So I actually followed @DigitalAtlas suggestion and applied to be a Podcast guest a few weeks ago, now let's hope my English speaking has gotten better with my classes and stuff (Not saying I was terrible at speaking English but I wasn't that natural either). This should be a fun experience. On another news, I had a troubleshooting nightmare with my PC's sound card today. I'M NOT TOUCHING ANYTHING HARDWARE-RELATED EVER AGAIN. EVER. AGAIN.
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your condition, from what you are telling it seems like it triggered at random though so I can't ask much on the why it happened. Anyways, I hope you get better soon. :l
(Off topic, sorry if I'm interrupting something important) God dammit I really want to try getting into KHV Idol but I can't come with any song to cover that I haven't covered already. :l
Alright, I really thank you then. I'll add your FC now so I don't forget, but it doesn't matter if you take longer than planned, so don't feel any pressure. Do PM me when you are done because I tend to have a terrible memory, though. lol
Well, if you don't mind at all, I say any nature that is not detrimental to ATK or S.ATK, given my Electivire is usually a mixed sweeper (Current moveset I have though for him is Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Psychic and Flamethrower). But actually, anything as long as I get an Electabuzz. <_< Also, if you can name it "Rising Force" for Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force (The limit now is 12 characters, right?) or just "Voltek" for Volt and a corruption of Tech I would be grateful. Btw, how hard would it be to get an Electrizer in this gen? My FC: 1607-3009-9195
Yeah, I find him immensely fun, due to his insane movepool and incredibly cool design (Atleast in my opinion), and Motor Drive can be used for bait-and-switch. Sadly him alongside my other Gen IV competitive favorite (Dusknoir) are uncatchable in Gen VI and I have no ways of trading them (As in, I don't own Black/White or Black/White 2). I MIGHT find a way via Wonder Trade or a friend, but I see it unlikely. Use whatever team you want to use. I'm just saying don't expect a massive challange from me or my team.
Oh okay, that makes it easier (And more sense) Alright, I have like... 6 Badges (I think, I got to Dendemille Town), so it shouldn't take less than a week for me to finish the game if I start tommorow. I'll message you if I finish it by then or before. I warn you though, expect scrub-tacular tactics, I haven't played competitive Pokemon in God-knows-how-long and the last time I did I rode the Expert Belt Electivire wave of victory.
Would like to but the only competitive-tier Pokemon I currently have is banned (Gengar), everyone else has bad natures. That and I haven't finished the maingame yet. Really not been in the mood to pick up my 3DS. <_< Anyways, I wish you luck with your task of getting the best possible Slowpoke, I would never have the patience to IV raise.
PERSONAL SOUNDTRACK - ATLUS/LAPLACE PLAYED TOO MUCH MEGATEN EDITION (WITH SOME DAISUKE ISHIWATARI). Main Theme • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - Title Loop 2 (Because I just love this theme) My Hometown • Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army - The Lazy Detective Agency (I just feel this theme is very fitting for an everyday life’s situation, also yeah the game I'm thinking off takes places in a pseudo-modern setting) Battle (Generic) • Sword Of Justice - Death Match DDS (Shin Megami Tensei II) (This one is good but not that good to be a serious battle theme) Goofing Off • Persona 2: Innoncent Sin - Main Theme B (I didn't understand this one well so I picked a happy theme) Trouble in Town • Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon - The Wind of Tsukigata (Really gives a menacing yet sorrowful feeling) Call to Action • Sword Of Justice - Ginza (Shin Megami Tensei) (The way this theme goes really gives a “Let’s get serious” vibe) Battle (Worthy Opponent) • Sword Of Justice - Battle (Shin Megami Tensei II) (This theme just gets me pumped everytime) Leaving Home • Guilty Gear 2: Overture - Curtain Call (This theme starts sad, but then it emits a feeling that while it may be a bad thing leaving your home, it will bring surely positive experiences) Wondrous Sights • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - Morale (This one was hard, as I don't remember many inspirational/wondrous themes, but I feel this one is fitting) Battle (Rival) • Guilty Gear 1 - Meet Again (MEET AGAIN, COME ON, besides, it gives a good mood for a rival) Through Dark Caverns • Digital Devil Saga 2 - Infiltration (Really gives a feeling you are inside a menacing and mysterious place) The Coming Storm • Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army - Breaking Through The Wall (An enemy has materialized in the physical realm, what will you do?) Tragedy Strikes • Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Dance of Death (For reasons I will not state because spoilers, this is very fitting) Battle (Desperate Struggle) • Shin Megami Tensei IV - Battle B2 (Really gets you in a hopeless mood) Awakened Resolve • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - A Land Bringing About Life (You are hopeless, worthless, then the light finally comes to you, and you are bringed with a strong resolve...) To the Rescue • Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army - Go! Raidou (Gives a feeling you are a hero trying to save your love interest or someone close to you) My Last Journey • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - Kagutsuchi Tower (Gives a last dungeon feeling) Battle (Final) • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - Normal Battle Theme (Only those that played DDS1 fully will get this lolol) Homecoming • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - Reincarnation (Everything's back to normal... For now...) Epilogue • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - Scepter of Justice (BEST. CREDITS. SONG. EVER) Yeah I know the musical styles don't blend together between themes, but I wanted a more depending-on-the-situation thing.
