Panting with a smile the blades that Alistair had called forth had returned back into his body and the aristocrat sighed as he stood up straight "Well now, that was a good powers are growing quite well" Alistair said with a grin staring down at his hand before heading off back to his room. With a sigh he just collapsed on his bed right beside his dear mistress and quickly fell asleep.
Letting a relaxed smiled, Nero grabbed his fork once more preparing to dig into his meal once more but immediately his ears began to twitch and his smile became brighter. "AH! ITS DAEDRIK!" Nero said happily before his smile grew even brighter upon hearing another voice "AH! AND VALISTAIR AS WELL!" Nero said happily. With pin point accuracy Nero used his fork and stabbed the small piece of salmon on his place and brought the fish to his mouth. "What am I doing? Im eating!" Nero mumbled as he chewed his food, doing his best not to open his mouth unnecessarily. With a big swallow, Nero let out a big sigh and smiled once more. "Why was I crying?...let me explain.." Nero said lowing his head as he held his temples with on hand and rose his other. "Imagine walking down a dark tunnel with absolutely no wander and wander until you are lost....why are you lost? don't ask me, you were stupid enough to even wander in a cave for no reason...aaaaaaaaanyways you wander for days...missing that light...almost believing light was nothing more than a fallacy, but then you see it...up ahead you see the light! you run, you run so fast and then you finally embrace light! your eyes water and so does your pants...because honestly...caves don't have bathrooms sillies...aaaaaaaanyways what I am getting at is.....I....don't even know....I'm blind...I have no idea about dark caves...." Nero said. Taking a bite of the last piece of fish, Nero began chewing again "All I know is I love eating this food...." Nero said happily. "Pikachu was upset about me calling him Pikachu and- NOT AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN" Nero yelled as the cat jumped on his face once more causing him to fall off his seat "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! IM SORRY FAUST!" Nero cried out before the cat once again jumped off his face, leaving the fledgling on the ground "eheheh....i got in trouble again..." Nero said chuckling weakly
It had seemed everybody preferred to just sit around and drink, which was not a real surprise to Asterion. The observer merely took a seat upon the free seats and with a sigh he let out a groan before noticing Daphne ahead. The girl smiled at him so it was only polite to smile back, albeit it was a exasperated smile. He really wished to get out of there, but he had to at least wait and see what the others had found out before they could all leave Fairwyn. Sighing seemed to be of the norm as he turned and glanced over at Crestatia "So I am assuming that trip must have been quite the tedious are you fair-" Asterion began to say before closing his eyes and cringed in annoyance at the sudden drunken yelling of Sienna. Could nobody in this bar control their liquor? Sangira most likely could have, but it was in her nature to be the carefree idiot she normal was so it was no surprise to him. Daphne had taken care of the idiot yelling about so Asterion was quite glad he didn't have to deal with the girl trying to gain attention to her drunken stupor. Vex had joined the group and surprisingly the valen was not actually drunk. Leaning against his chair he crossed his arms and looked up at Vex "Yeah, they went off to try and get that book they found translated" Asterion said.
