the post count is over 9000 5000 will make a new thread in a bit.
I also want this :P frankly, if i gained the title of "best coder", it would be a complete lie :D
...lol, how in the world am i winning? Evil has only 1 vote!? psh. ..C'mon Carey, you can beat that no-good b*stard! EDIT: DDDD: wut kinda trouble would that thar touble be then? :P oh wait, i think i know. c'mon that was only once! well... twice. well three times if you count that thing....
Just so you know, hacking is an entirely different thing to coding. To claim the title of "Hacker", you have to Make a code that's totally original, and does something different to anything anyone else has ever made. what you've done there is take codes other people have made in the past and Changed them about a bit with some "hacking knowledge" to get a different result. sorry to sound a bit mean, but this could sound like you're claiming to have originally found those codes, which you most certainly did not. [/rant]
I dont keep any codes. all i could do is search here, but you can do that too.
there are 2 different Stat mods - one for people you fight alone, and one for people you fight with a full party. they're both up here, so look around. Also, just for future notice guys, and i notice this happens a lot, Make sure you do not delete the "[/quote]" BB code when you happen to quote someone. if you delete it by accident, and you notice your quote has "
no, that's xemnas alright. something about his final form model makes him not appear. but i've explained this already, somewhere.
it's really not hard at all, srsly, you're just swapping like a word or 2. it's only really hard if youve never done anything with hex numbers before, which everyone who's ever used a code has. although, if you dont have any hacking tools or never even looked inside a dump or anything before, it can get a little complicated to explain basically, each letter is an "ASCII symbol", and each symbol has an 8-bit (2 digits) hex number to represent it. you can do it 8-bit by 8-bit code, and then it's VERY easy. each line of code would be a letter, and its just a matter of swapping letters so the model label says something else, provided you can find the original model label. i cant tell you much more without writing a tutorial, which i'm not gonna do.
oh, i see.now right. so you don't care if it's DMA? it's xa_ex_1160.mdls and xa_ex_1160.mset for dark riku with soul eater and change 1160 for...
it's probably just an ascii pattern you're seeing in text form, it's nothing. what exactly are you trying to do with that model, maybe i can help you.
...wait, lol you thi- XDDD dude, if you dont know what you're looking for, just stop. do you even know what bones are? they're DMA, just so you...
Those code's are probably not gonna work on the PS2 unless you put 'em, onto dolphin-sora or whatever, which seem sto fix 'em all, i think. probably not the best solution. since those codes don't work great anyway (i.e 99% of mushballs fall through the floor) it's probably best to just hack 'em yourself and not bother posting them here. that is, if you know how.
sorry, i'm too busy.
No discussion of Romhacks and such here please. read the rules.