OOC: when're we starting???
James landed, having his back turned to him. " Jak, let's go to the REAL area." He disappeared, having jumped somewhere.
OOC: ya. It might not be.....
"Yep. It's still mercy. And you'll be the next ones I show it to." He advanced on them, not taking any precautions.
"Oh please? I was taking mercy on them. None are dead. They won't fight for a LONG time, but they're not dead."
OOC: ya I'm officially gonna start playing a game. I might be on later.
" 'Cause I'm bored. It's really unfortunate you've gotta come here at this moment. I'm still not pumped up from all these weaklings." He motioned towards all the soldiers laying on the ground, either unconscious or screaming.
OOC: idunno... But I think I might start playing a game....
Balmung went on, soldiers coming left and right trying to kill him. They all ended up on the ground, clenching onto some body part, screaming in pain. He finally stopped, a soldier with a spear standing in his way. The soldier was obviously terrified and knew he would soon be with the others, and it was also obvious that Balmung was sucking in this terror with a kind of demented pleasure. He poked the man in the forehead, and the soldier flew back around twenty feet, looking as if he had been beat for hours on end for a week. He had simply been poked. He turned to look at Rhianna, her being the only remaining target at the moment.
OOC: I was talking to Prince about games.
OOC: me too, but I'm warming up. I'm EXTREMELY hot and my brain hurts. Plus I have my mind on other things. Which is bad enough without my brain being fried sunny-side up. BIC: Balmung stepped over the man, in the mood to cause as much suffering as possible. He wanted this memory to sidetrack his mind as he got chewed on by The Leader, who would obviously be mad at his discovery as he had watched. OOC: I wonder why he calls him The Leader..... I just feel like it.....
OOC: yep... Why did we start pointing out the flaws of people???
Another soldier saw that occur and ran over, only to find out as he watched Balmung that he had a knife going through his hand. He tried to scream, but Balmung already had his gloved hand over the soldier's mouth. Eventually the soldier fell limp and Balmung let go. The soldier collapsed to the ground, almost dead from suffocation and bleeding. OOC: now ain't that evil?
OOC: 'nother flaw of mankind. We're the most ignorant things ever, most likely. ( Don't get why we say donkeys are, when we're twice as bad.)
seems interesting....... Name: Doron Krotan Age: (has to be atleast a long time if vampire or werewolf): 552 Race: (Vampire or Werewolve, or Human): Vampire Gender: Male Appearance: he usually wears a black leather coat that goes all the way down to his ankles. Under it he wears light padding, which protects him from the majority of blows to his chest. But it can only take so much damage before it breaks. Weapon: a large, two-handed, sword. The handle is covered in red Other: His sword, when it cuts something, automatically absorbs the blood into a storing tube inside the blade. he later takes it out for uses.
James kicked the blade away, having a clear shot at Jak's face.
He walked casually into camp, telling a guard about what had happened before knocking him out and taking his money.
James jumped over the blade, his left foot actually planting on the flat of it so he could jump further.
OOC: you're in and here's a new character I'm making Name: Aaron Gunnar Allegiance: Jedi Age: 22 gender: male race: Near-Human ( mandalorian, to be exact) Appearance: http://liamnich88.deviantart.com/art/jedi-72400931 Lightsaber color(s): blue personality: fast and efficient, he takes out anything in his way almost instantly. He was once faced with six sith and knocked all of them off the platform ( falling 90,000 feet) with one force blast. He's also a guy of little words. bio: no one really knows.