Spoiler: Anger and Love Alistair was glad to see that he had awoken in this world once more. The times he had awoken here were unknown to him and even when he wished to return here he was not given the opportunity. After what had happened before, his desire to return here had been the highest it had ever been. The flames burned and raged with an intense heat, a heat far greater than before. Everything looked the same, but at the same time was far different from before. The mob of ghoul stood before him but they meant little to him. With a snap of the fingers the ghouls perished and only one man stood alone in the distance. His eyes narrowed and his body moved forward, walking slowly as he approached the man. There was no words he wished to usher out, the man deserved none from him. Alistair opened his palm as a blade shot out of the palm. With his hand grasped around the hilt of the blade the speed of Alistair’s trek grew faster and faster. With each step his anger grew and grew and as his anger grew so too did the heat of the flames that were around him grow. Raising the blade that he held he swung it down at the man that had his back facing him. Alistair’s blade met with resistance and his eyes could only widen in shock as the man had blocked the blow with his own blade. Jumping back he prepared his blade once more ready to lunge at him again. The man that had no experience wielding a blade faced him and narrowed his eyes with a mocking smirk. That sheer smile infuriated Alistair and raising his free palm the host of the angel of death fired a flurry of small blades at the man he called father. The storm of blades were deflected off the man’s blade and in turn he blocked a slash from Alistair, who had tried to lung forward and attack. In a furry, Alistair began to repeatedly slash at the man, trying to at least cut the man once. His efforts failed and in the end the man began to say one thing each time he blocked. “Weak…” Alistair’s eyes were seething with rage at this point. His slashes were becoming much more wild and with each blow having been deflected, Alistair was countered and found his body slashed. Even so, as the flames grew and grew, Alistair did not stop in the slightest. “die…JUST DIE! DIE DIE DIE!” With each slash he yelled out the word die, desperately trying to end his father, his anger grew and soon enough the heat around him reached unbearable heights. He realized just what was the cause of all this, but it was too late, the flames that had crept towards him had finally grown huge and devoured him. His flesh slowly began to disintegrate as the flames burned away at his body. The flames of his rage were scortching his flesh as each little piece turned to ash. The flames held him back and as he burned he weakly stretched out to his father in a meek attempt to strangle the man that stared at him with a smirk. “Anger…anger is a tool…a double edged sword…” Alistair’s eyes widened upon the sound of Azrael’s voice. “Anger is something to be used…but you yourself are being used Alistair…that hatred you use…is nothing more than a tool that man before you is using…a clear mind…that is your tool…” Alistairs eyes closed as a grin crept across whatever remained of his body. “So I see…each of these events…each has it’s own lesson I need to learn…how lame” Alistair spoke those words as the flames dispersed and his body recovered “I don’t need your fucking lessons…I do this myself” With this declared he stared forward at the man before him and closed his eyes and began to laugh. As much as he hated it, Azrael was the one to make him see it all. All those missions before, all of them awakened something in Alistair and made him stronger. “Its amazing how clear it has gotten…you are a pathetic man that does not deserve my rage…” With that said Alistair rushed forward in an agile and fluid motion. Before the father could even react Alistair had made it right in front of the man. He pointed both palms at the man’s shoulders and immediately long sword burst out of the palms and stabbed the man rising him upwards, imapailed by the swords piercing the shoulders. “Your not the worst father…no…your not even close…there are a whole shitload of them out there….” Alistair raised his leg and immediately kicked the man causing him to go flying from the blades that impailed him and landed on the ground. With that mere action Alistair walked up to the fallen man who was weakened to the point that he could even barely move. With a smirk Alistair merely placed his foot on top of the man’s head “But even so…I don’t give a **** about other dads…you’re the worst scum in my eyes…” Alistair’s leg raised up and soon began to repeatedly stomp on the man’s head “BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD,” Alistair yelled this out with each step until finally Alistair kicked the body upward and pointed his palm upwards at the airborne man and clenched his fist as blades pierced the man from all corners. There was nothing left of the man Alistair called father.There was nothing left blocking his way to Azrael, it was time for him to encounter the angel of death, or so he though… A piercing pain hit his chest and Alistair as he stared down to see a blade had pierced through his chest. His powers had grown, and he could tell who it was that stabbed him from behind without even looking. Tears ran down his face as his lips quivered. “Your final obstacle…this will not be a lesson…this will prove…how far you’ve gotten…” Azrael’s words were cold, but Alistair did not care in the slightest. The blade was pulled out and Alistair immediately turned around to face the white haired woman holding a sword. “Mother…” Alistair ushered the words but immediately he found himself deflecting a slash and staggering back. The woman continued to slash forward and all Alistair could do was helplessly block each slash and move backwards. The warm loving face she always had was now unemotional, but even so it was still his mother’s face, the very person that had loved him. “I…I cant” Alistair said in pure despair as the tears fell. He knew the woman would kill him without a single shred of mercy, but he could not bring himself to attack her. As a child he saw them, those awful visions. It was this very woman that had prevented him from going mad. Wasn’t it fair that this very woman ended him? His body moved on its own, following what he needed to do. The sword was deflected, but Alistair did not step back. Stepping forward with a sword in hand Alistair thrust the blade forward through his mother’s chest “…sorry…I’ve done unforgivable things…I’m not the same little boy you raised…but this is something I must do…” Arms embraced him as tears fell down his face, but soon those tears dried as the body embracing him soon vanished. Wiping away whatever water remained in his eyes, Alistair stared upwards as a smirk crept across his face. “Enough with the family complex…stop being a ****ing coward and face me!” “Took you long enough…I’ll enjoy this..” There was no feel, no pressure anymore. As everything faded, Alistair still kept his eyes on the angel of death before him before it had finally ended. Eyes slowly opened up, taking time to adjust and realize just where he was once more. It was odd being in his room once again. He hadn't spent much time in the room and it was just repaired. He never really did hold any attatchment for the room, but he did admit he would eventually hold some feelings for it after a long time away from it. Sitting up, he glanced down over at the girl beside him and smiled softly as he watched her sleep so peacefully. Not wishing to disturb her, after all there would be a full day for him to disturb her peace later on. His suit firmly set on his body, Alistair stood up and stretched his body before grabbing the cane that rested nearby. Lifting up the cane up he merely stared up at it. Ever since the previous session he couldn't call upon Arondight and the sword had remained in it's sealed form. It was certainly a great loss, but there was nothing he could do but hold onto it and sigh. Placing the cane away he merely took a seat and waited for Tempy to awaken.
After what felt like forever, Nero stopped chuckling like a delusional idiot and sat up rubbing his head "Maaaaaaaaaan that hurt..." Nero said hoping up to his feet before scratching the back of his head "now...what was I going to do....AH RIGHT! FOOD!" Nero yelled happily as the wondrous sent had finally managed to reach his nose. Running off he had managed to finally gain the fabled meat he had been looking forward to. At last he finally held it in a tray. Though he could not see it, it was still a work of beauty. Taking a seat he took hold of a fork and pulled the piece of fish into his mouth. "This is....g-glorious" Nero said as he chewed, tears ran down his face. As he ate on he suddenly heard the meow of an all to familiar cat and Nero's face brightened "Ah! your back! I'm still mad about you ditching me like that, but even so I'll forgive you and share my glorious must be hungry Pikac-WAAAAAAAAH" Nero began to said before his faithful companion suddenly jumped onto his face with a hiss "GAAAAAAAH I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYYYYY" Nero cried flailing around until finally the cat jumped off his face and took a piece of fish.
Regulus and the other demons watched what Soren had to say and suddenly Docrates suddenly began to laugh hard at Soren as the boy made his exit from the area. Phaeton raised an eyebrow at Soren and made no sound, but even Regulus couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "Honestly...did he just acknowledge he was Lucifer's pawn?" Regulus said as he smirked "Lucifer is not stupid...obviously Lucifer loathes betrayal" Regulus said tuning away. He never cared for Soren's life, only for the boy to get the hell out of his lair and stop killing his demons. "HAH STRONGEST?! THIS GUY MAKES ME LAUGH...power really does blind a person." Docrates laughed on before his laughter soon died down as he and Phaeton walked on. They were given orders to really help the wounded demons. Regulus began working on strengthening and repairing demons until he finally retired for the night and fell asleep. William was honestly amazed that they had managed to not only gain one more angel, but another to boot. Everything had seemed to be going right for them at the moment. They managed to gain back the group that was kidnapped, they were allowed to borrow an airplane, and now the two newcommers. As he walked in, William smiled and fell asleep on the plane.
At the sheer mention of beating up the Fairwyn guards, Asterion didn't respond at Garret with words or a scoff, but merely closed his eyes as a small grin crept across his face at the sheer thought of it. It would have been quite the blast to do that and he was so looking forward to it, but he knew it was foolish to even do something like that. Going back into the Hall probably meant that whatever held them back would take action once more until Marina's game was over. He wasn't sure about this but they needed at least some caution. He was pretty sure none of them held a masking spell like the guard had before and he was unsure if his power negation would stop whatever held them there. His thoughts were drawn over to the familiar drunken female valen that had walked into the bar and Asterion merely groaned as he rubbed his temples. "So...while the others are out doing things, I do hope we don't waste our time here getting drunk..." Asterion said. Closing his eyes as he crossed his arms "We could always return to Aether...or...possibly we could explore around Fairwyn as well and possibly get in contact with whoever rules this place?....or just get drunk and stay here..." Asterion said, saying the last one with a groan. He was getting tired of merely doing nothing and though he wished he could have joined the others, he figured their group was big enough.
