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  1. Laplace
    But Lappy, what is just exactly The Jakyou Manor?

    The Jakyou Manor is a stream oriented those who are into musical composition or just into music itself. I shall stream myself composing musical pieces and maybe shine some light on my ways of working as you are free to join and chat with me. I might also stream myself doing some Photoshop one of these days.

    Why “The Jakyou Manor”?

    Because I like Shin Megami Tensei references (Jakyou Manor is also known as the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather AKA where you fuse them in the mainline SMTs). c:

    Will this actually happen or…?

    We’ll see. I need to test my sampler/DAW without the drivers which take all the audio sources and focus it on the DAW, and hope it doesn’t has enough popping when streaming/The CPU doesn’t implodes. I also still need to setup my streaming site account. I will keep you updated if any technical or personal difficulties arise.

    When this will start, and how often?

    It will start in around… A week and half maybe, providing everything works right, I have fully learned to use my new DAW (I'm changing it) and I have my upgraded PC by then. It will be streamed as often as I feel like doing (I have to be inspired in order to do a musical piece, after all)

    Where will it be?

    I have though in streaming it on If you have a better idea to where to stream it do share it with me.

    How can I help?

    By watching this, but just providing your thoughts on this topic should suffice.

    Thank you for your time and attention reading this. c:
    Thread by: Laplace, Mar 29, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Laplace
    I don't... Have iTunes or anything of the sort.

    I did some Googling and sorry but if I want to open this on Windows Media Player I'm going to have to fetch a codec pack, install it and then pray to God it can open it.

    Sorry but no, all the nos, I already went through PC troubleshooting once and it destroyed most of my video card as I updated to the OFFICIAL drivers and I don't want to lose my only Media Player.

    I'm terribly sorry, honest, I don't want to feel like I'm failing you or anything. <.<
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Laplace
    I can't get it to work...?

    I am on Firefox and all I see is a page with a white rectangle.

    Sorry if I'm completely ignorant to this but I never used this. o_o
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Laplace
    *Looks at clock* 6:5something AM...


    Oh right, I feel asleep pretty early. <.<
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Laplace
    Sure, watching ATM. Cool stuff.

    I've been thinking about some time to stream myself composing music but you guys would have to bear with 30 minutes of me mashing on the "Random melody" buttons and 5 of actual songwriting. That and I haven't updated my streaming programs in God-knows-how-long.

    Btw, does this streaming site needs an account for you to chat or you can chat as a guest (I'm pretty sure one site you could but I forgot)? EDIT: Nevermind figured it out.
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Laplace
    Err, I'm sorry, meant to say April 12th, not 5th.

    * Stares at @Anixe * What's up? c:

    But yeah, it's a strange feeling, I wake up liking my voice, then in the afternoon I hate it, then in the evening I hate it less, then I sleep liking it again.

    I'm DEFINITELY not giving up singing classes though.
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Laplace
    Actually... That's a great idea!

    If only I didn't hate my voice so much some days I would attempt to do it today (I do have prepared an instrumental)

    I'm sorry but I have to be honest, I know my voice is still in training and stuff, but yeah... (Which only makes it sadder to me because I LOVE singing)

    KHV... Radio? *Notices the thing on the Media Tab* Wut.

    Also you better not mess it up then, two saturdays from now on it's my birthday. :l
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Laplace
    Well, let's see (Incoming long post full of personal experiences), also, if somebody who knows thinks I'm throwing terminology wrong please correct me. <_<

    I began to became interested in composing music after listening so much to Daisuke Ishiwatari's compositions, after a while, I decided to compose my own music for my personal reasons.

    I began literally mashing random notes on a sampler (Can be one of your choice between FL Studio, Ableton Live, Cubase, etc. Look up DAW AKA "Digital Audio Workstation", the one you choose doesn't matters unless you are going RAM-heavy on your Virtual Instruments in which case a 32-bit sampler gives you a 4 GB MAX limitation; but if you use a 64-bit one you need a bridge program to link the 64-bit sampler to the 32-bit Virtual Instruments), but as I listened to Daisuke's compositions, I noticed they all follow a base phrase or short melody that is used for the first or so compass (A musical lenght term) and repeated it atleast twice. That was musical structure at full power. After that it was just a matter of finding a catchy phrase and warping it by adding more post-phrases to it (As in, I do a phrase, then another phrase, repeat first phrase, another phrase, repeat first three phrases and add an ending phrase for the entire thing) And that's how I began composing music seriously.

    There is also riffs, which means repeating a short tune over and over again. Most commonly used in Metal so the vocalist can sing over them (Because riffs are rarely alternate notes, it can be used as a base of sorts.)

    Which is why I find solos so hard, they are incredibly freeflow and they barely follow any structure.

    After that I learned about harmony theory, basically it says two notes which are different (Like for example, Do and Sol), when played together, can make a chord or harmonious thing. Also the harmony not only extends to the note themselves, but the volume (As in, the background thing sounds quieter), note movement (You can't a huge amount of instruments alternating notes or you'll end with a mess), and so on. Harmony means balance of everything.

    Training the ear to become sensitive to sound is something that runs in my family, so I quickly picked up harmony.

    I haven't learned many chords but internet has many images with Piano/Keyboard chords, so I copied that into a Word Document and began using them (I also bought a MIDI Keyboard to make my life easier, might work for you if you are willing to spend the money).

    Then I learned about the more theory that basically talks about writing a short melody, moving it a note higher/lower and repeating it exactly the same. Stuff like that is used to compose Electric Guitar Solos or Orchestral pieces.

    Most tutorials I watched on Youtube don't help at all as they all talk about making bases and stuff, or they talk about how to distort guitars/prepare yourself and I wanted melody and harmony theory. Still, there are some ones, for example uhh... look up on Youtube "Theodor Krueger Riff Tutorial" and watch as the magic unfolds.

    Another thing entirely is percussion, I haven't fully learned that but it has to do with hitting the drums on 1 and 3 when counting from 1 to 4.

    The trick in this is practice, practice, practice. And never, NEVER give up, no matter how horrible it sounds, you are still learning, you are always learning new techniques and things.

    And remember, it isn't the instruments, it's the musician, I began composing with an average Electric Guitar and drum samples. It doesn't matter if you are using MIDI Sound Card guitars as long as you rock them out.

    In short, I learned from listening to my favorite musicians, getting inspiration from them, and trying my best.

    Anything you want to add @Lana Del Jayn? Sorry if I said too much. I just wanted to be helpful. <.<

    Also hopefully my post isn't that much of a mess for anyone to read, I tried to add in as much stuff, if you have any questions, do ask me.
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Laplace
    Profile Post Comment

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
    Profile Post Comment by Laplace, Mar 28, 2014
  10. Laplace
    If only I could feel the same about half the little amount of animes I watch today (Why I must always pick the worst ones?)

    Seriously I should really get into KLK but I see no good time frame outside of maybe weekends. :l

    On another news, I should really compose some music or atleast make a cover of something, but I have no motivation.
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Laplace
    Yeah I have a pair of those too, and my new speakers have a headphone jack that redirects all the audio to whatever is plugged in and mutes the speakers (So no need to go to the back of my PC)

    Guess I have no excuse then, I'll listen to a few podcasts and then decide if it would be the best to apply as a guest or not. Not saying I don't want to, I actually kind of want to, but I need to be prepared to see what's coming.

    Anyways, thanks again.
    Post by: Laplace, Mar 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone