That works! 8D
though im not sure "Loveless" would be the best name...
but then has a chocolaty filling x3
it tastes like beloved...
that means i get the Soubi cookie :3 *eats Soubi cookie*
yay! *gives cookie with a picture of Ritsuka on it*
Loveless is awesome <3
omg, is that a Loveless avatar i see?
*hides under bed shaped like Usa-Chan*
thats how i got my soul back, luckily we were playing Old Maid...
I made a AWESOME bedtime story! I posted it here on the forum as well, Its called: "The Nightmare Before Kwanza"
Lucius got his ass handed to him x3
The one for the Hopping Pot is funny at the end, it really makes you like Dumbledore even more x3
you HAVE to read them! they're hilarious and really insightful, its like a second book!
so what did you think of the commentaries? i liked it when he makes a footnote that says "Such as myself", its hilarious to me 8'D
it may be tiny but its really worth it!
i know what you mean! Its the one story besides the Tale of Three Brothers thats mentioned in the book, and i really lol'd when i read it ^^
i is not vanishing!