Gluttony Fang
Permission to get hype?
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE, I HAVE A YOUTUBE NOW. And my first upload is a remaster of an old classic of mine.
WE ARE DONE HERE. Thanks A LOT to @Ars Nova for giving me constant support on this, no matter my negativism with my voice.
Damn, that new mic quality really is noticeable. My only complaint is the fact sometimes you sing a bit too softly, but it's not that noticeable. Otherwise pretty good. c: Now at this point I would tell you to go help me on my own song (’...riginal-compositions-etc.142572/#post-4179175) but I'm not going to force you to anything. c: Anyways, nice job as usual.
After discussing with a friend multiple topics, some which were... A bit controversial for their own good, I came up with a good, somewhat-neutral one (Which is an altered version of the first topic I thought about alone). Hopefully you can find an use for it, if not, oh well, thank you for giving me a chance anyways. c:
It's okay, atleast it got fixed. c:
Err, my entry is wrong, I PMed you a different thing. :l Plus, it doesn't fits the theme of this week, at all. EDIT: Anyways, I vote for numver 4, because I really like it.
Just sent my entry, mixed in and everything. It's pretty experiemental as I did some wacky effects for my standards and I used my new DAW for recording and mixing instead of the old one, but it's too weird, let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.
I shall claim video games with Endless Despair II ... EN ESPAÑOL if possible, please. Spoiler EDIT: English vocal version of ED1, for those who want to see: Spoiler
Well while I was drawn into the hype for a moment, I gotta be a honest for a second. I am seriously considering quitting singing due to me not standing the sound of my own voice. :l
IT'S MY TURN. PREPARE YOUR SOULS. TIME FOR THE FATHER OF THE YEAR, EVERY YEAR. (Couldn't find the Photoshop of Relius holding a guitar between his hands, please excuse me)
Random question: Will this get uploaded to YT or somewhere? Because the player might be stuttering on my end and I don't want to miss my own performance. :l EDIT: Stopped stuttering, but still I'm curious.
lol my intro made it in? Godlike. MY BODY IS EXPERIMENT (You'll get this joke in a few minutes)
Get hype Tale, I used forbidden magic to make it work (AKA open the Radio page on Internet Explorer because I'm too lazy to DL Chrome) EDIT: But sadly I got to compose music now, GOD I AM SO SORRY MAN. I... Did it again, and this time it wasn't a complete casuality. BUT, the problem is, it's a bit off-key according to a friend who has a good musical ear (Unlike me :l). So I NEED you all to reply and help me improve this song before I upload it to Soundcloud. Tried to give the vocals an Ozzy Osbourne-like feeling. Read Noisserped backwards and you'll already get the theme of the song, but don't worry, the song is about fighting it. Spoiler: Lyrics incase you can't get my English. Noisserped, demon of deception Master of the illusion Rules over an army of slaves With his corrupted hex And he shall attempt to rule over you He shall make you one of them too Don’t follow him, no matter the thought Millions have fallen off by his hands Forced to suicide inside his claws Has deceived people into loneliness And others into cold-heartedness No matter what you must fight You must do what is right Not with brawn, but with might (Solo) Look, nobody said it’s an easy task Love, work for him they are all masks But one must stay strong oneself Not for others, but for yourself It’s important to never give in And you shall be set free So keep on fighting Keep on fighting
Welcome back! A creative person, eh? So I am, I like to do graphic art, draw, sing and compose music. It's nice to have more creative people. c: Anyways, hopefully we ger to see your personal creative works soon or late, I look forward to looking/listening to them and if I can offer feedback on them. c: If you'd like to talk to me drop me a PM. Have a nice day.
Yeah I'm still learning the ins off the program but uh... Basically you need to do lineart around and close it, then use a Magic Wand to select that area to color it, and I haven't even found "Select Transparency" yet. Long story short, the bow's lineart is so thick because underneath it there is the hair's lineart that threads around the bow. And the double-line of the dress? I did each color of the dress separately and didn't follow the lineart of the first section tightly enough. But yeah, it's only until I get used to the program. c: Thanks a lot, by the way.
Oh my bad, couldn't clearly see the image lol. Thanks! Also on random news, FINALLY I managed to get back to drawing classes just today, so hopefully expect more stuff from me coming soon and maybe even something that is originally from my mind. c: