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  1. Korra
    Thank you, I'd never done a photoshoot before so I was kind of just doing what felt natural.
    And no, but that might be something for next time, haha.

    Yep, thankfully where I am just happens to be right around the area Katniss is from (though probably down south a bit more).
    Thank you, and yes hopefully more will come once I'm on summer break.

    Ah, thank you! I do feel pretty natural in the woods, particularly the park I was at, so maybe that's what's leading to the realistic feel of it? Some of you have said that so maybe that's it. xD
    It is indeed a functional bow, though it's been a while since I've been able to use it to shoot.

    I might have a few more, but I'm not sure - we had to call it an early day since once the sun started going behind clouds/went down it got unbearably cold (which I wasn't dressed for). I can take a look though!
    The most recent appearance of the costume was at the NYC midnight showing of the movie, I was actually interviewed several times and had my picture taken a lot. I can post a link to some of that if you'd like.

    Haha, thanks! I'll let my friend know she did a good job taking pictures.

    I actually had based mine off the UK book version, seen here:
    But thanks, lol. I think a lot of people were a bit freaked out, but a couple with a dog came by during the shoot and the dog came right over to me. xD

    Most of the fandom abbreviates it to "girl on fire", I think even the book does eventually because the original phrase is a bit awkward to say. Thanks though.

    If anyone's in the area, I'm planning to go to AnimeNEXT in New Jersey this June (not definite yet), and might be going to Zenkaikon in May. I'd have my Katniss stuff at least one of the days there, so if you happen to see me, feel free to come say hi. :]
    Post by: Korra, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Korra
    I'm also from Jersey, lol.
    But as I said, if you'd like to help and see if we can get a larger base for cosplay here, please, check out my club thread. Several have linked it here and it is always in my signature. You're welcome to come in and post what you've got, what you're working on, ask for feedback, etc. and you never know, some people might end up going to the same cons.
    Again it's not a bad idea, but the lack of interest thus far makes it fairly unnecessary.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Korra
  4. Korra
    I'm willing to set up a group on dA, but as for it being officially affiliated with us I'm not sure. If anything it could be affiliated with the informal group we have now, but again, unless there's significant interest on site this isn't a thing that's happening.
    Also if you do want to encourage cosplay here I would recommend not judging that harshly - just as all other things everyone is at a different level of skill in costuming.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Korra
    Yeah, sorry, this isn't happening - basically for the reasons mentioned above.
    It's also been brought up in the past too, so on that note please use search before making a new suggestion. In theory it's not bad, but for a lot of reasons it won't happen.

    That being said,
    Post by: Korra, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Korra
    I have a really intense fear of needles, I've passed out during blood tests and it's why I can't give blood. Like I tried escaping through a window once just to get away from a shot only to discover that the window was bolted shut.
    And I have a lot of trouble sleeping without a stuffed lion Fayt gave me for my birthday when I was with him in England last year jsfdkl

    also fictional characters make me feel sad more than they probably should
    Post by: Korra, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Korra
    The main inspiration of The Hunger Games was indeed the story of Theseus, but it also draws from the Roman gladiator games and modern war. Collins had actually not heard of Battle Royale until people began comparing the two.
    But these aren't the only two things in media/literature that has a similar idea; for example, the short story "The Lottery" has similar elements to it. One of my film professors brought up an interesting point with the movies however - whereas The Hunger Games focuses on the raw brutality, Battle Royale seems to make the killing more...artistic. I haven't seen the Battle Royale movie, but given that it's a film professor (and I've heard that from others too) I think that's a fairly valid point

    Honestly I'm kind of tired of people saying The Hunger Games is a ripoff of Battle Royale, because in this day and age it is very very rare for 100% original content, as well as having no coincidental overlap with anything else in existence.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Literature
  8. Korra
    Calm down guys, there's no need to turn this into a full on debate.
    As a cosplayer myself, I can understand the want for a subforum or something like that, but at the time...there really is not that much interest in it. I do have a thread dedicated to cosplay, where some members have posted what they cosplay as, what they're currently working on, etc. but it's kind of dead. If there was more activity in it then I would say yeah, it might be worth a subforum somewhere, but at the moment there isn't.

    That being said I am not against the idea, I would welcome it, but I question how much it would be used.

    However, I can tell you now that since we are not a cosplay-dedicated site there will not be a special place or gallery to display costumes - that's what sites like are for, you're more than welcome to link your profile there to your signature here, or even make a thread in the Photography section showcasing your costume.
    So as much as I would love the idea, I really think there would need to be more activity shown for it first. Because yes, it is relevant to a lot of things on this site (unlike sports), but at the same time there's no point in making a new section if it's just going to be dead.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Korra
    The knife I did, yes. It's one of two I made for the costume, both can be seen here. I made two because at the time there was nothing to base the knife on except the description in the book (the costume was done in...early August I think, way before the first trailer was released) but the bow was an old thing my dad and I picked up when I was a kid. Until now it really didn't have too much use. But thank you. :]
    And nah, I've been climbing trees for a long time. Granted I had never done it with all that stuff on me, but it wasn't too bad. You should totally read the books though, they're fantastic.

    Aw, thank you. xD
    I actually do have a few more shots but no fire, though I suppose that could be fixed with a quick photoshop job. I am planning to do another shoot later this summer since Fayt will be here and he wants to be Peeta, so maybe then I'll do some running shots and add fire. :B

    In all honesty, I don't remember, this was back in December. Thank you though.
    The bow I didn't make (aside from replacing the bowstring), like I said above I got it a really long time ago and just had no practical use for it until now.

    Anyway, here's the rest.
    no arrows so I improvised.
    The water was so unbelievably cold, it took a good five minutes before I got the feeling back in my hands sdfjklg;
    Post by: Korra, Apr 8, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Korra
    I was going to post these a while ago but decided to wait till now because hey the movie is completely ripping up the box office and I saw it three times in a span of five days
    A friend of mine and I decided to do a photoshoot in December, and we ended up going out on one of the coldest/brightest days of winter. Which really blew, but I think we got some good shots - most of these have very slight post production editing, if any.
    The bow and quiver are very real; the bow I repainted as well as its sport arrows which can be seen here. I did not bring them with me to this shoot because it was at a public park and safety was a concern.
    Anyway, myself as Katniss, photos by my friend. First time I've done a photoshoot too.

    Climbing trees - I was about 20-30 feet up a pine tree for these. Be warned, if you have no experience tree climbing, don't do this. The ground is always farther down than you think.


    Ground shots - Mostly with one of the knives I made. Plywood, hand cut, sanded, painted and detailed.
    (my friend made a really stupid comment while I was "cutting" the tree branch and you can probably tell I was fighting back a laugh...which was bad because I almost fell 15 feet out of a tree)
    There is a second part to this but I didn't want to make a really huge post so I'll put them up later.
    Cnc, questions, anything really is welcomed.
    Thread by: Korra, Apr 7, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Korra
    I was awake for about 30-something hours at this point ahaha

    It was amazing, quite a few people came as Capitol citizens and went all out with the makeup and costumes. The event I went to was in support of a hunger relief charity group, there was a raffle and all proceeds went to the charity and apparently quite a bit of money was raised so that was good too.
    The movie itself was so incredible and I'm going to see it a third time sometime this week fdgkjl;
    Post by: Korra, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone