White T-Shirt and sweatpants. yay
I believe you are mistaken. DarkTraitor. /trollface.jpeg
Well I'm coming back there to get directions for a dungeon, so I dunno.
So I was in Riverwood, and I was pissed at this Trader's ludicrous prices, so I killed him and his sister and some other guy, got arrested, did my time, and I'm out. Should I still be concerned?
MY EYES THEY BURN SO MUCH! MY EARS ARE BLEEDING! GAAHAHAHHAS adajdskfjgakkh EDIT: Read below it. Was also joking.
I have an inner and outer ear infection somehow that I don't know how I got. Does that make sense?
I don't get it.
I regret to inform you that I am most certainly not Loxare. DarkTraitor.
I take offense to this.
what do khv
Wait, I think I completely misread the thread. So its not "omg I can't stop looking at it cause its so good1", but its "omg I can't stop looking at it this is bad cause im christainz" amirite so far?
You would post that to a 12-year old.
Have fun when you get to the Itachi level. You're gonna spam B like you've never done before.
I see stuff going by. When I'm on the road...
YOU SON OF A- So you give this guy money, BUT NOT ME?!
But I ate all my pickles and I wanna buy more! D:
Can I borrow 50 bucks?
Oh dear God I'm laughing too hard.