PC, Xbox One, or PS4?
Tfw it's high noon but everyone is already dead
I feel like the last guy is Tale Spoiler View attachment 44622
That's the point
She does tons of damage??? You have to get behind the enemy team though. I usually use her to disrupt the enemy team so we can move our payload through. Also, when you blow up the mech suit it's not to cause damage, it to move characters like Bastion or a sniper out of their position.
Are you gonna start watching diamond is unbreakable soon or are you gonna wait until all the episodes are otu?
I just played D.VA and she's so awesome >_<
View attachment 44621
I'll play Mercy, Widowmaker, and D.VA. Is anyone playing it on Xbox one?
I had to do it but i cringe
XBOX Live: Paisley Kiss Also, can I get my 3DS code removed?
This seriously made me anxious. It's not like there aren't other worlds. I'm starting to develop Anakin's hated of sand from being in Agrabah all the dang time.
Today we're going on a field trip to the museum and it's also museum day. I don't feel like this was planned.
I usually wake up ready to go then pass out again an hour later :\
Oh, I actually thought you were making fun of me lol. It's an xbox thing.
View attachment 44601
Is this sarcasm? I can't tell over the internet.