OOC: Ooh, those membership cards look awesome~ Hearing Reixa speak Axel's name, Larxene widened her eyes, before quickly narrowing them. What sort of game was she playing? What could she know about Axel and wanted to tell her? She wasn't exactly trustworthy...but then again, what would be the harm in knowing? If it was false, she'd be sure to dismiss it from her mind and that would be all. Closing her eyes, she then opened them again, gazing down at the floor. "What about him?" she asked, a bit stiffly. Xemnas sighed, drumming his fingers on the arm of his throne. "The meeting shall commence...as for our missing members...we will inform them of what has happened when they return," he ordered, as he glanced around the room, as if waiting to see if this was okay with everyone.
OOC: Well, I'll probably come in randomly but uh...is it like, nighttime, afternoon, morning or...?
As the heartless appear, Kairi widened her eyes. Tightening her grip, she charged forward to slice at her enemy. "Get out of my way, please!" she shouted. OOC: Sorry I haven't been on much. :sweatdrop: My computer keeps freezing up...
OOC: Okay, I hope I can stay on longer today! That is, if my computer doesn't freeze. :sweatdrop: lol As Cepxis had cast the water spell, Larxene had glanced at Reixa, raising an eyebrow. She wanted to speak with her? About what? Frowning, she dismissed her kunai, not caring much that water had drenched over her. Moving a wet strand of her hair to the side of her face, she stared coldly at the girl. "What is it?" she asked, curtly. "I don't have much time, and I don't want to waste so much of it with you." When Kevix appeared, Zexion turned his head, staring piercingly at him. "Why are you here?" he asked, emotionlessly. "What do you want?" He began to walk towards him, his footsteps echoing slightly in the empty room they were in, the sound bouncing off the walls. Reixa's 'scent' was now with Larxene's he could tell, but they did not seem to be fighting...just standing, facing each other, with Cepxis on the other side. What was happening now?
Zexion glanced down at the tiny boy,clutching at the bottom of his robe, pleading to be taken to Vexen. His face seemed tightly-drawn with terror and his eyes were tiny pools of anxiety. ouching to be eye-level with him, the Cloaked Schemer reached up, ruffling his soft, blonde hair, hoping it would help comfort him somewhat. "Don't you worry about a thing," he whispered. "Just go on ahead to Vexen and I'll find...Luxord, bringing him back safely." He gave the Nocturne a reassuring smile, as he raised his hand, a portal of darkness appearing besides Demyx. Standing, he glanced over at Larxene, and, remembering her question, cast an illusion of cloak around her shoulders, hoping it would help to warm her. However, there was really no doubt about it - she was going to need some rest, she was sick with the cold.
OOC: So...what's happening? :sweatdrop: Um, could someone help me find what I'm supposed to reply to? Sorry that I haven't been on...my computer's been lagging...still is...agh...
Ooh, I really like how the story's progressing...each one really absorbing you...great job! :)
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Enjoy yourself here and need anything, pm me or the staff! :glomp: Have fun~! :)
*hugs both*
Well, it's a long story, but put shortly...some people, some friends you thought you knew, love, and trusted...have become...not so kind, to put nicely...sorry if that wasn't detailed enough. :sweatdrop: Talk with me on MSN later, and I'll explain it better... Jordie says: Lol, well, of course I'm going to do that, who else Is going to do It for me? You're gonna fail In your life If you keep up with that attichude. Thats why you never really bothered me - I know If you keeps up with that you're going to fail.
This is something Jordie has to say for you all... === Dear KHV, Yes, one last word from me and I am too much of a sore coward to log back In and do It myself, Its pretty sad I know. Laugh at me, whatever, Lock this thread, whatever, all I want to do Is for you all to hear my Apology. Leaving was a stupid thing to do, but a part of me thinks It was a right thing to do, although I felt so terrible leaving. Ryuuga made me realize of how much a soreloser and coward I am, walking out on my friends like that, anger Is a terrible thing. I'll tell you the truth on why I really left, I was angry to find out that, no matter how I cared for everyone In this site, even those who probably hate/hated me, It seemed as though I got thrown on the ground for what I thought was the right thing, obviously In this case, SJ was right and I do regret most of what I did and said. Rub It In my face If you must, because I'm too much of a stubborn *** to get It the first time. I am so sorry for being such a b***, I hope you will forgive me because I really am this time. I'm sorry to Rosey for making her upset just because I didn't like her change, I'm sorry to CtR for making her see how much of a coward I am, I'm sorry to Ryuuga, Cin and possibly HB andGX for making them laugh at my stupidness, I'm sorry to the Staff for being a *** to them as well, and I'm sorry to everyone else that Ive disappointed or upset during this 'War'. I swear, you will not be hearing anymore s*** out of this girl. ~Jordie
Zexion could feel his consciousness slowly returning, his head burning strongly before mitigating into nothingness. Giving a soft groan, he pressed his palms against the floor, pushing until he was able to sit upon his knees, and then stand. His body quivered slightly, as if cold, as he blinked, clearing his blurred vision. Several 'scents' seemed to whirl about, some recognizable, some not. Tilting his head up, his dark hair bangs falling softly over his left eye, he could see Larxene, towering over the tiny, frightened, crying Demyx, while another tiny kid stood on the side of a portal...where he could tell led to Vexen. Glancing at the child, he tilted his head to the side slightly, observing him. The boy had a dark hair in a long ponytail, while his eyes were shining and yellow, reminscent of a tiger almost. Glancing up at Larxene, he remarked, "Now, don't tell me you're thinking of harming Demyx now, are you?" Slowly, he began to walk towards the two. "And he's just a small boy...who've you made cry...what has he done to you now?"
I'm glad Xaldin's finally stepping in...I hope this will help people to realize this...
OOC: Whose fight with who...? Darkness circled around Larxene, as she warped to her destination, awaiting Cepxis's arrival. At least he wasn't afraid to hold back...his weapon appeared to be a staff, with his element being ice...quite strong, with weak points like all...
...I really hope that means that everyone's happy...:sweatdrop:
Grinning, in a moment, Larxene had moved, standing besides him, kunai whipped out, electricity crackling. "Glad to see someone's putting up a fight," she remarked, as she threw several at him. "Better not hold a thing back..."
It's alright, I didn't know how to do it at first either. :) And well, you do it like this (without the space): Click here![/ url] Should turn out like: Click here! Hope that's what you wanted to know? :3 Oh, and I have no idea where that link I just put leads to, so I don't suggest clicking it. XD
This sounds like a good idea. It'd be helpful for whoever needs it, and it wouldn't hurt. :3 Go for it!
OOC: Glad you had a good Christmas! :3 Anyway, I'm sooo glad you're on! Gives me something to do. XD In a swirl of darkness, Larxene materalized besides Reixa and Cepxis. Tilting her head to the side as she looked over the two, a smirk plastered onto her lips. Glancing at the girl, she remembered how the battle had ended, with her rendering the Savage Nymph's arms useless. Now was payback time for that as well. "Well, well, a pleasure to meet you again," she remarked, smoothly. "Don't think I'd go so easy on you this time now, hmm?" Glancing at the boy, she said, "And so we don't have to go through any boring introductions, my name's Larxene. And you are...?"
