SPEEPAPAHIPSQUEE I always wondered what he was saying.
"This page is in Thai. Would you like to translate it?'
Spend half of my life on TF2 and YouTube again. ;_;
Sloth or greed, one of the two. Mostly sloth though.
=D What is it?
no but srsly can I add you?
yo dawg, you got an MSN?
who da hell is this poser
KH1 Sephiroth was a big pain, but KH2 Sephiroth wasn't nearly as hard. Also, Terra is probably easier than KH2 Sephiroth. Just guard and don't give him any breathing room.
No .
what fad ?
I'm gonna laugh if this is just an English patch made by someone, but I know its still gonna come out to North America. Shame I can't play it.
Wow. Alright, whatever. I'm sure it'll be a blast, but God of War multiplayer seems odd for some reason.
Yes, and it is as scary as people make it out to be. Playing it for a couple of hours can do things to your mind. Even a wall could make you jump after so long.
No, I honestly have no idea what it meant. I feel like the guy who made LSD. The game obviously, not the drug.
For some reason, I was Link from LoZ even though I've played it like once, and it was a completely white space. There were two graves in front of me. One was colored white with angel wings, and the other was black and yellow with a cross. A voice told me "don't go into the black one, Link!" in a very deep and ominous voice. However, since I can't control my dreams, I went to the black one. The cross disappeared, and I heard bells. A laugh came on. The cross began rising as the white space I was in began turning into complete chaos, wars, and a black holes surrounded the areas. All this while, the cross was slowly rising. I saw the freakiest faces you could ever see, and suddenly, everything paused and was silent. The cross was completely out of the ground. Then the deep voice came on with more gravel saying "free, at last." Then outside a loud as hell thunder banged and I woke up jumping. tl;dr, I had an acid trip.
I hate Nigel and Avatar jokes, but this was hilarious.
Vamp's alive. He's alive. For this reason is why the story will be crap. But it's probably still gonna be fun as hell.
Aqua, because she's pretty the much who can hold their own in a fight. Plus she's the only character that I loved. ;~;
Too bad the story's gonna be crap. :v