Ahh, I'm going to miss seeing you around! :glomp: Well...have fun then! Come back soon!
Aww, I'm going to miss you...*hugs tightly* Make sure to contact me on MSN whenever you can~! :) :glomp: Have fun, and come back soon!
Destined... Do you know where destiny will you take you? Or what your fate might be? You come and go as you please Will your next visit be inclement and harrowing? Or blissful and full of joy? You don't seem concerned about it You smile and you laugh You're appreciating life and its potential You enjoy what you have You bring pleasure and delight to many With your voice and words Will you ever change? I can only hope you won't Because I accept you for who you are Destined... Do you know where destiny will take you? Or what your fate might be? == Well, happy belated birthday, Destined! :sweatdrop: I know I totally messed up, but I tried to so hard! I hope you like it!!
Thanks! :glomp: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) :glomp:
"But how do I...know..." Larxene hesitated, feeling a stinging sensation in her eyes. Closing her eyes, she suddenly lifted her hands, throwing several kunai at him, electricity crackling about her. "Just...fight to your fullest...extent..." Her hands shook slightly, her eyes still shut closed. Zexion glanced at Xangel, noticing how she was quivering, seeming quite nervous about it all. "Just relax," he told her, sending her a reassuring smile. "Nothing to worry about..."
I have to go to someone's birthday party so I'll be back later hopefully! :) And hi and bye Last!! :glomp:
Oh sorry I haven't been around but uh, Kairi Namine, sure you're in, what sort of title do you want? If you could pm me that that'd be great, since I have to go again. XDD
Ooh, another intriguing addition to the story!! Keep it up!! :)
OOC: The Winter That Never Was! Oh and here's a quote I found that describes the place: Larxene stood at the doorway at The Winter That Never Was, a map in her hands, as she observed the locations on it. Her lips were drawn into a tight line, and her cheeks seemed almost rosy against her pale, cold skin. The area was almost completely frozen, with ice lining the walls, ceilings, and the corners of the floors. The Savage Nymph was actually quite relieved to find that her Organization cloak provided enough warmth for her body. Fingering the edge of the map, she then folded it, tossing it over her shoulder. Not a lot to do here it seems, she thought, sighng. Guess I'll go see what everyone else is doing... A dark portal opened beneath her, as she disappeared, materalizing in the garden, Frozen Rising. OOC: And I'll stop there since I'm not sure if Marluxia warped there or what. XDD *did not read it too thoroughly* lol
As electricity ran across Larxene's body, Zexion had instinctively recoiled, refusing to make any sound of pain, when she shoved him, lifting her leg to kick him, sending him crashing at a wall, his head banging roughly against it. Before he could even recover or contemplate the situation, the Savage Nymph was there, pinning him against the wall, her hand tightly grasped around his collar, a sharp kunai pointed at his throat. Zexion's head was spinning, and his entire body still quivered slightly from the previous assaults, but at this he simply smiled, a small chuckle erupting from his throat. It was quite obvious to him that Larxene didn't take well to a display of affections...perhaps she didn't like revealing any of her 'emotions'? Frightened of what could happen if she opened up? There were many possibilities, but at least he was a step closer to figuring her out. "You're beautiful even when angry," he remarked, sounding impressed. "I don't doubt the fact that you won't hesitate to 'kill' me, but can you blame me for caring for you?"
"Your group...I am to eradicate all of you," Larxene said, anger lacing her voice. "You oppose us, try to hinder our goal. Not to mention..." She glanced downward at the floor, a trace of 'sadness' passing through her eyes as she lowered her voice to a whisper. "One of you might have done something to...him..." Shaking her head, she narrowed her eyes, glaring at Kevix once more. "So what are you waiting for? Fight to your fullest extent. Try to kill me, why don't you?" Her hand fingered yet another kunai, crackling with electricity. "I don't have all day to play games with you..." OOC: Hmm...by the end of New Year. :D
OOC: I'm sorry, where are we? Okay, I know we're in the Winter That Never Was, but like, uh, how does it look? :sweatdrop: I need to know how to describe it...
Zexion merely smiled as Larxene spoke, secretly cheered by the fact that she had yet to do anything to harm him. He assumed it would happen sooner or later, but for how long? It didn't matter much to him really. He watched as he grabbed Demyx's hand, widening his eyes in surprise as she reached out, grabbing the two front strings of his cloak, yanking him forward towards her. In a moment, they materalized within the small boy's room, a strange peacefulness about it. As the Savage Nymph gave a couple of orders, she sneezed, releasing Demyx's hand to block it, as she groaned. Quickly, Zexion wrappied his arms softly, gently around her, bringing her close to him. With his right hand, he tilted her face up towards him. "Are you sure you don't require any rest...?" he asked, in a low tone of voice. "I don't want it to become worse..."
"Pointless?" Larxene repeated, glaring at him piercingly. "You think trying to kill you is pointless?" She scoffed. "I'd think you'd be more concerned about defending yourself and living." She hesitated for a moment, taking a step back. "Or do you still think this is just a battle where you're going to win for certain?" She tilted her head to the side, her frown deeping as she spoke. "I wouldn't be so cocky about this if I were you..." Jerking her arm back, she threw several kunai at him, electricity crackling around them.
Larxene please. :) Zexion too if I can have two characters.
Anna glowed slightly as Opacho healed her, and Zeke held her closer, tighter to him. "What do you think it could be...?" he asked, gently.
OOC: After losing this RPG, I finally found it. XD It got moved to the *gasp* Crossovers! lol But anyway, time for me to catch up~ After Larxene had left Axel's room, she had headed straight to her room, making sure to be careful not to be caught. Inside the peacefulness of her room, she sat upon the edge of her bed, exhaling sharply, as she slowly laid back, her platinum blonde hair flowing out around her like ripples. Thoughts swirled in her mind, but being deprived of sleep, as she had stayed up for a long time, especially doing nothing in particular, a languor washed over her. However, remembering how she had waited for Axel, not even snapping at him impatiently for taking so long, she frowned bitterly. She just couldn't believe he had feelings for Rei - was him, risking a lot to be with her, just some sort of act? Well, she wasn't going to be his side-dish any more...she'd make sure of that... == Larxene was in the courtyard, sitting in the corner of the a secluded area, leaning against the hard, wooden tree trunk. A soft breeze was blowing at her front bangs, tickling her skin. Sighing, she closed her eyes, tilting her head back, the tree leaves hiding the sunlight from reaching her face. All night, she had tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter how jaded she was feeling. Now it was the afternoon, and here she was, spending her time just sitting against a tree. Not exactly her idea of enjoyment. Although still, the thoughts of Axel still pestered her...and she just couldn't get him out of her head...just like what she told him before, hadn't she? Wow, what a fool of herself she made it seemed...
"...This is sufficient enough...if you need me again, you know where to go." A lady was standing on the side of the streets, speaking with a man, who was outfitted in a simple white shirt and pants. He had handed her a brown sack, bulging bulkily, to which she briskly took, enwrapping her thin fingers around. She was dressed in a black cloak, which outlined her curvaceous figure and flowed to her ankles. Her hood was up, obscuring her face in the shadows. Withdrawing her hand and placing the item somewhere within her clothes, she turned, beginning to walk away. Her cloak billowed out behind her as she hurried, her footsteps sounding soft against the cobblestone on the road. It was afternoon, with not a cloud in the sky, as a soft breeze blew across the streets of Mhaura. The houses were all composed of wood, some painted white or yellow, others not. The windows gleamed with sunlight, as several citizens could be seen through them. Women cooking, children crying, men speaking...everyone doing different activities. As the lady sauntered around the corner, she turned sharply, heading into the alley, which was wedged between the corner and the rest of the pathway. The area was dark, with the odor of mold and rotting objects filling the air. The woman's footsteps were now quieter, as if she was tip-toeing. The floor, being covered with dust, were stirred slightly by her movements, a few landing on the bottom of her cloak. Reaching the end of the alley, she turned, facing the maroon brick wall upon the right. Raising her arm, she extended her arm, touching the side of it. Pressing her gloved palm against the hard, cold surface, she began to shove backwards at it with her fingers. With a slight rumble, the wall shifted, revealing a small passageway. Withdrawing