As the tiny boy grasped his hand, while the other seemed very much relieved, Zexion couldn't help but smile. Although he hated to admit it, the two were just so...cute. There really wasn't any other word to describe them. And even if they could act spoiled, they were in need of a...guardian. To care and lead them...and knowing this, the Cloaked Schemer knew that they couldn't be this way forever. They'd die out there, doing a mission for the Organization. They'd need to find a way to revert them back to normal as soon as possible...but how? Whatever Vexen had concocted for the tiny Demyx most likely hadn't worked...so now what? Just continue experimenting on them? The kids weren't guinea pigs...and if the worst happened, they may never age again or worse - be even younger... Shaking his head of the negativity, Zexion focused his attention back to the two youngsters. They were both quite near tears, their bodies still quivering with fear at the possibility of having to eat each other it seemed. As another smile quirked the corners of his lips, he released their hands, quickly bringing his arms around Lurxord and Xigbar, bringing him close to him in a sort of embrace. As awkward and unusual it may be for him to be doing this, he knew that they must be feeling frightened, needing someone to calm to nerves - and what else can do that but a hug? Although the Freeshooter and the Gambler were both Nobodies, completely devoid of emotions...it was the memory of their childhood that was surfacing, causing their body and mind to react that way. If persisted, it'd just cause more troubles, and change the way they'd act when they grew older...however way that may work...but ultimately, he knew it'd help in the future somehow. Either in having them listen to him easier, or just being less squirmy. For now that was... "You don't need to worry about a thing," the Cloaked Schemer soothed, as he stroked the back of their hairs, Xigbar's dark ponytail flopping slightly about his back, Luxord's blonde hair rustling. "Any time you're lost..." He hesitated, not wanting to continue with the next of his words. "I'll find you. I promise." Reluctantly, he gave them both a reassuring smile, as he scooped the two straight into his arms, lifting them to sit on his arms, as he then stood. Being a child, fortunately, they both didn't weigh very much, and he was able to carry the both of them as if they were two babies. "Now..." he murmured to them both. "Let's just get home..."A portal of darkness opened underneath them, and they disappeared, materalizing back into Demyx's room. Tilting his head up, he found Larxene, seated on the side of the bed, with Demyx hugging a fish-shaped pillow, the covers drawn slightly around him. The Melodious Nocturne's expression seemed tentative, bordering towards anxiety and nervousness, while he couldn't quite see the Savage Nymph's face, only the back of it, her platinum blonde hair cascading softly past her shoulders ever so slightly. Wow, she looks beautiful...wait, what...? Where did that thought come from? Zexion couldn't help but think, his eyes wide with surprise at his sudden musing. The Savage Nymph...she was pretty, he'd admit, but he never thought much of it, even as much as thinking she was all that 'beautiful'. It was actually hard to even think that without realizing how savage she really was, not hesitating to use anyone as her 'toy', to 'play' with. That, of course, consisted of some sort of malice or tortue, never anything pleasant at all. He had physical proof of that already on his body! A cut on his throat and a sore head, all of which happened when he blacked out moments ago. Obviously, he had encounted her, done something to bother her, causing her to just lash out at him. She was probably enjoying herself all the while too. Although he did remember when he had awoken, her expression was tightly drawn, cold, her features dark and snarling. If she was really being entertained, would her face really appear that way? What could it be that he said or did exactly that would set her off though? "I've warned you, don't know how many times, and you've finally driven my patience thin..." "I've been too passive. Don't think I won't kill you..." "Your compliments don't sway me, so your pathetic opinion on my looks are worthless. And yes, I do blame you because I never gave you any reason to 'care' for me. If you do, your problem, don't bother me with it!" "Idiot...what is your problem?" The words echoed within his mind, as the scenes flashed through his head - being pinned against the wall with a kunai pointed at his throat, imbedding the sharp point of her weapon into his throat, kicking him, and then tossing him across the floor. "Are you sure you don't require any rest...? I don't want it to become worse..." "You're beautiful even when angry..." "I don't doubt the fact that you won't hesitate to 'kill' me, but can you blame me for caring for you?" Now Zexion's own voice rung within his head, as he recalled his actions - embracing the Savage Nymph, then chuckling and giving her a compliment, all of which he beared without a word, as if hoping she'd... Suddenly, the back of his head began to burn, and his vision began to blur. Remembering the kids still within his arms, he quickly placed them on the ground, before stiffening, blinking, trying to steady himself. However, his body swayed, as he shakingly extended one arm, trying to reach for something to balance himself, before he could feel his legs grow weak, and he just fell, his eyes closing. OOC: I hope everything's okay Cissnei...*hugs* And well, I suppose Vexen could search for the others or work on an experiment to try to cure everyone?