How's the pm attempt going? XD
S'alright <3 sorry for the long reply; trying to get stuff done.
Ok *nuzzles more*
Take your time <3 *nuzzles*
Good morning <3
It's okay, today's a bad day for us. Just try and keep safe. I'll be on for sure tonight, so if you get on I'll be here. Be safe <3
Lol it's okay. I didn't think I'd be on either. I found a guest wireless network, so I found a way to talk even if it is monitored XD
Hey <3 just saying bye before we leave, at about 9. I'll try to stay on until then, but if I don't get to see you until then, know that I'll miss...
Bye bye for now <3
Hey. I'm sorry, I'mma gonna have to go to bed now, so I can get the workout done early. Night night <3
Heey. I'm going to take a shower real quick. Be back in 15, then I'll say goodnight (if you're still up XD) <3
Is okayies *huggles* we talkies later :3
Hey again. Can't stay on anymore tonight, I can barely stay awake :(. I miss yooo X3 I'll try and catch you again tomorrow. Night night <3
Hey. Taking a shower. Be back asap. <3
I'm sorry, I need to go to bed, need to wake up at 7 tomorrow. I'll tty whenever possible tomorrow, okay? Night night <3
*jumps, lands on back, tries to paw other hand for sneak attack*
*squirms, rolls upright* *pounces on your hand, tail swishing faster*
*purrs, paws faster* X3
*tail swishes back and forth* *tries to paw your hand playfully*
*purrs louder*...*rolls onto side*