Don't worry, when the right one comes along, you'll be able to.
I bet not XD
Ugh, yeah that's bad...I don't know what half those things are and I know it's bad.
I suppose a dead battery's out of the question?
Well, maybe you'll be able to team up and buy a good car when you get a job. I know I need a new one, as much as mine's falling apart XP
*nuzzles* I'd be driving a sedan or a minivan, though
;3 let's face it, largest for ya XD
Look at it this way, if I get a new car, comfortable for a guy my size, it'll be the size of a house for you XD
Such is the case for a 6'4 guy...
Having your butt numb for an hour ain't comfy nope nope
My butt was numb for over an hour ;-; that's the worst thing to feel for so long...
A minivan, but I was still too big for it.
I got crammed into a car for a 4 hour roadtrip. Not fun, either...
So, what'd ya do yesterday (yanno, aside from being scared silly from the tornado)?
I missed you yesterday X3 *hugglesnuggles*
Never *huggles* <3
It's one of those days XD I'm that way today, too
So, how are you? XD
I see that lol <3
Lol *nuzzles* <3