You may have millions of dollars in debt! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
I TOLD you he didn't have them...Don't care..."Well, Either way..." Renge said "Gimme gimme gimme! You big meanie!" Renge started hitting Advent's chest with he little hands.
Instead of Renge's voice, Cygnus's voice spoke "The sword...hand it over...."
AND our newest handheld game! the Nintento DSihjhDYFEKAikkdujxxx5!
Renge cluchted her bat tightly, she spoted Advent and was ready to attack. Ready? Yeah...He's weaker without Corona with him... Renge started to run and then jumped at Advent, hitting him switly in the gut it her bat.
i am also failing math...interesting...
that wasn't a question.... yes
you know who it is, but dont reveal it...SUSPICIOSUS!
or maybe it was....YOU!
was it the chupacabra with a vacuum cleaner in the kitchen!?
*gasp* then who is?
please stop eating my cats. with love, The Ghost That Never Lies
is that game perhaps Chrono Trigger?
no house interwebz, im in the library... uhh...become my evil minion
how about a variety of bizzare and nonsensical endings that include necromacy eggs and a queen that has babies with a frog? i accept cash
act now and get a free enchanted forest with NO STRINGS ATTACHED! all you'll lose is your soul!
Gather around and bring me your souls!
OOC: aboogaboogaboogabooga!
stop making so much noise!!! *crawls back into grave*