After listening to all of those, I feel Number 1 is my favorite. Why? I feel it has lots of energy and emotion put into it, it stood out to me, and it made me smile. c:
*Hard encounter rate, my bad lmao.
Atleast let me give you something with a hard catch rate like a Inkay or a Honedge. And with pleasure I'll 6v6 with you sometime once I have done...
Thank you! Also with my birthday being officially over here, I can safely say it was a good day. c:
Oh wow, this sounds amazing, the amount of layers of sound after sound which sound completely harmonic is just outstanding. Nah I don't mind...
Hmm, true points, if you mean a display of musical composition skills rather than technical abilities then sure, it is usually more interesting to watch, but I feel it depends on your tastes. And I feel you, I want to try to learn playing Guitar and I'm awed by the concept of shredding, but I know it's not something that fits me for me to play, yet I enjoy listening to it, I know I have a messy head lol. Like the fact I enjoy listening to Metal yet I know it isn't a genre it fits me to sing (To give another example). Anyhow, I'm just happy somebody of this generation is willing to do Metal covers.
Sorry if you don't allow solo/cover guitarists in this section, feel free to move to the spamzone if I've made a mistake. I don’t know about all of you but seeing these renewed my faith in humanity. Yeah short topic, but this a sight you have to see yourself to believe.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. c: Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much. c:
Oh right, silly me, I almost forgot. FC: 1607-3009-9195
It's okay, it doesn't matters. Anyways, you want anything in special in exchange? Also, thanks again, I'll get in Pokemon Y in a min. Let me...
Thanks to all of you, I really appreciate it. c: I would love to hear this but I seem to be too dumb to understand how to tune in via browser (Or Firefox isn't letting me period), and I don't own any Media Player capable of reading the tune-in file without touching some stuff I better not touch.
Aww, thanks a lot for the topic Amaury. I really appreciate it, more because of the fact we haven't talked a lot between ourselves (And I don't know why, you seem like a pretty cool person). If you ever want to talk to me drop me a line or ask me for my Skype via PM, whatever you feel more comfortable with, I am always open for knowing good people. c:
So it's my birthday. WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS KHV? YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY CAKE UNTIL I SAY SO. >: (I'm joking, I don't need stuff from you, because I already got my upgraded PC and I'm in the process of getting a better Mic rofl)
Oh what the... Submitted my entry, sorry to all of you in advance if I destroy any audio receptors (Be it speakers or you know, your ears) or make you feel like throwing up. >:
THE FINAL 12 HOURS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY (After all my birthday, my timezone :l). RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Disclaimer: Most of the time I get like this when it's close to my birthday)
Alright, I understand, hopefully you can clear your head man. :l Take care.
Yeah the eyelashes are weird, but that was in his design in general, not just in this still image (Like, for example, in the anime adaptation you could see them stick out like a sore thumb off his face) PTS? Oh Paint Tool Sai, I've been thinking on getting a program specially for drawing but I need to see a list of cons and pros vs Photoshop before. Anyways, corrected out the top-left eyelash (Was half-asleep when doing this <.<) Thanks! c:
Remember the phase where we all colored manga scans? Yeah I do, and I still do that when I' m bored. Again, don't know where to post this (GEEZ I'M SO CONFUSED), as it's not specifically a tag, but it's not a vector render either, if a mod sees fit to move this please do and thank you beforehand. Maybe I'm terrible at sketching from the mind but I still have my touch in coloring from it. c: Original picture: