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  1. Korra
    Post by: Korra, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Korra
    Profile Post

    oh this is awkward

    oh this is awkward
    Profile Post by Korra for Plums, Apr 22, 2012
  3. Korra
    Post by: Korra, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  4. Korra
  5. Korra
    I didn't really do any shading on the characters actually, just slight variations of a base color so it wasn't just a blob of one single color. I was thinking about doing something with the sky but I'd run the risk of it becoming blocky, though I could probably export it as a .psd and mess with it a bit in Photoshop.
    No worries, haha. Illustrator's a bit tricky to get used to anyway. xD
    (but yes play it it's an incredible game)

    Not entirely sure why you moved this, lol, it's a purely digital piece without going from a sketch or anything?
    But thank you, and the sparkles are actually something present in the game, when they fly light comes out of their scarves.
    The whole game is pretty simple, but there's deeper symbols all over the place, I think it's something everyone should play at least once.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Korra
    I'm in college and on an art track so I'm basically nocturnal at this point.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Korra
    If the world we dreamed of exists anywhere, let’s go look for it.
    Beyond the wind, the freezing dawn, the parched midday, the trembling night.
    Let’s go see what’s at their end.

    ...So I recently got into Journey
    This larger version probably looks better, if not blame the image host site.

    I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, so it's done entirely in Illustrator.
    Only thing is that Illustrator and I don't get along together well, so there's some stuff I might go back and fix up later because it was being an uncooperative jackass.
    I might do more of this to help get over this massive art block I've had since...January because all I've been doing is assignment-based work lately.
    Cnc etc.
    Thread by: Korra, Apr 15, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Korra
    I've opened this discussion once before, but now after doing more professional research and whatnot I'd like to do this again.
    I'll ask the following first, just to see what some responses are, then I'll post my own thoughts (because it would be very, very lengthy for an opening post).
    Right then, onward.

    How do you see video games? Do you play simply for entertainment?
    Do you think video games can be considered art? And I'm not talking just high-def CG. Take all aspects of the game into consideration.
    When you pick up a game, how often do you find yourself completely wrapped up in it?
    Have you ever played a game that has been considered to have terrible graphics (for the time it's from) but wanted to see the story, or vice versa (bad story/gameplay, good graphics)?
    Why do you think gaming has become such a huge part of our everyday lives?
    What is your opinion on the "video games make our kids violent" argument?
    Given that there is somewhat of a recession going on around the world, do you think the gaming industry will suffer from it?
    Overall, how do you think video games have progressed? Do you think that fewer very good games are being made in order to produce games that barely sell but are from big toy companies? Like Barbie games for example.
    How do you feel about games with multiple sequels? Do you think companies are opting to try and make sub-par sequels they know will sell rather than more thought out original ideas?
    For you, what makes a video game good?
    Has there ever been a game you've played that actually changed how you look at life, or at least made you think about things?
    What is your all-time favorite game and why?

    And for fun, what is the stupidest - yet somehow entertaining - game you've played or watched someone play?
    Thread by: Korra, Apr 15, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Korra
  10. Korra
    I just got it the other day, but honestly the length of it doesn't bother me - it's such a legitimately beautiful game, there is so much to look at and explore.
    I've gotten all the different cloaks (all stages of the red one and got the white yesterday), and I'm working on finding all the glyphs now. I think there's a much, much deeper story than what's presented, but I think I need to find the last two glyphs to really be able to figure out the story.

    From what I encountered on my first few plays though, this is basically my theory (it does have spoilers, so be warned).
    Your character dies at the end when they walk into the light.
    The things you were collecting throughout the game were the spirits of the travelers that went before you and didn’t succeed, with each progressing traveler getting stronger and making it further than the last because of the strength of the others’ spirits, and the multiple stone things you see sticking out of the ground are actually graves of the previous travelers, reason being that after you disappear into the light the camera focuses on one of the stone things in the snow, presumably near/at where your character falls over.
    Shortly after that scene a light flies out from the top of the mountain you entered, that light is your spirit, released after you died, that goes to help the next one that comes through - your spirit light even flies past another humanoid cloth-creature in the snowy area.
    And as your light returns to the beginning, it serves as the initial strength of the next traveler, hence the trophy “rebirth” you receive as night fades into a sunrise.
    The very first glyph you encounter supports the theory of those being graves. The figures are travelers that went before you, the stones are their graves. Note that each panel with a figure and grave has a different symbol - their name, perhaps, just as you have your own.
    Why there are so many in the desert where you start I am not sure, but it does explain why these stone things are all over the place. Other travelers have tried to take the journey but have failed.
    I think I was right about the symbols being spirits because when you get the one from the desert that falls from the mountain not only does it come from where you’re going (the mountain) scraps of red cloth float out too. The other light that flies with it (the companion it went with) seems to go back where you came from - a new traveler starting their journey.
    Given that, I figured the graves aren’t actually graves - they’re the remains of previous travelers, just like the whale-serpent things are skeletons of the cloth ones because when you go up to the mountain and through the clouds they stop being scary and turn into cloth whales. More proof to this is that right before your light flies from the mountain, your “grave” glows with what looks like a symbol, presumably the one you had during your life, and then as the light flies up the one on the “grave” fades out.
    Your spirit goes on to aid others, as there is one traveler seen in the snowy area (on the bridge), and two coming out of the area of the desert right before the surfing.
    Additionally, I was correct about your character having a different symbol as their call each time you play - you are technically not the same character each time, because your previous one has died.

    I was amazed at the amount of story detail someone could take from this, and I'm sure there's other interpretations too - either way it's a really incredible game and I'm glad it's getting so much success.
    On a side note, I managed to do a glitch that lets you explore the ancient city you surf by in the surfing level. It's not easy to get to, but once you're there it is insanely beautiful.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  11. Korra
    If you're looking to save money and stay local, New York Comic Con/Anime Festival is good.
    There's also Otakon, Anime Boston, PAX East, AnimeNEXT, and Zenkaikon in the Northeast. Honestly if you want a full list...wikipedia has one.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Korra
    We're not actually hiring anyone new, instead we decided to just hire current staff members' pets.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Korra
    I did that for several videos from Nier once, one particular one with Kaine was so hilariously opposite of her.
    These are two of my favorites though.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Korra
  15. Korra
  16. Korra
  17. Korra
  18. Korra
    Depends where I am or who I'm with (or who's online, lately).
    If people I trust and are really close to are online I'll talk to them, usually they help me work through whatever I'm feeling or at least make it suck a little less.
    Though there's times I don't feel like talking to anyone, and that's when I go for a drive. It really calms me down, most of the time I go to a park nearby and go off one of the paths to a certain tree and just sit up in it until I start to feel better. There's something really calming about being alone with just the sounds of nature around me.

    Although if I'm really angered to the point of violence (which has been the case here at college due to my...lovely roommates) I took up martial arts again - aikido fall term, karate last term, though nothing this term because of my schedule being packed. Given that it's only the second week no one's really screwed with me yet, but if they do I'll probably go to the gym and take it out on the punching bags or something. Physical activity like that makes me feel better, probably because it takes my mind of mental irritants and focuses instead on physical stress, and I'm a lot better at dealing with that.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  19. Korra


    As long as this doesn't turn into a call out thread or people start hurling insults around it's fine.
    Post by: Korra, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Korra