Not being able to focus, Zexion had the illusion repeat the same words before disappearing. The Cloaked Schemer then turned back to Xangel. "What is it...?" he asked, gazing into her eyes.
OOC: Uh...oh, I know! Xemnas tapped the fingers of his throne, as if contemplating the question. "Xangel...she can take his place...Zexion had informed of the girl here...and she seems to be the perfect person to take Axel's place..." He hesitated for a moment. "But make sure to keep an eye on the other members...I do not want the same event to reiterate..." At that moment, Zexion caught the 'scent' of Marluxia and Xigbar, in the same place Larxene was...what were they doing? And what was happening? And what exactly was the Savage Nymph trying to do? could he discover what was happening when he had to protect Xangel? Sighing, he sent an illusion to them, making himself appear on the side of Marluxia and Xigbar, where they were according to their 'scents'. Concentrating, he had the illusion speak, demanding, "What are you doing? Come back now."
OOC: I'm sorry, my mom wanted something. :sweatdrop: You're not upset are you, Tularim...? Larxene tilted her head to the side slightly, eyeing Kevix warily. Now he had electricity...what was he trying to do? Whatever it was, there was no point in staying back. Frowning, she charged forward at him, attempting to slash at him with her kunai. Zexion widened his eyes as Xangel started to scream. Cepxis...he was in her head? Summoning his lexicon, he turned to him, as a page flew out of it, heading straight for the boy, directing a slash at his chest. "Leave her alone!"
OOC: *:glomp: Tularim x100* :) Zexion widened his eyes, quickly rushing to stand in front of Xangel, as he raised his arm to summon another shield. However, a part of the spell managed to get through, striking him. Wincing, he demanded, "And what...evidence do you have of that?" Larxene was about to retort back when she heard footsteps, approaching them. Turning her head, she saw Toxcst, approaching Kevix and asking about what was transpiring. Well, here it goes... Mustering all of her courage, she dashed forward to strike at both of them, electricity running from her weapon.
Well, I suppose most people find Lexaeus boring...but I know some large Lexy-fan-boys...they could like him because he's strong, and his silence is cool, but it all depends on opinion. I find him alright, but my fav character is Larxene still. XDD
Ditto. XD Although Zexion would be second for me cause' he's sexy. lol
OOC: Marluxia glared at himself? lol You meant to say 'Larxene' right? "I'm fulfilling my orders," Larxene answered, sharply. "Remember what the Superior wanted us to do? To eradicate this Organization? Well I'm doing just that." She glanced at Kevix. "So if you don't mind, I have a battle to finish."
OOC: lol You could say that Marluxia so happened to warp to where she was. XDD "Well, I often find this fun," Larxene said, as she attempted to lunge at him once more. "Seeing you writhe in pain...but this time..." Before she could continue her sentence however, she heard someone call her name. Turning her head, she widened her eyes to see Marluxia. "Marluxia..." she murmured to herself, as she remembered the time they had planned to take over the Organization once before...well, he could do that alone, couldn't he now? "What are you doing here?" she asked, glancing at him, although keeping an eye on her enemy.
"The Hanagumi?" Zeke repeated, frowning. "What...why would they do that...?" Shaking his head, he held Anna tightly to him. "Well, I'll figure that out later...for now..." Closing his eyes, he mentally sent a thought to Opacho, and in a second, she appeared. "Opacho...heal Anna please..."
"Hmm, well you can," Larxene said, as she stopped circling him to stand in front of him, staring into his eyes. "Just by playing...a small game with me, if you will..." She chuckled. "Don't assume you'll come out of it alive though..." Electricity ran along her arms. " ready?" Without waiting for his answer, she dashed forward, to slash at him.
Oh, this was so funny. XD You ought to put it in the Creativity Corner. lol Oh, and you know what's funny? My hamsters seriously do chew on my homework...they just like to bite the corners of the paper and make it seems like I tore it. lol
Hello everyone?
"Anna!" Zeke exclaimed, before rushing to her side. Bending, he scooped her into his arms, holding her tightly. "Anna...are you alright? What happened...?"
"'Feeling'...happy?" Larxene asked, as she began to walk around him in a circle, her expression emotionless, as she gazed at him. She noticed Kevix had grinned, as if cheerful, but what was he to be so content about? Here she was, with her weapon drawn...either he was planning something, or he was bored... Zexion widened his eyes as he watched him shout accusations at him. Seeing him shift, he quickly raised his arm, casting the illusion of an invisble shield to guard him and Xangel. "What are you talking about?" he demanded. "I didn't do anything! When I found her, she was lost, wandering with hardly any memories. And I sheltered her. Wasn't that overly-kind of me?" His frown deepened. "I do not want a fight...leave."
Zexion listened as Vexen spoke, a frown slowly coming to his lips. This was a man...wasn't she - he, she, whatever gender this scientist was...but then...what was he doing? I mean, the Cloaked Schemer wasn't bi-sexual...but Vexen was completely female but.... Glancing at Larxene, he completely forgot about his musings once more, as a smile briefly passed his face. Using his illusions, he positioned a pink rose behind her left ear. This done, he quickly turned his head back to the Chilly Academic.
OOC: Okay, so let's see... Zexion tilted his head up, as he frowned. There was another 'scent' to Xangel...who was this new intruder? Shifting, he opened a portal of darkness beneath him, materalizing in the kitchen, where he found Cepxis and Xangel, facing each other. "Xangel!" he shouted, as he briskly began to walk over to her. "Are you alright?" "What's it to you?" Larxene retorted, glaring at Xaydn. "What we do with your member is none of your business...oh wait a moment, I almost forgot - she isn't your member anymore." A smirk briefly passed her lips, before she turned, opening a portal of darkness, steping through, disappearing into it, reappearing next to Kevix. Glancing at him, she raised the kunai she still held between her fingers. "Hey there," she greeted.
Name: Kasha Liegasar Age: 18 Appearance: Kasha has a defined face with delicate features, her dark eyes seeming gentle, with pale skin and thin lips. Her body is slim and slightly curvaceous, while her height is 5'8, and her long, dark hair reaches her waist. Magick Ability: Level 1 Job Class: Assassin Noble/Citizen: Citizen; a dark cloak, a variety of weapons District: Mhaura Alignment: Evil Background/History/Personality: Kasha had been born in a relatively poor family, who had to end up abandoning her in the streets. Having to fend for herself, she grew to be a cold, calculating girl, despite her innocent, naive appearance. Many has taken advantage of her, causing her to trust and respect almost no one. She joined the assassin's group when she was 10, training hard to meet up to her own expectation. Exposing herself to death at such a young age has made her nonchalant to others' pain and suffering. She often contemplates on what she truly desires and her purpose in life, which she cannot seem to discover. Demo Post: "Father? Mother? Where are you...?" a small, soft child's voice called out. "Please tell me...where are you?" A five-year-old girl slowly walked down the street, her footsteps, a soft pattering on the pavement. Her silky, black hair flowed out behind her, while her dark eyes darted to and fro tentatively. The entire street was dark, with only the moon and a sprinkling of stars to light her way. "Mother! Father!" the girl shouted, her hands clenched tightly. "I'm...I'm lost!" Her voice merely echoed in the dark, with no one to answer her, no one to respond... Suddenly, a bright light tunneled down at her, and she quickly lifted her arm to shield herself. Blinking, she saw a leafy tree top, its long, willowy branches overshadowing her. A soft breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining through the leaves. Slowly, Kasha sat up, stretching her arms as she gave a soft yawn. "Mother! Father! I'm...I'm lost!" Those words still echoed within her mind, and she frowned, having remembered's been 13 years...and still, it seemed that memory haunted her everywhere...
Thanks. :) And well, more active members, a more active and fun forum! XD
Thanks! :) And don't worry, you'll get to prem someday! And even if you're not prem, it doesn't matter, you're still a great, magnanimous person. :) Same to you! You'll get there someday! Since being premium doesn't mean you're better than someone, it's the person that matters, regardless of status! :) Yep! Next will be...uh... *gets a bouquet of flowers, and tosses it over her shoulder* Somebody catch that. XD Thanks!! :glomp: Thanks! :) :glomp:[/jindent]
Aww, thanks, Orange!! :glomp: