OOC: I'm heck mad at them that they didn't keep to DMC being exclusive to PS2. Not so much as they put it on PS3, but that they put it on Xbox360.
OOC: when Panic uses that, he can pretty much move them to places. As long as there's nothing physical completely blocking all ways to get there. IF there was to be something, Panic couldn't. But in this case, he could bring them to every building within a matter of minutes.
OOC: :O........... That is the most scary s*** I've ever read in about five years. Dmaster, why'd you let Deathsight do this to you? You were such a nice person and you write about such horrors. ~ runs out of the thread and barfs all over redkeyblade1313's best clothes.~
" My Stand would come in handy right now I bet." He thought about it. " I'll have to try to summon it, at least to see what it could do to help. Panic!" To his utter surprise, a tiger-like creature appeared. It looked at him, as if talking. " Now to see what your abilities are." Panic sighed. Being with John so long without him noticing, he knew that the guy was pretty ignorant. He decided to tear a whole right there and then.
OOC: yes, we should. And I admit, I don't mind playing Halo 2 for Xbox instead of PC. It's just the style you prefer. Keyboard and mouse is thought to be inferior, but the PCG (PC Gamer) staff beat the Xbox Magazine in a game cross-platformed on it. Xbox Mag got to choose the map, weapons, control schemes for PCG to use, and all other things and still got their butts handed to them. It just proves that someone who practices on one tends to be good at it after a while.
" No duh. Where else would a guy who can control broadcasts be? What about where all the broadcasts are strongest?" he asked mockingly. " But at least we've most likely found him."
"That's the spirit you'll need to kill me when you do." He planted his foot firmly in the dirt, grinning from ear-to-ear.
" Crap. Now everyone can use their Stand but me. It's confirmed. Mine'll come out soon, I hope."
He shook his head. " It's not that you're disappointing me. It's that you're not trying. If one of us is going to die, it should be on equal terms."
James lands at Jak's feet. " Only this strong? Jak, you'll be dead soon enough at this rate. I haven't broken a sweat."
James finally took his sword out of the ground, resting it over his shoulder. " Now it's time for the grown-ups to play. No more kiddy pools." He quickly slashed, creating a shock wave all around them.
James ducked. " Don't be so modest about the guy. He's more annoying than you holding back against me."
" And annoying. Jacob's extremely annoying. I now regret meeting him and want to rip off my ears to escape the sound that is his voice."
Sythe watched Zarach streak towards him erratically. " He's already in err as to his attack pattern." Zarach opened his cockpit and jumped out while it was still in midair. The ship slammed into the place where Sythe was, who barely was able to dodge the deadly attack. While Sythe was dodging the ship, Zarach threw his lightsaber at him, still not yet landing from his jump. " SON OF A SHUTTA!" Sythe was barely able to block the lightsaber, still getting the full force of Zarach's drop kick to the chest. He staggered back, coughing while igniting his lightsabers. " Why'd I teach you this stuff?" He mumbled to himself. The kick had the power of a Force propelled jump that went around forty feet before making contact. He would have to go see some medics after this battle if he survived. He wasn't so sure he could, anymore. Zarach blew out the lights and covered the gaping whole in the room. It was complete darkness now. He switched to the Tràkata stance and turned off his lightsaber. OOC: Trakata, if you do not know, is where in complete darkness, A Jedi or Sith turns off his/her lightsaber, only turning it on when he/she ( such as Zarach, who is a master of this form due to his years of being a Sith Assassin) attacks. So really, Zarach would appear as if from thin air, barely illuminated by the lightsaber's glow when he attacks, Then he turns it off and appears somewhere else in the room. He could be on the ceiling on second, next second right behind you, his hilt to the back of your neck, just the lightsaber's not ignited yet. form list: * Form I: Shii-Cho "Way of the Sarlacc" or "Determination Form" * Form II: Makashi "Way of the Ysalamir" or "Contention Form" * Form III: Soresu "Way of the Mynock" or "Resilience Form" * Form IV: Ataru "Way of the Hawk-Bat" or "Aggression Form" * Form V: Shien / Djem So "Way of the Krayt Dragon" or "Perseverance Form" * Form VI: Niman "Way of the Rancor" or "Moderation Form" * Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad "Way of the Vornskr" or "Ferocity Form" Other forms of lightsaber combat These forms were not considered a part of the seven main or "classic" forms. Some were systematized methods of lightsaber combat, while others were merely techniques or principles of combat applied to lightsaber combat. They were mostly based on other forms, with the exception of Form "Zero", which emphasized avoiding conflict whenever possible. * Sokan - using terrain to one's advantage * Shien - attacking many foes at once with wide, sweeping strokes * Jar'Kai - two-handed lightsaber combat, using one blade for attack, another for defence * Lus-ma - only once mentioned, used by Greivous' Magnaguards * Form "Zero" - avoiding combat when not necessary * Dun Möch - distracting and taunting an opponent, a sith technique * Telekinetic lightsaber combat * Trispzest - a type of aerial duelling * Mounted lightsaber combat * Double-bladed lightsaber combat * Lightwhip combat * Tràkata - taking advantage of a lightsaber's ability to be turned quickly on and off
He caught the blade when it was about 2 inches from him. " Jak, is that really trying? I was able to catch the blade. JACOB is better than this." he said mockingly.
" Why thank you. But actually try." he said as he left his sword where it was and parried the blow, simply moving his upper body to the left.
John ran into the park, nearly running into- and possibly injuring badly- the kid that had tried to jump on him earlier. He leaped over the small child and kept running until he was out of sight of any electronics.
OOC: Somebody Told Me by The Killers........ Lol my mum says I have to buy an XBox360 with my own money.... And PS2 is still a good platform. It's just not the best. I prefer PC to all else personally.
He still stood there. " Come one, you take the first attack. Good guys supposedly always win, anyways."
James entered the training ground. " Charge." he said simply, stabbing his sword in the ground next to him.