He turned a corner and stopped. He looked around himself carefully and started running again.
"Fine by me!" He dashed down the street at top speed. " I'LL MEET YOU AT THE PARK!"
" Oh Come On! I Think I'm Safe Only To Find Out He'll Find Some Way To Kill Me Anyways!"
He simply pulled out the batteries. " Problem with that is solved. Now to get her out of here." he said, notioning at Sakuya.
OOC: ~ cool techno-guitar playing~ Breakin' my back just to know your name. Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....... WHY DID I TYPE WHAT I'M LISTENING TO?! It's mildly hot here..... SOMEBODY TOLD ME, THAT YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND, THAT LOOKS LIKE A GIRLFRIEND THAT I HAD IN FEBRUARY OF LAST YEAR. IT'S NO CONFIDENTIAL THAT I'VE GOT POTENTIAL ~ DOO DOO DOO DUU DOO!~ lol.
OOC: ~silently thinks of way we can both have fun ( I'm bored, too. I'm going to start playing a game soon, but not RIGHT now.....~ Soooooooooooooooooooooo, how's the weather around your place??
OOC: ~slaps you on the face~ GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, MAN! Do you think that's what you should do when you're bored? Go play some online games with people. Don't just kill yourself slowly.
OOC: I have it on PC and PSP........ it would be awesome if it was cross-platforming so we could play together........
OOC: I'm right here. on KH-Vids...... either that or I'll be playing SWBF2.
He looked at Amos. " Should I answer? I have a bad feeling that this call will get me into the same mess as this girl." He didn't take out his phone, too scared to even fully have his hand in his pocket.
" Let's get her out of here, then." He stepped back to give Amos room to sort it out.
"I see it. But, unfortunately, I don't know HOW to do anything about it." He rapidly tried to think of something to help the solution.
" Don't tell me you didn't hear that. I don't think some lady screaming right after something as big as these events is just a coincidence." He turned a corner and saw Sakuya. " See? I'm betting you know more about what's happening than I do, now."
John heard it no matter how far he was. " See, Amos, there is something going on. Let's go!" He ran in the direction the cry had come from.
" I'm not sure at the moment, but I think I found something. Also I have a feeling another one of us has found the thing itself. Do you know where all of us are?"
He waited for Amos to get over to him while looking around.
Dangit, can't the guy wait to eat his lunch. I think something big is happening. And I have no idea how to deal with it. " AMOS! GET OUT HERE!" he yelled.
John saw Amos and tried to get his attention fast. People looked at John, wondering why a guy would act like that randomly.
John walked carefully, looking for anything suspicious. Where could he find Amos? He seemed like the guy who wouldn't be in one place long. Much like John himself.