Demons fell one by one by the attacks of Soren. It was to be expected that the fodder had been killed off with ease. The stronger ones had barely done a single thing and soon found themselves killed off as well. Though the wave had been killed, more and more had risen forth of varying strength had head towards Soren in an attempt to take the boy's life. In general the demons had begun to do exactly as Regulus wished. The demons were a diversion used to merely hold down the boy and although it meant sacrificing some demons it was no greater than the amount if he left the boy to do as he pleased. "Docrates.....Phaeton.....go..." "Alriiiiiiiiiiight" With a gleeful cheer the demon on the right had charged forth straight at Soren while one on the left joined as well. Their skills leaps above the mindless beasts, they gracefully charged forward at Soren with sharp and deadly claws. While the boy dealt with the lesser demons, the other two lunged towards the boy and slashed forth at him. Docrates's was estatic, enjoying any wounds he received from Soren, but Phaeton was calm and stoic despite the wounds. The two were opposites, but despite this the two worked fluidly, as if the two were the very same person. With their claws they began to slash at the boy cutting his skin as they in turn got harmed as well. However in the end the two had managed to push the boy to the ground and point their claws ready to finish him off. "weeeeeell that was indeed!" With the demons words, Regulus merely stared down at Soren. "I will give you one last chance...leave now if you value your life...your refusal means I shall end you here..." Regulus said calmly crossing his arms as he continued to stare down at Soren.
William did not wish to waste time trying to recruit the girl before him. If they wanted to get it over as fast as possible they needed to do it right. Of course William didn't know how to do it right, but he had to at least give it a shot. Taking a step ahead William closed his eyes with a smile, placing his hands behind his back. It was starting to get scary how easily he was able to act like this. "Sorry for disturbing your meal and all, but have you hear about the disaster all around the world? planes falling and people dying?" William said as he hopped onto the seat across of Tiia. "What if I were to tell you that the two of us are angels? angels that were kicked out of hell and forced to live normal human life? crazy right?" William said scratching the back of his head as he let out a small laughter, but stopped as his red eyes widened upon noticing a single fact "Oh! how rude of me! I haven't introduced myself! I'm William!" Will said extending his small hand out to shake.
A hearty laughter had echoed throughout the area, but it didn't come from the silver haired man, but the demon that stood beside the silver haired man... "Your right Regulus...this boy is a fool...a cocky one at that" Regulus' eyes shifted over at the speaking demon but then shifted towards the boy once again. "This result was foreseen...hungry beasts are always drawn by the scent of blood..." Regulus said not really speaking to Soren as he knew the boy would merely sprout stuff he really didn't give a damn about. "Call them..." Regulus said. "...very well Regulus...COME FORTH MY BRETHREN!" Upon the cries of the demon of the demon standing by Regulus' left, the once silent basement had erupted with noise. Bursting out of cells jumped out. The hoards of demons began to swarm the area following the scent of the nephilim. The strength of these demons varied a great deal, some weak but others holding great unshown strength. This was Regulus' lair, this was where he preformed all his work. The beings he created all called this place home. Every single advantage was in Sariel's favour. The other nephilim were smart enough to know not to enter this place, but the child before him was rash and ignored this fact. Caius was merely lucky that he was Regulus' toy. The demons began to surround Soren, some snarling, while other remained as calm as ever. Regulus merely pointed his palm straight at Soren and clenching his fist, invisible shards flew straight at the boy. With the cue demons began rushing forward towards the Soren. The boy would soon turn into a mere thorn, so it was best if he dealt with it now.
"Hardly..." Regulus' voice and footsteps echoed throughout the basement as he walked towards the source of the new arrival. The one he had expected to arrive had finally made his appearance and it was only fair that Regulus welcome the fool that decided to show himself. Behind him was his usual doll and beside them were a pair of humanoid demons that were fully dressed. They stood as calm as possible compared to the demons that had roamed around. "The child boasting around after doing away with fodder...though I share some blame as well, Lucifer does not take well to his demons being killed..." Regulus said crossing his arms as he stood across the nephilim. "This is a den of demons....a den that holds those that do not take well to the death of its brethren...leave now if you value your life...this is my warning...if desist then whatever happens will be of your own fault" Regulus said coldly uncrossing his eyes as the doll and two demons took a step beside the silver haired man.