her hand, she quickly walked through, the shadows seeming to engulf her as she entered. Soon, the wall returned to its previous appearance and outside, everything was at peace once more. Inside the tunnel however, there were footsteps, echoing against the walls, everything pitch black. However, the woman seemed to know where she was going, as she stopped at the end, reaching out to turn a doorknob. With a slight creak, the wooden door opened, and she stepped through, closing it behind her with a click. Turning away from it, she faced the room, scanning her surroundings quickly. The room was dim, lighted by only a few candles, the white wax slowly dripping down unto its glass holder. Several tables with benches on the side of it could be seen, fire light dappling the surfaces of it. Several people were there, some leaning on the wall, others sitting down munching on something, a few just conversing. Reaching up, the lady withdrew her hood, revealing her face of dainty features, her eyes, almost as dark as her hair, shined with a naive innocence, and her lips, peach-colored and thin. Her long hair, cascading in waves, nearly reached her waist, a few of her front strands laying over her shoulders. "Hey, Kasha..." a hoarse, male voice called over to her from across the room. She quickly turned her head towards the sound of it, espying a man, sitting by the corner of the room, draped in thin black clothing, his hair short and dark, a tiny wrinkle around his emerald eyes indicating his mature age - meaning he seemed reasonably around 30-40. He wasn't someone she could remember exactly, but she knew he had to be an assassin just like her - after all, this was the secret guild. Although she often never conversed with anyone at all - just sat down and relaxed, contemplating anything she pleased. "Yes? What is it?" she asked, her voice, although soft, was laced with coldness. "Is there something you need?" Slowly, the man slid from his seat, standing, his dark clothes wrinkling slightly as he moved. Silently, he walked towards her, his footsteps soft against the hard floor. Reaching her, he began to circle her, as she eyed him warily, her gaze following his every step. "Perfect..." he murmured, a grin coming to his face. "Just perfect..." "...What's perfect?" she asked, sharply, resisting the urge to cross her arms like she normally did when impatient or upset. As an assassin, she was trained to never show any of her emotions, having no sign of anything she was feeling aside from coldness and brutal cruelity. "I don't have much time to waste, so I would like it if you skipped the chit-chat." The man chuckled, his body quivering slightly with his laughter. "Cold, sharp, and stoic...just the assassin I was looking for..." He hesitated for a moment. "You see...there's this job...in Estavel...and he wants someone of the best...and that is you." "What's the job?" she asked, still gazing piercingly at the man. "And how much does it pay exactly?" "20 yhel," he answered, nodding, the front bangs of his brown hair bobbing against his forhead slightly. "And the job? Like any other - to assassinate somebody...the man who's hired you...is having an affair with this woman, whose husband he wants eradicated. Can you do that?" "Do you even have to ask?" she scoffed, as she turned, beginning to walk towards the doorway. Right before she reached the door, she hesitated. "Let him know that as soon as I finish this assignment, I want the money immediately...failure to do so will involve death." This said, she reached out, turning the doorknob and heading out, the door closing shut behind her with a creak. With her left hand, she lifted her hood, covering her face once more, as she seemed to disappear into the shadows of the dark hallway... OOC: I linked the job to Spitfire's post, since I thought it'd be ironic. XD
As Demyx had begun to lead Zexion towards his room, where he had wanted Larxene to go, she continued to refuse, seeming very much upset about the whole thing. Chuckling, he turned, beginning to walk over to her side. "You know..." He reached out, using his finger to briefly touch the side of her face, moving to her chin before withdrawing his hand. "You really ought to at least rest for a moment...just stay warm, eat something healthy...I'd hate to see someone as beautiful as you suffer through a cold..." He had a feeling she was going to turn her slowly building anger towards him now, but did it matter? She'd ought to warm up to him sooner or later...
Zexion sighed, shaking his head. "Xangel...just sit over there," he said, gesturing to Axel's throne. "He's not going to be present for our meeting, so take his place." Larxene glanced over her should at Marluxia, before focusing back on her enemy. "No...just go on ahead...I'm...I have something to do," she said, her hands tightening around her weapon. "Don't worry about me Marluxia...I won't die..." OOC: My head feels like it ran out of inspiration at the moment. XD