Harime 2.png# (For those who don't get how to use this, and I don't blame you, on the bottom-middle toolbar, click on "Auto" and choose "Original" to view the image as I made it) Resized preview: Original image: Done in - Paint Tool SAI. Go as rough on me as you want, no matter if is my first piece with this program. >: CnC please and thank you. c: Yes I know the image says Nue Harime, slight mistake. D:
Oh okay, my bad lol. Anyways, taking @Plums lack of answer at my question that he doesn't knows, so it's VECTORING TIME. I CAN'T WAIT NO LONGER, I HAVE ARTISTIC NEEDS. (Sorry for interrupting your thread so suddenly, Nova :l)
Hey man, don't feel bad. Atleast you are posting at something that isn't a snail's pace because you most of the time don't know how to contribute to the thread. :l
Omg I know this is offtopic as damn but do you know if that Nue image is already a vector render or just a render from the anime? Because if is just a render, I'm so damn tempted to take it, stretch it a lot and vectorize it. @_@ *I'm bored and I need activities to do* Anyways, yay congrats Nova. c:
Just sent my intros and outros. Intro/Outro 1 is more "Playful" while Intro/Outro 2 is more "Classy". This Mic is so sensitive that picked up my PC's humming, but like, it doesn't overpowers my voice or the recording at all, still, if you think it still sounds bad or, God forbid, I did another kind of mistake, let me know and I'll see if I can re-record them with my mic more far away from my PC.
It's okay, you can still comment on it if you'd like. How do I do it? I can't even play a guitar, but when it comes to catchy sounds I have heard a lot of amazing tracks, so I use "Inspirational tracks" and base them slightly off them, I also follow certain structures for my songs. But really the big secret is practice, practice, practice, I've had a year of musical composition behind before I started posting my own tracks. I'm terrible at giving songs a constant "Mood" or "Feeling" though, but I base myself on my strengths and try to ignore the weaknesses. For the voice thing, I feel you, I also had a severe lack of self-confidence in my voice, until I applied the above and learned my voice is very versatile for some things and a kind of jack-of-all-trades, you just need to know what your voice is good for. If you'd like we can keep on talking about this on Soundcloud or PMs here. I still have a lot to learn but I like to share what I learned haha. Like for example I struggle a lot with singable melodies, which is why 90% of my stuff is instrumental. Also, that track sounds pretty good. c:
Wow, pretty nice stuff. My only complaint on all the songs I listened so far is that the vocals, they seem to be... Too unclear? I mean, the stuff you are pronouncing, I kinda know what you are prronouncing, but it could be more pronounced with more articulation on your mouth. Unless it's meant to be done on purpose. The vocals could also stand more clearly through the mix. But maybe it's just me unable to appreciate this, really, it sounds beautiful, KIND of Led Zeppelin-like, but the vocals kinda ticks me off. But really, it's really nice stuff, and you are on the right track with the guitar playing, so keep on composing! Composition - My Dear Friend.mp3 GUYS I BROKE THE WITCH'S SPELL, I COMPOSED A SONG WHICH I COULD SING. This one is my Friend's Day/Día Del Amigo (A friendship-themed celebration here on July 20, but I'm giving presents early) present for @Jayn who I have a lot of respect for. I already gave @Ars Nova his present and I MIGHT work on some small presents for the people I know but that's for July 20. Spoiler: Lyrics. Dear Friend You bring me warmth Dear Friend You are so kind Dear Friend I want to say Dear Friend You’re in my mind (Verse 2) Can you get it? Kindness repays with kindness Your friendship feels just like sunrays Can you feel it? Warmness inside warmness Hold my hand please So I can just say (Chorus) My Dear Friend My Dear Friend I just want… My Dear Friend My Dear Friend To see your smile Dear Friend You bring to me light Dear Friend When I’m alone you… Dear Friend Remind me I'm not Dear Friend You warm up my life (Verse 2) (Chorus) (Solo) (Chorus) Whoever laughs at me for singing this kind of "innocent" music instead of Metal or something you see me usually do gets a Houtenjin in the face. <:
Spoiler: Photo-synthetic snake Laplace reporting in. Whatever that means. Yep... That's about it for now. :l ALSO GOD I'M SO HORRIBLE. *Low self-esteem*
Well that was fun. Though I'm sorry for being mostly worthless and dying every 5 minutes, everyone. :l
Just sent my entry, hopefully everything is okay. I actually put more effort on mixing my entry this time and, combined with my new mic, I really like how it turned out.
Well, after getting the fact a Blue Yeti here was 4000+ of my currency, with import taxes and all, I began to search around Amazon and stuff for USB Mics. My only purchase so far in music-related things is a Samson Carbon 49 which is my MIDI Keyboard, so I found they make also mics and I though "Eh, sure why not?" I previously showed interest in their GO Mic due to plug and play-ease of installation, and the fact it has a headphone jack in. But I digged in deeper and discovered the Samson Meteor Mic. Which is basically the GO Mic but with a sturdier body (Trust me, IT FELL ON THE FLOOR ACCIDENTALLY BEFORE I TESTED IT AND IT WORKED PERFECTLY) and if I read properly better sound quality. Obviously I saw some reviews of it beforehand, Besides, the design is so pretty. c: tl;dr I got a Samson Meteor Mic because I'm biased due my Samsom MIDI Keyboard, and I just love having a Headphone Jack. Also sosry for the late reply, I kind of feel asleep lol.
BRING ON THE FAIRIES. THAT THING MUST BE DRAGON/DARK. Also I noticed my name is not on the list of players, mistake or...? (Not trying to be picky, just wondering)
OH MY GOD, ARE YOU FROM ARGENTINA TOO? MUST. KNOW. YOU. BETTER. MIND IF I PM YOU AND WE CAN START TALKING OR SOMETHING? Yes, I have listened to all those songs, alongside the ones I listed on my topic. Anyways, here you go:
I dunno about you but... It makes me smirk. Maybe because I like crazy given my Ramlethal Valentine avatar (I originally wanted her with her psychotic smirk but subs in the video covering her face :l), the fact one of my favorite characters ever is Trolololzama from BlazBlue, and other things. Or maybe I'm going slightly mad~ Just slightly mad~
We are talking about music? Well then... Has anyone ever gave a good listen to Rata Blanca? They are a South American Neoclassical Metal band. For example I'm currently listening to this song I discovered sometime ago: El Beso De La Bruja/The Witch's Kiss. I made a thread about this band on the Music section but eh, no replies, doesn't matters though.
Lo mismo con migo y el Ingles, yo no puedo hablarlo TAN bien pero lo escribo y canto en Ingles sin problemas. (Trasnlation: The same with me and English, I can't speak it THAT well but I can write it and can sing in English without problems)