"Pretty sure you'e a bully." Renge nodded, finding the book she was looking for. A large, colorful cookbook. She opened the book and then yelled out "Data drain! Cake!" A green beam of energy shot out from he arm and into the book. A few seconds later, a peice of cake and a plate and fork appeared in Renge's hands and she began to eat. "Want some? She asked Angel.
"Can we go to Disneyland?" Renge asked Are you stupid or something!? Don't think so... Well then, dont act like it! If you follow them around, your bound to find where the Comet will land, and for that matter, where the attack will start... I'm hungry... Urg... Renge rummaged through her bag and took out a book.
what do you have to say about this?
*bites again* hmmm.... the top part tastes like old O'rly? owl feathers....
*cough cough* its a little dry...
i cant beat the Hero's Tomb part...
*chases after car*
"Renge crossed her arms and stuck her tounge out at Advent. "Meanie bobinie slovinie...."
depends, are you a guy?
Take me now...*moan*
morbid genital herpes is the main underlined cause of epic sarcastic nazi dancing....this has been a public service announcement, brought to you by Cubic Zirconion "because someone has to"
im having trouble, im afraid
yes, yes i am...
Bam, bam bammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
song, lets gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song~
Lets sing a song.
Who dares awaken me the great Laharl?
or IS it?........