Spoiler: Laplace Matsteen/Giardino. Disclaimer: Only @Novashadow and @Jayn can get the pun on "Malmsteen", maybe some others too, but yougetit. For those who can't get the why, I'm holding a variant of another brand of a Fender Strat, guitar known for being played by Yngwie Malmsteen/Walter Giardino of Rata Blanca.
Brilliant and Lazy come hand in hand, believe me. I once took an IQ test and I'm apparently more intelligent than average (After all, I compose music, do graphic art, got once into programming without trouble, etc etc), but I just don't care and I'm VERY lazy, and you want to know why? I don't like how the system works at all, where intelligence and knowledge is rewarded over kindness or moral integrity. It's just an endless competition for foolishness. But anyways, back to you. I know you are very capable of proving your mother wrong, but you don't need to, what's the point? Just so you can watch as your maternal figure pats you over as you deal with more and more pressure from her? Sadly getting over this is a very hard thing as, well, she's your mother. You can either try to be honest but that has consequences as everything in life. You can try ignoring her but if is getting that hurtful then I don't think that works. I'm terribly sorry Cstar. I wish I could come out of the screen and hug you because I completely understand how you feel. And trust me when I say, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. (Disclaimer: If anybody thinks I'm wrong in any of this feel free to correct me, I'm terrible at giving advice but I really feel this on multiple levels)
And that's why Devil Survivor 2 is superior, no horrible characters. Except Ronaldo and Keita, but that's Ronaldo and Keita. But anyways, superior cast, Hibiki is a troll depending on your choices, Airi and Jungo are amazing, Anguished One is c: and Yamato is the unsavvy-to-the-world cold badass. Just... Don't watch the anime. OhGodWhy.
This is so true, anybody who played Radiant Historia should know. Anyways. I DECLARE WAR ON ALL HUMANITY, FUTURE PAST, PREPARE YOUR ASSES, ETC ETC.
Hello, I am Laplace but you can just call me Lap or Lappy. I am an artist on multiple degrees who like things such as singing, musical composition, graphic art and drawing (But I'm terrible at that last one without copying) Buuut back to you. Writing? Such a fun activity, wish I was better at that. Somebody of my family does acting, if I'm right. I actually listened to some Touhou remixes but never bothered to play the games because me + SHMUP = Disaster. f you feel like talking to me drop me a PM and I'll be more than happy to oblige to start a conversation, I actually enjoy meeting new people. May you have a nice day.
I believe the proper term would be "Beats her up", but yeah, "Golpear" would be translated to "Punch/Beat up"
Yep, another Rata Blanca song and one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCWYrjJQF2Y
On the original post: LMAO. On Koza Mostra: Why do I have a feeling it sounds like the equivalent of Cumbia from here except with actual music and with more dignity? Atleast that's the feeling I'm getting from listening to the first video you linked. Didn't mean it as an insult at all, it's very catchy just... Unexpected yet at the same time familiar. Also on the topic of music WHY NOBODY BUT ME AND MAYBE OTHER TWO PEOPLE LISTEN TO RATA BLANCA? IS IT BECAUSE THEY ARE NEOCLASSICAL METAL MOSTLY? Because they've done softer stuff. Now if is because they are from South America then... :l
...Yep, we just derailed the thread. Sorry guys, you continue on. It's just been so long since I talked to Nova. Again, pre-made riffs (If you mean the background guitar), I REALLY wish there was a way to alter them slightly more than tuning and some effects. Like, if there was a way to drop them as MIDI or something like how I do with my drum sampler's in-program patterns.
Err... I guess we could call it "Guilty Gear Xro -Fan-made tracks-" (Get it, X Zero) for the time being. I really didn't though about giving the general OST a name. o-o Anyways As you can see by the drumming on the main parts, this indeed started out as a Sol theme (Same drumming as the first verse of his Xrd theme <_<)
I know right, it's ironically funny how I can't come up with a simple "Badass" theme. Err, I come up with the names as the track goes. I do have though in naming Potemkin's theme "Bus Tour To Hell" in reference to Highway to Hell, I have the base idea there but it needs polishing... And better mixing.
Niiiice. Good luck with both, by the way. c: Life's been... A mixed bag, but it's finally picking up. I registered in an online university that teaches videogame design, I start on July. I also failed more times to make a Sol Badguy fan-theme, but it's okay because one of them fits Ramlethal (Might upload it now actually). I dubbed the theme "Stone Cold Crazy Gear" ironically. But yeah I haven't posted much because of getting busy with the whole online university business, but now I might start becoming more active again.
I guess I should still be thankful they sometimes do reruns of Samurai Jack and MEGAS XLR at like 4 AM on Cartoon Network (If they still do that). Also on the new Scooby Doo, again, I should be thankful they got most of the original cast for the Spanish dub. Also HAI NOVA, HOW'S LIFE?
Sure, I'll give this is a try. Participating for: Everything. Absolutely Cannot Sing: Rap or Country, anything incredibly fast because of speech problems, and anything not in English or Spanish. Also don't expect me to do ridiculous high notes/Freddie Mercury-tier vocals without going off-key a bit. Anything Else: I have a preference for deep tones, Metal, Rock, and songs with deep, powerful meanings or just bizarre/sad stuff.
Time for some old-school Metal (Karaoke Night) Ronnie James Dio - Holy Diver Original Instrumental Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer Original Instrumental Both Karaokes are the original songs but with the vocals taken (And the latter is an official mix), so there should be no problem in using. If there's any problems let me know.
Youtube Version (With lyrics on description) Like I promised to some, I recorded this song (Eventually).
Sent my entry, if there are any problems with being recieved, my mixing or anything, please contact me.
Can I do Taishou.A in English with added lyrics from me (In order to fill on the parts)? If so, beam me up, I love this song and I've already practiced with the added lyrics. But you have to PM me a DL link to the Karaoke because I am not making an account just for one song. :l EDIT: Nevermind just got the MP3.