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  1. Majik
    More can come from this than just piracy.
    Such as a cheat device, playing music during gameplay (Im really wanting this), full linux access (basically if linux has full access to ps3 you'll basically have another computer), etc.

    But this also has a downside, im very sure sony will do what microsoft did and start banning psn for people with hacked ps3's.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  2. Majik
    You could use a Hex editor.
    The only hard part will be tracking down that routine.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Majik
    Its not a waste of effort.
    Once the door is open its damn near impossible to close it.
    (look at the psp & xbox 360)
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  4. Majik
    Well, im not to big a fan of the prequel and most definitely the sequels.
    But I am a fan of the original.

    If they did a true remake, as in not mentioning anything thats to far off from original FF7 (aka, the sequels) I would love the idea of remaking it. But seeing as Nomura is now director of FF7 series, that will not happen most likely. :/
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  5. Majik
    Tetsuya Nomura has confirmed the "Highly anticipated" game that is to be announced this year is not a FFVII remake as many believed.

    Thread by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Majik
    eh, no?
    This generation has only just started (for sony atleast), there is so much untapped potential in the PS3.

    Its not a matter of not wanting to DL it, its for technical reasons.
    PS3 uses FAT32, that max's out a 4gb.
    Since about 95% of PS3 games exceed 4gb, they wont work.

    As for homebrew, im looking forward to cheat devices and N64 & SNES emulator. But, that's gonna be awhile before the scene gets that far.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  7. Majik
    This is great news for homebrew scene, but pirates are being fooled by this.
    A iso loader will not come from this.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  8. Majik
    Online eh?
    lulz, running around a shankin friends.
    Definitely can't see how multiplayer would be done, except for co-op.
    Now that I think of it co-op in Assassins Creed would be pretty fun.
    But it also gets old fast...
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. Majik
    This game is using a disk check.
    (There is disk check routine that needs to be patched)
    Cheat device could be used as temporary fix, or modded into ELF as permanent fix.

    and any people saying "There will be new CFW" or "a new game decrypter", those both have been proven to be fake rumors.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Majik
    Nice going Evil :noworries:
    This may give me a reason to finally play Re:Com again.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: New Releases
  11. Majik
    Why must cool shit like this come out when my PS3 got YLOD...with my uncharted 2 stuck inside.
    Im jealous.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  12. Majik
    Run swap magic's ELF file with uLaunch ELF.
    (you still need a legit ps2 game in the drive before you do the swap)
    Post by: Majik, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Technology
  13. Majik
    You cant replace sora in cutscenes with riku or a totally different model (not counting his drive forms).
    The animation will screw up the models if they aren't meant for it.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 20, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Majik
    Emulators for modern day systems are very complex to make, i can guaranteed you a PSP emulator will not come from this forum.

    Considering how long it typically takes a emulator of a system like this to be up and running games at full speed (it takes years), you'd be better off buying a psp if you want to play psp games anytime soon.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 13, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  15. Majik
    lol, super beastin.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 13, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Majik
    Without owning swap magic you can try cogswap or free mcboot(with free mcboot patch the disc for ESR or run swap magic ELF file)
    Post by: Majik, Jan 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Majik
    GEN is no longer releasing CFW, Yoshihiro stated it himself because Dark Alex (M33) fanboys kept stealing his work.
    As for this, the protection can be defeated. Any "protection" with software can be reversed engineered. Its just with GEN and M33 gone, we are to do this by ourselves.

    Kudos to SE for screwing over pirates. Even though its fun to get games for free, it is also the reason the gaming industry will (eventually, if not stopped) die.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Majik
    The firmwares are copyright by Sony.
    Modifying copyright code is indeed illegal.
    (But patches could change this in some way, since in most cases they only get pissed if you redistribute modified copyright code)
    But either way, the firmware is created by illegal methods.

    Most people tend to believe that it depends on how you use it that makes it illegal though (booting ISO,CSO of games you do not own).
    Sketchy subjects, are sketchy.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Majik
    The fact that it has less community support isn't a issue.
    If it can be done legally, then it can be done legally.
    Its allowed to be discussed here.

    Your allowed 1 rip of your genuine purchased disc in most countries.
    But you will face a problem booting it since consoles prevent your from booting them. This topic will just run me & you back & forth since you are allowed your backup, but in most cases you must do something illegal to get the backup to boot.

    Admins have told us time from time to not allow sketchy discussion.
    Its not so much of strict policies, they just to perfer to dodge the bullet all-together.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Majik
    A crack wont come from this site. All PSP games sooner or later come with a new security system. BBS is using a new security system. You have to wait till someone such as GEN, Yoshihiro, or someone understanding the system can figure out how it works.

    On a second note, lets keep this type of chat involving cracks or ISO's off the site.
    Post by: Majik, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Code Vault