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  1. Laplace
    I... I WON RIGHT!?


    For those who can't get it, I'm not allowed to buy online, have a Paypal or anything related to it, so it would be impossible for me to get PC Minecraft in any other way.
    Post by: Laplace, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Laplace

    Post by: Laplace, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Laplace
    Well I would but:

    1) While Trumpetlands (Located on the Brass Ocean) introduced some interesting concepts, and I somewhat liked it, to me the best Gens will be 2 due to nostalgia and 5 due to it's execution (Personal opinion, that's all).

    2) This Ramlethal Valentine avatar is too Godlike.
    Post by: Laplace, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Laplace
    Honestly, I don't blame you at all, about a year ago I was going through a lot of personal struggles and had to leave the forum in order to retreat and cool down.

    ...To be honest my mind isn't fully fixed yet, but ANYWAYS, back to you.

    I'm glad to see you are doing good.

    Nice to meet you, I'm Laplace, a music composer and singer too, and an artist.

    Oh? You play the drums? That's nice, I am learning to play the Guitar. c:

    I know this may seem sudden but mind if we can talk or something? You seem like a really honest-to-yourself person, a quality I really respect in people, and I'm broadening my horizons in meeting new people.

    Anyways, welcome back, and have a nice day.
    Post by: Laplace, May 6, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Laplace
    I was skeptic about XYZs then Evilswarm happened. Maybe it's bias because I really enjoyed Steelswam and OUROBOROS.

    That being said, Pendulum cards DO seem a little convulted for their own good.

    Dragunity/Tech Genus the UMvC3 Vergils of Synchro-era YGO.

    Now it's Elemental Dragons/Dragon Rulers is my friend's word is still valid.

    Makes me wonder why bother introducing Gishkis in the Duel Terminals if they aren't going to bother to make them good. :l

    Seriously Konami this isn't time to introduce new card types, you have archetypes to fix.
    Post by: Laplace, May 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Laplace
    Give me a min, fetching the bread and the toaster.

    (I don't know about you all but I actually eat toast with butter and jelly/jam)
    Post by: Laplace, May 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Laplace
    Well, I may not have listened as much music as most of you, but I can provide my experience.

    Most stuff by Led Zeppelin I have listened to far that isn't Stairway to Heaven, only because of how "Psychedelic" they sound (If is the right word I'm looking for), to provide an example:

    Yeah it might not that weird but it stands out for me while still being catchy (To me atleast)
    Post by: Laplace, May 4, 2014 in forum: Music
  8. Laplace
    This thread is going places.

    Now let's see... Fedora or hoodie? Which would suit me more with this thread's mood?

    Don't you have strawberry flavored? >:
    Post by: Laplace, May 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Laplace
    Alright, after asking Jayn, I've decided to do Plastic Night by Daisuke Ishiwatari with my own, personal-made vocals.

    Good luck everyone!

    Post by: Laplace, May 4, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  10. Laplace


    (For those of you that aren't able to get the reference, it's the "We are making Lucifer so proud" line from "Seventh Sign" composed by Yngwie Malmsteen)

    On other news my Mic got delayed until Monday. :l
    Post by: Laplace, May 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Laplace
    That's alright, I'm also terrible (Read: Incredibly shy) when it comes to introducing myself rofl.

    A musician? So I am one too, except I am just recently learning to play an instrument (The guitar in my case), I do it all with software so far. Hopefully I can check our some of your compositions in the Audio Projects section, also if you want you can check some of mine or the rest of the forum. c:

    I'm Laplace, a general artist (Singer, songwriter as mentioned, graphic artist and half-of-a traditional artist), and I welcome you warmly to these forums, make sure to read the rules and stuff, just don't get into problems.

    I think we'll get along just fine, if you want to talk to me, just drop me a PM, and if you have questions about the site... Well, you are better asking a staff as I'm not that knowledgeable outside of the sections I post in, lol.

    Welcome again and HaVE a NiCE DAY!
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Laplace
    We are talking about YGO 5Ds? Godlike, that show was great.

    Also do not know anymore what to do with the streaming idea, I am getting all the remaining "Streaming gear" (Read: USB Mic and Table for my Keyboard) this week, but part of me is just incredibly scared to do this, truth be told, I am an incredibly shy person, haha.

    I REALLY want to do it, though.
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Laplace
    "The more seriously I took things
    The harder the rules became
    I had no idea what it'd cost
    My life passed before my eyes
    I found out how little I accomplished
    All my plans denied"

    Yes I'm going randomly through Megadeth songs.

    Anyways, despite my melancholy if somebody wants to talk to me I'll comply, so if somebody needs me I'll be here.
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Laplace
    "Lost in a dream
    Nothing is what it seems
    Searching in my head
    For the words that you said
    Tears filled my eyes
    As we said our last goodbyes
    This sad scene replays
    Of you walking away"

    God KHV, lately I've been with so little drive to do things, yes, that counts even posting here, I've been spending most of my time on my bed sad.

    I talked to my psychiatrist and I got even stronger medication, but I need to wait a week to see if it has any effect, until then, expect me to barely post here. Unless somebody wants to start a conversation with me.
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Laplace
  16. Laplace
  17. Laplace
    Alright, thanks for the insightful tip. c:

    Yes, I have the time and the dedication to practice, I find playing guitar so "Fun" and fulfilling I can practice for an entire hour nonstop even though I have barely learned anything yet.

    Actually, might as well practice now while I wait for the next hour to roll in so I can start my singing class.
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Laplace
    It's on iTunes and Amazon (labeled on the latter as "Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- Arcade Version Op&Ed Theme"), if you need direct links to any of those and can't find them just PM me.

    As much as I would like to link to Youtube video, ASW keeps taking them down one after one. And I'm not so sure if it's allowed on here (This is not a GG forum but I'll play it safe)

    Everyone else in my close family but my mother can play guitar, and I really wanted to play but never had much belief on my abiltiies up to now (And even now, I barely have them rofl)

    Oh alright, thanks for understanding.
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Laplace
    Hello Nami, I am Laplace, a person who does stuff related to art and music. c:

    Just read the rules and yougetit. You'll do just fine.

    Speaking honestly, you seem like a cool person, so if you ever have the need to talk or ask me questions, with pleasure I'll agree. Just don't expect the questions to be answered rightly if they are about the forum (You are better asking a staff about this)

    Oh you do Graphic Art? That's nice, I look forward to checking it out.

    It's okay, I am incredibly shy as well, but that does not stop me from greeting you. c:

    Anyways, have a nice day!
    Post by: Laplace, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Laplace
    Time for random updates.

    -It's decided, I'm learning Guitar, my first class starts next Monday.

    I'm really excited because I always wanted to play Guitar and the Electric Guitar is my favorite instrument. Obviously that means that down the road I'm getting an Electric Guitar.

    -About the stream idea...

    Yeah, even myself I don't know anymore if it's coming, I've been through some emotional problems and obviously that handicaps me to compose music or just be in a positive attitude. I'm so sorry if I have let down somebody. I'm not saying it's never coming, I have everythng set up, but... Yeah, I'm just not feeling it right now. :l

    -Full Heavy Day is Godlike.

    Post by: Laplace, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone