...it's DMA.
D: it's a little on the Big side, mind making it's size more to the tune of my previous sigs? here's one for reference...
3D Hovercraft - Limited Edition
DDD: why isnt there a little + next to my name?
Locking this thread due to pure spam. Wow that is a lot of spam....
"hacking" accounts and RAM hacking are two completely different things.
I've tried to teach people how to hack bit's and pieces before. to be honest, you need a certain amount of brain power and experience with code using before you even attempt to try and hack anything. creating some sort of tutorial section will create more questions from users who have no prior knowledge than it will answer questions for the limited amount of code vault regulars. the only thing that might work, if anything, a series of Video tutorials made by people selected by the Coders, which is a lot more hands-on than just reading something, and will teach someone who's genuinely interested a lot better. i've found that trying to explain something to someone who doesn't understand much about it is almost a complete waste of time. [/2 cents] i do see a lot of problems with what i'm saying, but i do agree that we need people at the code vault to understand things more, especially people who weren't around when the codes were made (which is basically everyone now). this'd clear up lots of confusion.
why would my progress be useless? it's not as if its an incomplete copy or anything :p the only thing bad about it is the gigantic size (1.5 gigs).
have you even PLAYED the demo? besides, square have themselves to blame.im not gonna buy a UMD from the USA (i'm UK) , nor am i gonna wait for the UK release. options? :lolface:
Took a time machine back exactly five days, just to post an image from the opening here. yes. that sounds as if i'd really do that . *looks around*
....English dissidia :D
of course they have skeletons :p what they lack is animations.
hey, has anybody messed with the "Neo-Room Mod" yet?
the ones for org XIII people should work for all bosses
01CAEA4C 00000004 you gotta use the 06BC digit for pete though, otherwise it wont work. about giving him his health back, use one of the status mods (on the front page, not sure which one, try the current HP mod from both) and joker it to R2. just make sure the current HP doesnt exceed his max HP, you might wanna set the max HP to as high as possible just to make sure. if i recall correctly (its been a long time) the joker should be, if you use both current HP mods, E002FDFF 0034D45C. i think. EDIT: oh, actually, if you UCM him, he might use Donald/goofy's HP. try changing those if the status mods dont work.
which boss do ya wanna kill?
either give him sora's moveset (i think) or change the boss you want to kill with him into a regular enemy using the role mod.
*blows dust of ancient thread in the secre- *shot* Alright Neo-Map String Modifier 00348D68 0000006d 20348D6F XXXXI2I1 Digits: I1 & I2 = initials of world in hex, for instance, 7365 is "73 65" or "65 73", which in ASCII is "ES", which is the special world for KHII. XXXX = Number (also in hex/ascii, ONLY regular numbers) for instance 3031 would be "10". if you dont get it, you can use a hex to ascii converter to just create this part or the entire digits. (note, hex is backwards, so each 2-digit number is backwards) Sample Digit 30307365 (ES00) - The Dark Margin (I think it's called that?) How to use: Go to the BBS trailer (Theater mode, can be any Video-File Cutscene, i think.) activate the code, return to the menu, boot up any other Cutscene and see what happens. Digits are made by taking the world abbreviation (such as HB) and converting the room mod digit for that world to decimal (such as digit 12 converted to "18") and converting that to hex. then you take each number seperated by ":"'s and put them backwards in the digit section, so HB18 (hollow bastion room mod digit 12) would be 48:42:31:38 from the converter, and the final digits would be 38314248. hope i explained that well :D see what you guys can do with that, i wanna know! By pairing it with the existing room/flag mods, you should be able to -almost- play in the dark margin area, as well as do pretty much anything in any room, and it's confirmed to work on PS2, so dont worry 'bout that. i'll be re-hacking the weapon moveset mods for FM+ soon, so you guys can play with those too.
Neo room mod's a litle different, ill explain in a while when i post.