*hops down into your lap* *curls up, goes back to sleep*
*curls up into a ball, yawns, goes to sleep on your head like a hat* *purrs in sleep*
*climbs ontop of your head*
*climbs gently onto your shoulder, nuzzles your cheek, purring loudly into your ear* X3 *no claws*
*purrs more, nuzzles into your hand* X3
*purrs, snuggles* X3
X3 I is glad XD
*loosens* sorry XP
lol want me to stop? XD
*hugglesnugglecuddle* X3
lol *nuzzles* I wouldn't call you anything you wouldn't like hearing, or wouldn't find funny X3
Nah, don't worry, I won't call you that again ;3 I know other fun names to call you...ones that you love to hear <3
It's alright XD sugar ;3
XD good my plan is working then lol
Cool X3 I'm on mobile, but I'll try and be on the comp soon. Sorry for being so slow.
Ok <3 *huggle snuggles* X3 you on PSP?
Sorry, thought you meant something else.
You no want that? :-/
X3 I always be heres to glomp ya <3. I've been working out for the last few hours. Fuuun
*huggles* I'm sorry. I guess we'll have to wait to see if those help any. I'll be here if you need me <3