Yep, a mod needs to move it~ But seems I know a lot of people who likes Zexion's 'death' scene. XD My fav scene is actually the entire Oblivion Floor 7 of Re:CoM, when Larxene speaks with, and then battles, Sora.
Well, I don't know you very well, although Jordie mentioned you were a...great person, so anyway, I hope you enjoy the holidays and have fun. The beginning there was definitely original. XD
Hmm...that sounds like a good idea. Will there be one for every year, to show the best AMV?
Whoa, that's a good pic...that eye really conveys his maniacal anger/malice/viciousness at whoever insults him and his lexicon. XD But anyway, try to make the face a little bit more defined (like, thinner, narrower), and lower his eye, making it a tiny bit smaller, and give him an eyebrow and show a bit of his nose. Other than that, great job, this is totally awesome! XD
I have to agree with Amber that the Chronicles of Narnia are awesome, as is Harry Potter (although I'm sure you've read/tried that already XD)...but other than that...I don't know any other good books to recommend you, since you don't really like books with the genre of romance much and that's what I mostly read. :sweatdrop:
Well, I've read a little bit of it...but it just couldn't keep my interest...however, maybe the beginning was just slow...maybe it'll pick I might try it again. XD
Ohh, I read a bit of it...I never really read it throughly, but when I have more time, I'd like to read more of it looks so interesting! XD And it's by Yuu Watase, the one who created the awesome anime/manga, Fushigi Yugi!
Trust me, you'll enjoy it! XD I actually have to agree with you that it's one of the best Disney movies that I've seen in a long time...
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :) :glomp: Enjoy your stay here! :) Although I must say....your username reminds me of another user with a very similar one...but anyhow, welcome. XDD
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :) :glomp: Enjoy your stay here! :)
Oh, I've noticed that...but I suppose that you ought to pm a mod/admin about it, so he/she can correct it... This might help. Where it says the alphabet on the image, you press that key according to the alphabet written in the sheet music above. Do one hand at a time though, until you can do both. I hope that helps?
Thanks everyone! :) And yep, Shadow will be there later. XD Anyway, thanks again everyone!
Has anyone else watched this movie? It's awesome! XD Although it can be a little bit predictable, for the most part, it's humorous, filled with action, romance, and conflict. :) So what's your opinion on this movie?
As .Kairi. said, it's spelled as 'haiku', but otherwise, great job. :) Although Yuffie's name should be capitalized but anyhow...awesome job! Can't wait to see the CoM one!!
Sure, I can help! :) It's a bit hard to explain though...uh...let's well do you know the bass clef?