THE MEMES, THE GODDAMED MEMES. (This remix is amazing) Also sorry for not posting much today, I have been too busy in this "I'm going to upgrade my PC" thing. Speaking of that, if by Friday-Sunday I don't log in, consider the possibility I had to reinstall everything on this computer for one reason or another, but I shall be fine (Annoyed because having to reinstall everything :l, but fine).
Alright, I'll try then to stream then around 6-7 PM on my time on a weekend day, if somebody has an objection please say so. So, anyone else interested in this little project of mine? Come on, don't be shy to express your opinion. c: Also, in the meantime why we wait for the week to pass out (Because I still need to upgrade my PC which I'm doing on Friday), anyone has questions they want me to answer now or on the stream with a demonstration? If is the latter I'll keep them on a Notepad document or something of the sort.
It's okay, I'm more worried about save corruption in games than a damaged disc (The former can't be fixed while the latter can) To be honest, my PS2 is near the dying point (Starts to fail to read the discs), so yeah, I don't turn it on at all anymore unless it's necessary (Like if I needed to play DDS2 or Raidou 2). I still have it just to remember the old times.
Hopefully your copy isn't scratched and the game doesn't crashes always on the cutscene before the final dungeon (What, by the way, happened to me) Seriously I was SO annoyed, and I got all the ultimate weapons and even did the secret boss.
I could actually stream past 7 PM when I'm done with my classes/therapy on the week days, otherwise I think a weekend stream would be the best. How about around 1-5 PM? Or maybe after 6-7 PM? And alright, no Thursday then. Anyways I'm more tired on that day because I just want the weekend to start lol.
Alright, thanks for your interest, I really appreciate it! Yeah about that, I'll try to be as explanative as possible for those who had never composed music (Like the concepts of Velocity AKA how hard a key is pressed and how it affects the volume or other stuff, Automation AKA changing parameters like Tempo, Volume in middle of a song via curves and stuff, and so on), but if you don't understand anything I'm saying feel free to ask! c: Also, while I'm going freeflow on the day and time I want to stream (Because streaming when I'm not inspired is kind of meaningless), I want to know, what day and time would be the best for you all? I'm down with any hour as long it's between 11 AM and 5PM (Right now it's 11 PM), but on Friday and weekends I'm completely free (But I still wake up around 11 AM). So do throw me some suggestions what time you would feel less tired/more comfortable with this. I'll try to follow your times as much as possible. Just saying because I don't want to stream at a time nobody will be watching lol.
Well, I tend to be pretty much the apologetic kind of person, so don't be surprised at my reactions. c: I do agree promoting oneself is important though. Alright, understood, thank you a lot then (Again, I tend to be like this, always thanking a lot the chances and things I'm given, have to be honest to myself or otherwise I'll feel bad with me)
My sincerest apologies, didn't meant to direct anything to you. I know that feeling, I have some inner demons as well so I understand completely. Again, my apologies.
Why no one can even tell me if is even a good idea or a bad idea. You all take for given I have any sort of self-confidence to believe that fully. ._. I personally think it's a pretty neat idea because you guys could see what the backstage behind a musical composition is like, sure, it might get boring at times, but we can make it interesting (Or atleast as interesting as streaming a turn-based RPG you never played but are interested in) But I just don't know, your thoughts? But no seriously, sorry if I make it seem I'm too sour about that, I just tend to be impatient and believe people don't pay me too much attention because well... Me. Anyways, happy birthday Laurence, hopefully it was a good day for you. c:
Buenos dias and welcome to this site. c: My name is Laplace, artist and music composer that tends to be active on these forums (Somewhat). You seem like a pretty knowledgable and coolheaded (Yet quite warm hearted) person so I won't tell you to read the rules because you clearly already read them, instead I will warmly welcome you here. About your likes, you clearly seem to know what you like clearly, that's good. Personally I like playing fighting games, art-related things (Like I said there is art like graphic art and drawing which I do both, then as I also said I compose music, then I also sing) and... That's about it actually. You seem to have a better grasp at knowing what you like than I. lol If you have any questions or just want to talk to me drop me a line also. Though the questions... Might not be answered correctly or in much detail. <.< Yeah... That's about it, sorry for not being able to give you a reply worthy of your original post. :l–-the-jakyou-manor-a-livestream-about-musical-composition.145086/ Go to give me your thoughts on this topic, or just do that here. (Not forcing you of course, but it would be nice if you told me if you think it is a good or a bad idea) Also, it's Laurence_Fox's birthday? Nice.