He dropped the phone into his pocket and looked around. " This isn't good. Amos might want to know about this mysterious call.
John picked it up. " Please don't tell me this is who it most likely is." He muttered to himself, then spoke louder, " Hello?"
John ran through the streets, eager to get away from the spot that so much had occurred at so fast. It wasn't easy to forget it because of what he had learned.
" It's funny, this battle could go any way, yet neither of us are afraid."
Zarach bumped into Nova. " Sorry, my fault." He stepped to let him past.
OOC: shouldn't you start it off?
"We've still gotta get used to our Stands, much less activate them. How do you expect us to beat experienced users?"
" Even if it's not an attack, YOU THREW AN ARROW AT MY HEAD! YOU DON'T DO THAT TO PEOPLE!"
He turned around. " Fine. At least it won't be boring."
" Whatever a 'stand' is, it sounds like it'll get me into more trouble than I want. And it also sounds like activating it will have people hounding me down 'till I die. I'd rather lead the awkward life I have than one that's awkward AND dangerous."
He sighed. " How do I tend to get mixed up in the worst places... And then I get blamed for being part of it." He mumbled to himself, then said out loud. " If you don't mind, I'll be going now."
"I don't know what a 'stand' is and I definitely don't use one. But I'm guessing The Cool is that statue." He was taking it all in fast, and throwing out excess information even faster.
OOC: Ya, but he lost him on the way so he went totally the wrong direction, but I'll have him start going the right way.... BIC: John veered to the left in a clearing with two people fighting with strange things.... " What the heck is this all about? A living statue and now this?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE A FATE THIS BAD!"
OOC: nah you said someone was running towards them..... and John wasn't really running in that direction so I'm wondering..... It's just there aren't any other people around really that would be of importance at the moment. or are there.......
OOC: wait, who's the person....... It could be a number of different people in a list.............
John chased after the statue, angry that he hadn't noticed it could move before.
James stopped it in between two fingers, then dropped it into the appropriate pocket. " Gotta do better than using knives against me custom-fitted for my use, Jak."
" Not hard enough, though." He threw a knife playfully at Jak.
He still was right behind him. " Fine, but just don't let it be too easy on me."
John walked away, his interest in it gone and it actually starting to scare him. It seemed almost ALIVE.