A new kingdom come. A new will be done
Code: Real Life versus Juno Reactor - Navras Oblivion Remixed by DJ Led Manville
Real Life versus Juno Reactor - Navras Oblivion Remixed by DJ Led Manville
I'm bored. I haven't made any bad choices lately. *Cue Thor: Ragnarok poster.*
If the Midgardians can survive Ragnarok, they can survive anything. Except their sun exploding but you know.
Code: mind.in.a.box - Unforgiving World
mind.in.a.box - Unforgiving World
Apparently there's reports of Hugh Jackman wearing a comic accurate Wolverine costume and absolutely no one took it seriously? And there's nothing accurate about Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine. Because the comic Wolverine is short(like 5'3 ish), ugly(ymmv but nowhere near Hugh Jackman), and has bad hygiene. James Marsden had to wear platform shoes to match up. But I did like Magneto's 'And once again, you think everything's about you.' line, said to Wolverine because who is on every single poster before First Class? And Wolverine was everywhere to the point he was appearing on comic book covers he otherwise did not appear in and 'Wolverine does not actually appear' warnings. The Wolverine Publicity was just...too much. And I can't find a source for this but those leather suits led to one of the most awkward scenes in a movie. You know that scene in the first movie where the X-men just kind of casually step over this like...knee or waist high wall? Well apparently they were supposed to jump over the wall but the suits were either too tight or badly tailored on the male actors and well... It was just that scene was portrayed as serious. Origin's Deadpool was just...yeah. Not even Deadpool. Liev Schrieber was about the only good thing about that movie.
Code: Hagalaz' Runedance - Wake Skadi
Hagalaz' Runedance - Wake Skadi
... If we're thinking of the same movie, the entire plot of the movie was for the big snake things to become a dragon with the Living Macguffin though. I don't think Imoogi Wars sounds as catchy. But then again, it's shown on SyFy so I'm not going to spend too much time defending it. Overall not a bad weekend afternoon movie to watch when you're bored af.
I can respect that. I did rather enjoy Saphira's design, even if she had what looked like feathered wings as opposed to the leathery skin in the books. And she was insufferably adorable when she was a hatchling. It was just the little things that added up to not make me like it. But I can respect the nostalgia factor.
Started out watching Animal Planet but then Animal Planet became 2 different shows at once. The audio was still there but over different video( Forensic Files at that! ). So here I am watching Disney JR since there's nothing else worth watching and I'm not tired yet.
I honestly do not remember how they ended the movie. I've only seen it like...twice. And each time it was ' Goddamn is that Garret Hedlund? It is Garret Hedlund. He really grew up for Legacy.' And I've been meaning to watch at least the 6th Fast and Furious movie because my Luke Evans thirst is still so very strong. Still not up to watching No One Lives though.
Why? I get the rest of the titles you listed but I'm not sure why this one is here. Even if I loved Durza and Galbatorix's performances, there was just so much other stuff that was just...maddeningly stupid about it. Like the dragon growing up in like .25 seconds. With seemingly no explanation given.
Code: Hagalaz' Runedance - Frigga's Web
Hagalaz' Runedance - Frigga's Web
Space Dragons. Seriously speaking, I think of something like the Thor movies. There's fantasy elements(the Asgardians/Aesir, the Dark Elves, there's magic and etc.) and there's also science. In fact, in Asgard, magic and science are the same thing! I already said Thor and Thor 2. But I suppose Avatar and Star Wars would work too. Since there's Space Dragons in the Expanded Star Wars universe. TRON and TRON: Legacy would also fit in the genre I suppose. Though more leaning toward the Sci-Fi as opposed to the Fantasy. A mixture of what we would consider mythological/supernatural and what we would consider scientific/technological. For example, Elves( or something akin to them) living on another planet though capable of space travel. I suppose it depends on the movie poster in question. If the poster has a character line-up, I expect to see those characters in some way. If it depicts an event, I expect to see said event. Some posters can be misleading so I don't put a lot of faith in them. A poster is an advertisement for the movie. And I know that the purpose of an advertisement is to sell the product in question.
It's October 3rd. Whatever that means.
This reminds me when one of my high school teachers was recently arrested for possession of child pornography. None of the children/teens in the videos were former or current students of the high school by the way. It's just a bit of a surreal experience.
Yo girl, pink looks good on you. I'm not sure if I have you on skype or not [ and i only talk to like 2 people anyway oops ]. But it's the best place to get a ahold of me. I'll probably still be here by then.
Code: Frozen Plasma - TANZ DIE REVOLUTION
O-kay, I have some. 1. Everyone should be required to work at least 1 year in retail/food service. This includes during Black Friday and the Christmas/Holiday season. 1a. There should be a day were retail workers can say whatever they want to customers that warrant it without losing their jobs.2. Christmas should not be seen or heard until the day after Halloween. ( I love the Christmas season even with working in retail but goddamn have some decency.) 3. Celebrities privacy should be respected because they are people. This includes their significant others, their families, and their private lives. If they volunteer the information, more power to them. But if it is not volunteered, it should not be shared. 3a. PEOPLE'S private lives should be kept private. I know we love gossip in this society but put yourself in another person's position for once.4. There should be an 'empowering' wardrobe option for male characters in video games where female characters have an 'empowering' wardrobe option. This also applies to comic books. If a female character has an 'empowering' costume, a male character should have one too. 5. People do not exist solely for other people's entertainment. 6. Birth control is for other things besides birth control. PMDD, PCOS, and generally letting women have some control over their bodies.( Apparently this is really popular around here from what I've witnessed? ) 7. Female birth control should be covered by health insurance plans since viagra and male enhancement devices are covered. ( Figured I should get a source for that one. ) 8. There needs to be better sex education in schools. Because I didn't know menstrual cramps could make me think my appendix had ruptured. [ My sex ed was pretty much abstinence, 'you have sex, you die', and here put a condom on a banana. The rest I learned from the internet. ] 9. This kind of ties into 6 but a woman's body is her own damn business. Not some 80 year old male to decide. 10. Suicide prevention should be taught on a high school level.
Code: Covenant feat. Necro Facility - Lightbringer (Speedrun)
Covenant feat. Necro Facility - Lightbringer (Speedrun)