It's occurred to me that some of the youtube videos I've been posting on here and linking to on tumblr just might be blocked in certain countries. And it might require something extra to view said videos that not everyone has. Oh well.
Code: 10 Hours of Nordic Ambient Music Note: I haven't made it to the full 10 hours yet. But I like what I've heard so far.
10 Hours of Nordic Ambient Music
There's always going to be Power Ranger fans. A franchise like that is like Barbie. You can just as easily market it toward a new generation. I watched the very first season of Power Rangers and I think I watched until Zeo. And mostly because I didn't like the look of the helmets. I think it's cool that it's still going strong. Supernatural is I've made attempts at watching it and I just can't.
I've been wondering the same thing. I imagine your head might get lighter.
Spoiler Whenever a show gets cancelled, I'm just like: 'But Supernatural has like 11 seasons why?'
Code: Eddie Money - Shakin'
Eddie Money - Shakin'
I loved Ronin Warriors. It had a kind of ...charm to it.
I'll just sit on the porch and tell the kids to get off the lawn.
Ha. They'll never put me in a home.
Independence Day?
Code: Dirty Vegas - Days Go By About half, or more than half of the music I listen to I can't actually post on a Kingdom Hearts website. Oops?
Dirty Vegas - Days Go By
That's a nice queue you got going there.
Amen, sister.
Just like Christmas morning.
Hot damn.
Add in Nikola Tesla and I think you've got something.
I think it's cute that MTV still pretends they care about music.
Code: 3 Hours of Nordic Ambient Music
3 Hours of Nordic Ambient Music
I was afraid you'd say that.
It's 2015 and actors still get hate over the characters they play. Is this a thing that can stop? Context: Cody Christian, who plays Theo, is getting hate because of what his character did this past season on Teen Wolf. To summarize 10 episodes worth of plot: Theo turned out to be not a good guy after making everyone(sans the audience) think he was good. But actors are not their characters. Yeah, they can get into the role and stuff but it's really no reason to send them hate.