There were all speaking, but there was nothing of use that was being said and at moment he really questioned if speaking to this group was the best choice. They needed more stuff, everything was just too enigmatic for them to come up with a final decision and they really did not have much time to merely be gawking around and grasping at straws. All the noise was just plain old annoying and it was really boiling his blood. Thank god he managed to get Magnus to go outside. His attention was immediately sent over at the door that had opened. At first he feared it was Magnus, but then recalled that if it was then the door would have flown off instead of merely opened the way it did. His eyes widened to see the familiar face of Darren. He had begun to think that he had lost the three, but here he was, most likely with the other two as well, hopefully with something new. Eyes closed and arms crossed he listened to the words of the group, gathering up what was said in order to see if any of it made sense. Unfortunately none of it made sense, but regardless they still had new clues. "I wonder about the Fairwyn guards that invaded the Hall of games" Asterion said placing his hand on his chin. "Those fools...they may look like pompous idiots...but still...That idiot Magnus almost destroyed the entire hall...who knows what they will do or find in that place..." Asterion said saying what he had on mind at moment.
With each mere second the passion grew, with each kiss everything felt greater and greater. The sheer idea that Temeluchas was the one to start this, to have her be the one to pounce her would have been a maddening though had it not been for the fact that he had accept it. Had he been told this would have happened months ago his whole entire being would have never believed it. This was his love to her, one that had begun ever since their first encounter and had changed a great deal ever since then. He could barely breath as his mouth continued to press against his mistress'. He barely took even moments to breath in, not wanting to even part his own lips from hers. He felt her hand run through his hair and their bodies rolled to the side. He felt her long nails tear through his clothing and in turn Alistair's grip had taken a hold of the black dress on Temeluchas. The pain of his chest was burning, but he ignored it to the best of his ability. More and more he wished that the bandages covering his chest weren't there, so he could fully feel her warmth of her body. Even with her disfigured cursed body, he was not deterred in the slightest. He loved the dark angel, it was simple as that. When all was done and his mistress having returned to her usual self, Alistair softly smiled as he watched her cover herself and yell out her hatred for him. "Yes, yes, I hate me" Alistair said softly as he made his way towards the girl "but even when you find a much more stronger and efficient pet....even when you decide to toss me aside...I will still love you...Temeluchas" Alistair said lightly pulling down the blanket covering her face. Placing one hand over her right cheek he leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead before pulling back. With that over he merely rested beside her and fell asleep Regulus merely retreated to Beelzebub's room and decided to use that as a temporary sleeping quarters. William went with the others and fell asleep
"Im here to see how your doing" William said keeping the not so actual facade up. Crossing his arms he continued to stare up at her and tilted her head "I mean...I know those weirdos spoke to you and all...and sadly...I'm a part of their group" William said closing his eyes with a sigh. "All that talk about angels and stuff....its all rough..I was only recruited a little more than a week ago. Its a big decision, but I figured maybe you'd might like somebody to talk to or something." William said looking up at her once more."We won't hold it against you if you decide to back off" William said.
He had done it, it wasn't intentional, but he had done it. Temeluchas was burning with rage, she could not handle his words and she was about to take out her fury on him. She hovered over him with the great hateful stare at him and in turn he merely stared up at her pretty face and continued to smile at her. He smirked as he watched her, waiting for whatever she had planned for him, but that smirk soon vanished instantly. It all had happened so fast, a slew of insult were sent straight at him, but then her body lowered and their lips connected. She had managed to do exactly what she wanted, she had shut him up. His eyes had widened by the sudden contact of lips, but soon closed. If this was going to be the way that she would shut him up then he would like this quite a deal. His arms wrapped around the mistress above him and pulled her closer to him as he held her. This was nothing like those other times before, where the two of them merely used each other for their own benefit.
