"Of course, she's in good condition," Zexion said, in a tone that sounded fake. "Now can you leave?" He could easily see the electricity crackling around Kevix, and made a note of his ability. Was he like Larxene, with the element of lightning? It seemed like it...but either way, the Cloaked Schemer, prepared to summon his weapon if needed.
Heya, how's everyone? ^^
"The answer will be whatever you want it to be," Zexion answered, dryly. "Just leave." He snapped his fingers, summoning several Nobodies to surround Kevix. They were all basically just standing around him, not yet attacking, but poised and prepared to.
Heya, how's everyone? I missed talking to all of you!!! *hugs everyone*
Oh, I'm still a judge right? :sweatdrop: Are we supposed to judge now or like later or...?
So that was what Kevix wanted? Xangel back? Well, she wasn't going anywhere...not if he could help it. Besides, she had to trust him, help him. She promised, and she couldn't just turn her back on it...unless of course, she remembered her memories...and her character was one of...disloyalty. However, that was why he had been more than kind to her. Obviously, he had gone through great pains just to seem more friendly to her, smiling more than often, always being close by, protecting her...so she ought to be grateful. If not...well, he'd have to bring that up wouldn't he? "May I have, maybe I haven't," Zexion said, eyeing Kevix warily. "Whether I have or not...leave now. My patience has grown thin and I won't tolerate you much longer if you persist on staying here." Xemnas sighed, shaking his head. It seemed some of the members were still quite upset about the replacement...why did it matter? It's as if they'd forgotten that they couldn't 'feel' and thus, couldn't care...
A smile crossed Zexion's lips as he listened to her words. Her cold was seriously growing worse it seemed...perhaps it'd be to his advantage in the end. "I'll leave...once I retrieve Luxord," he said, crossing his arms, as he glanced over at the 'scent' over at the far corner of the room, "and once I'm able to convince you to get some rest. Changing your clothes is wise, but the only way your body will be able to fight off this virus is through rest. Staying awake won't do any good. I'll be more than happy to provide you more than enough help for you to regain your health, whether it'd be a sort of warmth or not...as long as you get better...it'd prove much beneficial to you, and everyone else." Once more he gazed towards the 'scent' in the back. He truly hoped Luxord was in there, lest he be making a fool of himself. However, where else could he be? She had said he was in her little chamber of torture, so where else would it be but in her room? Unless of course it was somewhere else...as there were plenty of other 'scents' running around on the other floors.
OOC: Well, I checked your post, Fire, when you wanted to join and there was an alias there...which I forgot again. xP I gotta go check it again... Larxene glared at the girl, prepared to retort back when there was a soft sound of someone materalizing nearby. Turning her head, she found Xaydn, his sword drawn, facing her. Great, now what? Another one trying to confuse her. Sending a cross glance at him to acknowledge his prescene, she turned back to face the girl. She wasn't sure if she was a part of the nameless Organization or not, but it was more than likely, seeing as how this was their headquarters. But she didn't even turn to show respect for their Superior...regardless, she knew that this girl knew too much and was being quite irritating. She obviously wanted her to believe the information Reixa was spouting was false...but was it? As much as she hated to admit, Reixa did care for Axel, despite all her shameless antics, and why would she lie? Not to mention, how would she know that's what Axel thought of her? It's not something she'd want to say arbitrarily. Unless of course, she discovered it through hypnosis and was trying to lead her into a trap...but what could she gain from it? Either way, Larxene didn't trust the girl or have a kinder disposition. However, the nameless organization was more clever than it appeared, so it was a possibility. "For your information," she said, looking at May coldly, "Axel can't die. He faded away. And whether or not she's speaking the truth or not..." She glanced at Reixa as she said this. "It is the truth and I know it..." Turning, she raised her hand, opening a portal of darkness. It was finally time to get out of the headquarters - she needn't eradicate the entire Organization recklessly. Remembering Axel's words...he wouldn't want her to die - well, fade away, - so better not waste it. "Leave now then," Zexion ordered. "There's nothing else left for you here..." He turned, although kept an eye on him over his shoulder. "Feel fortunate that I was the one who met you...I prefer not to fight...but be warned that if you keep returning, I will be forced to...destroy you." He hesitated to return to the Throne Room, waiting for the intruder to leave first. At the same time, he kept an eye on the 'scents' around Larxene's. Their Superior had arrived, as did another opponent, all of which seemed to be surrounding her. They didn't seem to be in a fight, as they were mainly standing still...so they could either be speaking, preparing for the battle, or doing something else entirely. Whichever way, she had better come back as soon as possible, or else he'd have to intervene. Time was running out... Xemnas glanced at the girl, seeing as how she didn't show any sign of how she was taking his announcement. Well, she was a Nobody, she shouldn't care nor object, so already she seemed to be a...copacetic member, at least so far. He glanced at Saix, as if mentally reminding him to keep an eye on Xangel, before looking around at everyone else. Most of them basically seemed emotionless about this news, although some were still registering surprise from Axel's 'death'. Roxas, however, had was quite enraged. Well, it didn't matter what the boy wanted. "Roxas," he said, glancing at him. "We can't be in mourning forever. And Axel is gone, so if someone else was willing, there is no point in holding it off. Our goal is to obtain hearts for ourselves...and this girl will aid us. It will be much easier succeeding if we have 13 members...than 12. Regardless of 'honor' or not. We're Nobodies...we don't care. And you better be sure to remember that." He looked away from him. "This meeting is over," he ordered, before glancing at the Luna Diviner. "Saix, make sure to inform the members not present here of this information." OOC: At last the meeting's over! lol
OOC: Well, cooperating's fine with me as long as lani agrees. ^^ "That...guy?" Kairi repeated, as she rubbed the back of her head, trying to mitigate the sore feeling of it. Remembering the heartless she covered her mouth to stifle a gasp. Sighing she gazed down at the floor.
