I am hesitant about laying judgement about the lion side of his activities. But his legal history is rather...wanting. [ ~~~~ ] [ Source ] The only reason I know the man's name is because I live in the state he poached the black bear from. From what I can tell, the lion was lured off of a protected preserve area using a carcass strapped to a car. The animal was collared and part of a study. African lions are declining in population. [ source ]
Sounds like a low blow.
Code: Qntal - Veni ( Filthy Floor Mix )
Qntal - Veni ( Filthy Floor Mix )
Maybe we're not meant to see it.
Not really no. Since there's so many steps involved in making that book.
The problem with writing fanfiction is that there's nothing to gain for it. Oh sure you might get a few comments, some kudos, or likes, or whatever depending on where you're publishing your written works. But otherwise there's really nothing else to be gained from all the hard work that comes along with writing. I've tried figuring out a way of charging for writing much like the way an artist can charge with commissions. But even if I charged one cent per word, that doesn't really add up to all that much. But an artist can say: 'Oh give me $5 for a rough sketch. $10 for a cleaned up sketch. $20 for a colored piece' for an example. There's really no clear cut system. And would people actually pay when they're used to getting it for free? And I have written short ficlets for friends. Sometimes in exchange for a Steam game or sometimes because I'm really nice and want to cheer them up. I've written short drabbles as birthday and christmas gifts. Some fics are rather extensive. Almost the length of a short novel. And honestly, some fic is better than some published drek I've read(looking at you Twilight). And yet, fic writers are expected to provide these stories for free. In some cases, we're threatened if we don't continue. We're harassed to continue. And I don't know about you but I don't like writing under pressure. We do have other things going on and yeah, sometimes there are times where a fic is abandoned but it's usually nothing malicious. The writer simply lost their drive to update said fic for whatever reason.
I actually don't have a problem with Wolverine dying. Considering he's been everywhere ever since Hugh Jackman happened to portray him. Not that I'm complaining. But he was even appearing on the covers of comics he otherwise didn't appear in. It's a tvtropes link. Fear it. But given the context, that's a pretty odd way to die.
Clearly the X-men don't know how to perform either the Heimlich Maneuver or CPR. But then again, this is Wolverine. They probably figured his healing factor would take care of it like everything else.
Code: mind.in.a.box - The Place
mind.in.a.box - The Place
Wow, this episode is rather... fun. @ Teen Wolf I also would like to see a character over the age of 21 jfc
The graphics outside are terrible. Still waiting for the patch to make it more high definition.
Hellsing Ultimate Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star Vampire Hunter D (Both the original and Bloodlust) Saiyuki ( Either Gensomaden, Reload, or Gunlock ) Vision of Escaflowne Sengoku BASARA Sengoku BASARA: Judge End
So I was informed that there's a man that likes walking around my neighborhood at night. I don't want to think the worst of people but my paranoia has gone through the roof and out into orbit.
[*Muffled laughing in the distance*]
I am having the time of my life. I love white bread. But I wouldn't mind seeing some wheat bread. Maybe some dark rye? I am very hungry because I haven't eaten since lunch.
You mean like how you saw it for a split second and then it's gone? My brain's come up with worse things tbh.
"Wise words from a former cellmate of mine." I see what you did there, Dr. Valek. I'm going to murder you in your sleep for that one. All it does it imply that Eichen House moved Peter to a different cell. And I know Ian Bohen was directing The Tow when these were filmed. And I am actually enjoying Valek but the third eye in the middle of his forehead is still distracting. I think it's the accent. ETA: ... Wow, that was quick. Start to like the guy and then he may or may not be dead. Right.
Sharknado week starts tomorrow on SyFy.
I am so glad that we didn't get the Ultimate version of Pym in this movie. There's a rather infamous panel wherein he slaps his wife. Not to mention he's using her blood in experiments. He's gotten better. That being said I have heard positive things about this movie. About how it pokes fun at the other movies in the MCU. Most notably the Iron Man and The Avengers. The commercials make it look like a fun movie. Also it's kind of funny that the bad guy in this movie is Yellowjacket. Because that was one of Hank Pym's various identities.