"so...huuuuuuuungrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy" Nero cried out in anguish as he walked down the halls slouched downwards as his arms drooped downwards and swayed side to side as the fledgling walked on in anguish. "I neeeeeeeeeeed foooooooooooooooooooood" Nero cried out some more as he walked on losing a great deal of strength with each step. Class had only just ended and it was time for lunch, but Nero did not even know if he could even make it into the cafeteria without passing out from starvation. Meow... The sudden sound of a meow right by his ear had been caught by Nero and he merely let out a sigh "of course I ate was quite yummy....ah long ago it was....that warm delicate meal...such tastiness that went into my mouth, the suculent flavours bursting and tickling my taste buds...oh how I miss you breakfast" Nero said as tears ran down his face "OH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME BREAKFAST! PLEASE BREAKFAST! PLEASE RETURN TO ME" Nero cried as he rose his head and placed his arm over his eyes and bawled his eyes out. ....meow.... "eh...Im not overreacting....Im just really really hungry" Nero said lowering his head and arm as he continued to walk and then soon began to mope as he walked on "doh.....but I dunno if I can make it to lunch....I'm gonna die before tasting the deliciousness of meat" Nero said as his mouth began to water..."dawww......warm succulent meat" Nero said wiping his mouth. With their travels they had at last reached the fabled cafeteria and Nero was filled with all sort of glee. "Smell that that fish...i-its beautiful" Nero said tearfully. "You must be hungry too Pikachu!" Nero sad with a grin as he wiped the tears. .......MEOW.... "whaaa no need to yell....I mean sure you hate when I call you Pikachu and all, but the way you relax on my shoulder like this its like your Pikachu or something! why don't we become the Vampire Master! and eh?" Nero said as he suddenly stopped once he felt the cat on his shoulder had jumped off. "W-w-well fine then! more fish for me! see if I care" Nero said walking forward, on to walk head first into a wall and fell to the ground "eheheheh...that hurts" Nero said dazed with a smile as he laid on the ground.
The whole recruiting of the girl had turned into sheer failure and William was beginning to thing that each and every recruitment was going to end up like this. So much time was being wasted and if things did not change they would be stuck recruiting the whole adventure and not move on to the finale. William could understand how the girl must have felt, it wasn't that long since he was whisked away by this group and he still didn't feel all a part of it, still clinging to the normality he had left. If they really didn't have much option for this then maybe he should have at least made an attempt. Merely approaching them like the other have been wouldn't work so he had to at least take a different approach. He loathed doing it but it was for the sake of the world so he had no choice but to actually go through with it. Grumbling as he adjusted the goggles on his head, William closed his eyes before a smile crept across his face. Skipping down the lobby, William stopped before the front desk "Hey there Miss. Alejandra! care to talk?" William said tilting his head with a bright smile. Despite how much he loathed it...he hated the fact that this sort of action felt natural to him
Was he really seeing things? did her face actually turn red? who knew actually speaking the truth would make her so flustered, it was far too adorable for him. Watching her plop down on his bed, Alistair merely did the same and rested his back on the bed. The sudden movement as he laid on the bed immediately made him cringe in pain and hold his wounded chest, but after taking a deep sigh he brushed off the pain. Rolling onto his side and resting his cheek on his risen knuckle, Alistair softly smiled as he stared at the dark angel picking at his blanket's threads. "You know...your really impatient...." Alistair said. "just give it some time...and soon you'll be greater than you are now...if thats even possible" Alistair said closing his eyes with a small chuckle before opening his eyes once more and stared at her "besides, though I do not know if you consider it a good or bad thing, I'll always be by your side...ready to do what you wish" Alistair said.
She said how see hated being called cute with quite the threatening threats, but even so this only made her look even cuter in his eye and dare he say adorable. He really should have stopped smiling in order to please her, but he just couldn't help it and began to chuckle. She continued to berate him some more and Alistair just watched her in her little fit merely accepting her words as usual. She soon found herself making a comment on Alistair's wound and for a strange reason he felt as though the woman actually held a string of concern for him. It was all in his imagination and he stared down at her angry face as she yelled at him for letting them almost kill her. "Sorry Sorrry, it won't happen mistress is the strongest there is....she has no need to dirty her hands after all..." Alistair said closing his eyes with a bright smile. "hmmm...though if you don't like being called cute how about pretty?" Alistair asked happily.