OOC: That's great, then! Welcome...er, welcome back Hissora. ^^ When Larxene warped away, Zexion frowned, ready to say 'wait' but it had been too late. Glancing over at Xigbar, who seemed to be playing around with the contents of his nose, he sighed, shaking his head. Raising his hand, he opened a portal of darkness behind the Freeshooter. "Just go through there and stay with Vexen and Demyx," he ordered, trying to keep his tone of voice soft. "In the meantime...I'll retrieve Luxord..." That said, darkness circled around him as he disappeared, materalizing besides Larxene, according to her 'scent'. Turning, he found the Savage Nymph lying on her bed, the illusion of her blanket still wrapped around her. She was probably going to start screaming and shouting at him in a moment for being there, but might as well hurry and take the chance to speak. "Larxene...you really ought to get some rest," he said, wearily running a hand through his dark hair. "You don't want that sickness to be worse, do you?" He could smell another 'scent' from a distance, but he couldn't quite recognize who that was...Luxord, perhaps?
Kairi's consciousness slowly returned, as her head felt as if it was spinning, her vision blurry. Blinking, she murmured, "So..ra...?" OOC: Oh wait, am I replaced...? Sorry if I haven't been on. :sweatdrop: Life has been busy...
OOC: Sorry I haven't been on. ^^; Life and site problems hindered me. lol Hope no one forgot me? Just kidding. xD Larxene was about to respond back to Reixa when she heard a high-pitched giggle. Jerking her head up, she narrowed her eyes, recognizing who it was. Looking about, she summoned her kunai to her fingers, lifting them. "Show yourself!" she demanded, as electricity crackled around her. That figure's words were false, it had to be...after all, she heard Axel tell them many times to herself... "Peace..." Zexion repeated, closing his eyes momentarily. "Does the rest of your organization want this as well? If so, we'd be more than happy to make peace...but somehow, I highly doubt they want for the same goal...unless of course, you're here as their representative, or to decide you're planning on working with us?" Kevix...it seemed to the Cloaked Schemer that his motives were pure but he could easily be lying, with an underlying incentive Xemnas closed his eyes, tilting his head back, stiffening slightly. "Axel...he is no longer with us," he said, speaking slowly, "but in place of him...we have this girl..." He opened his eyes, his orange-hazelnut brown eyes gleaming slightly as he gestured to Xangel, who was seated upon the Flurry of Dancing Flames' throne. "...To replace him. She is a Nobody like us, and she has graciously agreed to aid us in our goal. So let us welcome her as our new member...our number VIII..." OOC: Er, what is Xangel's alias again? :sweatdrop:
"I...I did it..." Kairi murmured, breathing hard, as she lowered her keyblade. Hearing footsteps, she turned to see Sora, his Oathkeeper in hand. "Sora!" she exclaimed.
OOC: Am I still lost? XDD
Landing on her feet, Kairi felt her breath was ragged, but her vision was clear. Raising her keyblade, glowing with the light, she charged forward to meet the attack with her own.
Kairi closed her eyes, concentrating. She was the Princess of Light, she could do this, she knew she could destroy this heartless...and what was good against the dark? But of course, light. Her keyblade glowing with the light from her heart, she struggled to pierce it through the creature's chest.
"Then why are you here?" Zexion asked, promptly, still staring at Kevix, no emotion in his eyes, as if just eyeing for any sudden movement. "I don't believe you'd come over to your enemy's headquarters just for a friendly visit...there must be something you desire..." Hearing those seven words, Larxene's hands clenched into fists, but she continued to gaze down at the floor. "You are the Proof of My Existence" was something Axel had always been sure to tell her...and now, even before his death, he still wanted her to know this...and throughout all the times, she had never been able to tell him the same, that he was her proof of her existence... "When...when did he tell you this?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Everyone," Xemnas said, his voice echoing in the room, "I assume everyone knows what has happened to number VIII, Axel? What has become of him?" He waited, to see if everyone had.
Larxene across the yard, back into the school hallways, absent-mindedly paying attention to where she was going. She was deep in thought, still debating whether she ought to speak with Axel again, perhaps give him another chance but...no, she couldn't. She wasn't going to come crawling back to him. She didn't need him, not that impertinent skater...maybe there was a good reason to have these clique divisions after all... However, she could tell that it wasn't what she wanted...what she did want, was to be with Axel now, in his arms...but she could not. Not if he was interested in someone else...if he liked her and only her and apologized, then maybe she'd be with him...maybe she'd give him a chance...maybe...but it wasn't happening. Going around the corner, she heard Cloud's voice, speaking in the direction of Axel's room. "...Attack me if you want...but you probably don't have the balls Rei was grinding on at the dance?" Hearing that, Larxene stopped walking, her eyes wide. Rei had been flirting with Axel...stronger than she had thought. Is that what had lured Axel in? Being a man, he was weak with those feminine charms...but then...no, it was still no excuse. Yuna was in her room, her hands clasped together on her lap. She couldn't believe that ZC was only interested in her appearance...he couldn't even answer her question of whether he was attracted to her personality or not...he didn't care for her heart, only her looks...so all this time, it was superficial? Everything he said and did...Tidus, was the one who truly cared for her...but now...where was he? Maybe he moved on now...
OOC: Sorry, where are we?
Kairi could feel her throat screaming for oxygen, a burning sensation deep inside, and she struggled to keep a hold on her keyblade. Raising it, she tried to strike the heartless's head.